Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1932 WORK STARTED ON FEDERAL AID ROAD PROJECT ON MAUL SIX SURVEYORS PREPARE PLANS No Time To Be Lost Laying Road To Summit of Valley Island's Big Mountain (Special Star- Bulletin Correspondence) WAILUKU, Maul, Oct. a dozen surveyors from the federal bureau of roads arrived this morning to make preliminary plans for six weeks of work on the route of the Haleakala road through Hawaii national park to the summit of Haleakala. H. L. Handley, resident engineer for the federal bureau for Hawaii national park, will arrive from HoFriday with a few additional assistants.

O. H. Winne is in temporary charge here, conducting preliminary preparations for the camp at Puunianiau, the national park boundary, where they will their headquarters for the first three of work. Accompanying Mr. Winne from Honolulu Hualalai.

today were J. C. Pimental, Y. S. Wong and T.

Ting, while S. K. Makua Jr. and H. H.

Hayakawa, national park men from Hawaii, joined them at Grand hotel, having arrived last night from then Big Winne Island. and E. J. Walsh, manager and owner of Grand hotel, went up to Puunianiau early this morning to look over the camp site. Hotel Contracts Job The Grand hotel has been awarded the contract for furnishing all food, water and similar supplies for the surveyors' camp the six or eight weeks they expect to be on Maui.

For the first three weeks they will establish camp at Puunianiau and the remainder of the time will make their headquarters at the rest house at the summit. Only a quarter of a mile of paving remains to be laid on the section from the end of Pukalani to the boundaries of the park at Puunianiau, according to A. Paul Low, who is in charge of the work. is every indication that the worker will be completed before the end of the year, for work is progressing rapidly and weather conditions have been favorable. Federal officials are watching the progress of the road and the fact that the engineering group is due on the island this week for almost two months of advance work indicates that no time will be lost in starting work on the road through the park.

The appropriation is already available and beginning of the work will mean hundreds of thousands of dollars coming into Maui county. Equipments Arrive Tents and similar equipment arrived early this week and are waiting at the Kahului docks. Camp will be pitched at Puunianiau so that the surveying party can move in on Friday of this week. They will spend the first three weeks or so with headquarters at Puunianiau, then as work progresses towards the summit of tain, they will make their head- WEDDED ON BIG ISLAND Miss Caroline Carvalho, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Carvalho, became the bride of Joseph Carvalho son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carvalho, at St. Joseph's church, Hilo, on September 24. They are making their home in Hilo.

In the photo, left to right, Miss Rose Carvalho, Miss Margaret Carvalho, Miss Evelyn Carvalho, Mr. and Mrs. Carvalho, Miss Florence Carvalho, Miss Alice Perreira and Miss Marie Carvalho. Board Votes On Retention Of Packard Car By Kalama (Special Star- Bulletin Correspondence) WAILUKU, Maui, Oct. "Ins" and three "Outs," -the chairman not voting! The resolution was lost! The scene was the supervisoral chamber Tuesday and the vote was on the resolution calling for the disposition of the Packard car by Chairman Sam Kalama on official duties.

Guy S. Goodness, one of the men who lost out in the primary of last Saturday, introduced the measure, which "Be resolved by the board of supervisors of the county of Maui, territory of Hawaii, that the chairand officer the board of supervisors be and he is hereby directed to dispose of the Packard car belonging to the county of Maui and now used by the said chairman, said disposal to be made to the best bidder therefor and that no other car be purchased in place thereof." No one seconded the motion, so the board record says, but Supervisor Alvin K. Silva moved that the resolution be tabled. David T. Fleming seconded that motion.

Chairman Sam Kalama asked to be excused from voting on the measure. The roll call showed ayes for quarters for approximately another three weeks at the rest house at the summit. The Grand hotel will furnish them with all food, water, supplies, and will also send a cook and any other assistants needed for that type of work at the camp. CAR OWNERS! Celebrate with US OUR 5th ANNIVERSARY Starts TODAY -for Two Weeks Only Get the Biggest Values in Town for your car! Buy the accessories and equipment you need--in fact, anything at our store (except gasoline, oil and Goodrich Silvertowns) at HALF PRICE! Auto polish, brake lining, radiator ornaments, floor mats, mirrors, spotlights, seat covers, spark plugs, top dressing, auto enamel, auto horns, chamois skins, and others too numerous to mention. pod BUY 1- Get Another at HALF-PRICE For Example: Spark Plug Another at Cost for TWO $1.12 Similar savings can be made on hundreds of items during our 5th Anniversary Celebration.

