Agility Weapons Conan Exiles (2024)

1. Weapon - Official Conan Exiles Wiki - Fandom

  • Agility based. The short sword is ideal when friendly fire is an issue since it is a directed attack without an AOE. List of Short Swords ...

  • Weapons in Conan Exiles. Non-craftable weapons are random loot from NPCs or chests. Damage is the amount of health damage inflicted on a naked character (no armor), without skill point, and with a 100% damage modifier. Note that weapons crafted with the help of a bowmaker, bladesmith or confessor thrall will get additonal damage. To get the latest revision of this page, use Purge or Purge Cache from the More menu above. Revisions are in progress. Strength based. One handed axes cause Bleed and C

2. Agility weapons need love. No mounted options. Spears should be ...

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  • List of Agility weapons and how good they are. Are limited vs strength weapons. Agility has Daggers, Katanas, Short Swords, Javelins, Bows, Throwing Axes. Fist Weapons. None can be used as melee weapons while on horseback. Also most agility weapons aren’t viable for pvp meta. Outside of daggers. Curiously Katanas have no one handed attack options on horseback. Even though perhaps they should be able to be used on horseback using the one handed sword moveset? Also Spears should most definitely...

3. Category:Bonus Agility Weapon Damage - Conan Exiles Wiki

4. Weapon Damage Types - Wak Nation

  • Damage Type - Agility. Weapons listed in this category will scale off of the agility attributes and perks. Weapons. Daggers. Short Sword. Bow. Javalin. Claws ...

  • Home / Weapon Damage Types

5. [Top 5] Conan Exiles Best Agility Weapons - GAMERS DECIDE

  • 13 nov 2023 · [Top 5] Conan Exiles Best Agility Weapons · 1. Reach of the Red Mother Bow · 2. Curved Slayer Katana · 3. Heartsblood Daggers · 4. The Grim ...

  • [Top 5] Conan Exiles Best Agility Weapons

6. Conan Exiles Weapon Items Database -

  • Conan Exiles Weapon Searchable Item Database with all Weapons, Armors ... Agility Weapon Damage +{0}% A strong, alcoholic beverage ...

  • Conan Exiles Weapon Searchable Item Database with all Weapons, Armors, Consumables, Materials, Pets, Building Items and more!

7. Best Legendary Weapons - Conan Exiles Age of War Update

  • 11 jan 2024 · For our top 3 picks, we'd recommend Annihilator, Mastodon Killer, and The Papyrus Blade. The Annihilator sword has only the second highest base ...

  • A complete guide to the best legendary weapons in Conan Exiles. Includes tips for the best perks on swords, axes, katanas, spears, maces, daggers, and m...

8. Conan Exiles: 10 Best Armors - TheGamer

  • 19 feb 2023 · The Khari Raider armor is a legendary piece of light armor that balances armor points, carrying capacity, and agility weapon damage to make it ...

  • Surviving the Exiled Lands of Conan Exiles isn't a given, so make it a little easier with the best armor choices.

9. Conan Exiles: 10 Best One Handed Swords & How To Get Them

  • 25 mei 2021 · conan exiles sword combat. Damage: 62; Armor Penetration: 9%. Whoever ... These are +2 to Strength, +2 to Agility, +2 to Survival, +2 to ...

  • These blades can make the difference between life and death in this survival game.

Agility Weapons Conan Exiles (2024)


What weapons are agility in Conan? ›

Agility has Daggers, Katanas, Short Swords, Javelins, Bows, Throwing Axes. Fist Weapons. None can be used as melee weapons while on horseback. Also most agility weapons aren't viable for pvp meta.

What is the best agility spear in Conan? ›

The katana is their highest damage agility weapon by far (the one they utilize the best).

What is the most damaging weapon in Conan exile? ›

What is the highest damaging one-handed sword? Predatory Blade with 108 health damage.

What is the best weapon you can make in Conan exile? ›

The best weapon you can craft in the game is the Tenderizer. Nothing can beat it's combination if damage output and armour penetration.

What is the strongest thrall weapon in Conan exile? ›

For weapons, thralls seem to do best with either 2H swords or 1H maces. Don't equip thralls with shields though as they have no idea how to use them correctly. Momentum is the current go to weapon for thralls (and is very good for a strength based player).

What does agility do for thralls Conan exiles? ›

Agility - Increases the damage done by Agility based weapons. Vitality - Increases the Hitpoints. Grit - Increases the armor rating.

What is the best one handed weapon in Conan exiles? ›

The best 1H-Weapon type imho is the axe. It has attack-pattern of slices, up-down-attacka and rotation-attacks. It's has not the reach of a throwing-spear or even a long-sword as there is no sting-attack. but for groups it is unbeatable.

What weapon is best for hide Conan exiles? ›

Use the knife for hides, axe for meat, pickaxe for bone.

What is the strongest arrows in Conan exile? ›

The most powerful raw damage arrow is called the Quivering Arrow (40 damage), but you can't craft them. They are a loot item from Bosses in the Unnamed City. Everything after that is teens and lower.

What is the best fighter companion in Conan exile? ›

Best bet is go for the Berserker if you are always dying in the volcano one always spawns around the highest bit of water to the very left top corner in C11 just before the entrance to the mounds. He /she walks around the area heading to and from Stargazers Crest killing the wights as he / she goes.

What is the best pet Conan exile? ›

Brutus (Playful Pup) – Isle of Siptah

Brutus stands out as the ultimate pet due to his impressive damage output. So his guaranteed perks grant him a significant 45-point increase in strength, resulting in substantial damage dealt to enemies – often surpassing 500 damage per strike.

What weapons are strength-based in Conan Exiles? ›

One Handed Axes

Strength based. One handed axes cause Bleed and Cripple with their attacks. Cripple reduces the movement speed of the enemy, while bleed causes them to constantly use some HP.

What do gazelles do in Conan exiles? ›

This herbivore roams the deserts to munch on the few plants that dare to brave the harsh environment. While the gazelle itself will mostly leave all exiles alone, it won't hesitate in using its horns to defend itself. Their hide can be turned into leather for crafting new and better armor.

What weapons can you use while mounted Conan exiles? ›

Mounted combat

You can use spears, one-handed weapons, bows and lances while riding a horse. You can be forcibly dismounted while in combat. The Damage Endurance Multiplier seen in the mount UI is the multiplier on how easily you can be dismounted when taking damage.

What weapons sunder in Conan Exiles? ›

The Player can inflict Sunder on an enemy using:
  • One-Handed Mace.
  • Two-Handed Mace. Other special weapons can inflict Sunder as a bonus, such as the Yoggite Cudgel.

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