Drive in early! GOODRICH The Safest Tire Ever FREE BALLOONS Built--get a set now to every customer. Be sure to -ride MORE miles get yours. in Safety! AALA SERVICE STATION, LTD. Beretania and Hall Sts. Phone 5262 SHORT ELECTED KOHALA LEADER 2 Pairs of Candidates Are Tied In Election Held By Kohala Teachers' Assn.

(Special Star- Bulletin Correspondence) KOHALA, Hawaii, Oct. With two pairs of candidates tied for election to two offices, members of tLe Kohala teachers association will cast a second ballot in an effort to break the ties. John Grace and Saka! Hayashi each received 22 votes for the office of grammar division committeeman. and Miss Lily Tenn Wong each received 22 votes for election as primary division committeewoman. Walter Short was elected presifor the coming year and Miss Margaret Yee, secretary.

Committeewomen elected outright were Mrs. Andrew Walker for the high school division and Miss Bertha Mahikoa for the intermediate division. Voting was by mail and the returned ballots were opened and counted Tuesday afternoon at Honomakau by the executive committee composed of Harlan M. Roberts, Edwin K. Lindsey, Miss Margaret Wong and Miss Doris Misaka.

Second ballots for the two tied officers will be mailed within the next few days to all members of the association which includes teachers in both the Kohalas. Mailing of the ballots will be in charge Harlan M. Roberts, principal of the Kohala high and grammar school. Food Sale Planned Plans for a food sale to be held on the evening of November 5 at the Halaula social hall were considered at a meeting of the women's society of the Kohala union church held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Devotional Harlan M.

Robertsere led by Mrs. Leslie W. Wishard and Mrs. Douglas Bond read the chapter on "Science and Religion" from Dr. Albert W.

Palmer's latest book, Others present were Mesdames George C. Watt, Jane Hill, Thomas Murray, Kenneth Bond, Walter Short, Douglas Stewart and Robert Smith. Delicatessen Sale A delicatessen sale will be held October 22, at 3 p. m. at Hawi hall, according to de by members of St.

Augustine's guild at a rectory. Maude Woods was meeting Tuesday, afternoon at the hostess at the. tea which followed the business session. Other members present were Mesdames A. Achilles, Charles Stone, Richard T.

Treadwell, James Walker, Charles W. Vannatta and Miss Doreen Bryant. SUSPENDED SENTENCE Alden Mahaulu pleaded guilty Friday before Judge A. M. Cristy to a statutory offense against a girl under 16 and was placed under suspended sentence for five Henry Sherry pleaded rearsis to two similar offenses.

Sentence will be pronounced at 1:30 p. m. Tuesday. Patrick Harrison, also charged with such an offense, entered a plea of not guilty. Prize Winner Consuelo Barcelona, winner of the first prize given by the Waipahu Filipino Evangelical church in reciting the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes and the Twenty-third Psalm.

She belongs to the Junior Girls' class of the Sunday school. Consuelo is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barcelona of Waipahu. THE STAR-BULLETIN CONGRATULATES TODAY- Arthur J.

Spitzer, Honolulu merchant, who is 56 years old today. Born in Chicago, Mr. Spitzer has been a resident of Honolulu since 1900. He has been associated for many years with I. Rubenstein of which he is vice president, and is also a director of the Hub Clothing founded by his father, the late Joseph Spitzer.

John C. Oliveira, contractor foreman for the road department at Hauula for 30 years, who is 59 years old today. He was employed for two years on a plantation on Kauai before going to Hauula. Mr. Oliveira was born at St.

Michael, Portugal, and came to the islands when four years old. BOSNIA HAS HUGE OAK RANKOVICH, Jugoslavia. Possession of the largest oak in the world is claimed by this Bosnian village. The tree is 33 feet diameter and can shelter 70 men its hollow trunk. Shepherds use it as a refuge from sudden storms for themselves and flocks.

Ladies, Attention! GRECIAN CORSET SHOP OPENING MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, AT FORT AND HOTEL ABOVE BENSON, SMITH DRUGSTORE Grecian Foundation Garments, long a favorite with discriminating women, are designed for beauty, support, grace and comfort. Made by the Grecian Corset Co. of Chicago, they the perfect fit of a well woman. Mrs. Margaret Moreira Proprietor of the Grecian Corset Shop INVITES YOUR INSPECTION AND A TRIAL FITTING Remember HALLOWE'EN I October 31 Whether your Hallowe'en Party this year is being planned for youngsters or grownups now is the time to shop for decorations, favors, new games to play and decide on refreshments.

And at the same time you are remembering Halloween -remember, too, that half the the party is in selecting Patten's favors, place cards, prizes, games, of which add to the enthusiasm of your guests. PATTEN LTD. HOTEL STREET APPROPRIATIONS ARE VOTED UPON 11 Resolutions Are Passed and Contract Awards Are Made By Hawaii Board (Special Star- Bulletin Correspondence) HILO, Hawaii, Oct. board of supervisors Thursday afternoon passed the following resolutions: Appropriation of $50 for the erection of a wire stop alongside Waipio school: $800 for the improvement of the Holualoa school grounds; $100 for clearing the keawe trees grown across the trail from Kawalhae to Kalahuipuaa; $300 for the construction of new buildings at East Hawaii schools; $771.42 for the moving of Ninole school to Nanue; $66.74 for improvement of the Laupahoehoe school road; $758.90 for the payment of county employes who attended the National Guard camp on Maui; $200 for the Hilo Memorial hospital equipment, and the quarterly budget of the county. The board also awarded the contract, for Hilo hospital equipment Theo.

H. Davies Co. for $1,401.30. The American Factors was the only other bidder with $1,405.80. The American Factors, the only firm bidding for the contract of furnishing the 1933 automobile number plates, was given the contract for $1,176.20.

The same firm was awarded contract for furnishing the building materials for the construction of the Honokahau school teachers' cottage for $2,583.70. T. H. Davies Co. was the only other firm that bid with $2,678.

2 Plague Cases Reported Found (Special Star- Bulletin Correspondence) WAILUKU, Maui, Oct. case of human plague and another of rodent plague have been reported to have been found during September by board of health and federal public health officials here. A total of 5.581 rodents were received at the laboratory in Kahului, according to the report. Thirty nine of the rats were found dead, 38 from poison. Trappers caught 3,380 rats.

The human plague was found cLout a mile mauka of Makawao and the rodent plague in Pukalani gulch, just below Makawao. Cuticura Talcum Cools and Comforts Fine, soft and smooth as silk it keeps the skin comfortable twenty-four hours of the day. It also does much to prevent chafing and irritation. Price 25c. Acquire Slenderness Kay Singlehurst Professional Danseuse, Instructor and Director of Entertainments Direct from 6 years in New York OPENING CLASSES IN ALL TYPES OF DANCING at Pa Hauoli Theater Tuition unusually low in keeping with the times.

Study now and save money. For information call 2918 Care of C. S. Weight, 2029 Nouanu Ave. Fleming, Holstein and Alvin Silva.

The were Guy Goodness, Peru-, via Goodness and Charles Lake. The car remains and the veteran head of the board still has a vehicle in which to make his rounds of the county in the discharge of his duties. Man Hurls Self Into Kuhio Bay (Special Star- Bulletin Correspondence) HILO, Hawaii, Oct. he was tired of living, Eddie White, 55, attempted suicide by jumping off Pier 1 into Kuhio bay shortly before 7:15 p. m.

Wednesday. The night watchman saw White hurl himself into the bay and jumped right in to save the despondent man. When White recovered, he told the watchman that he was tired of living and wanted to drown. Police were summoned by the watchman at 7:15 p. m.

White was taken into custody given a warm bunk in the Hilo jail. He will be released by police. MOLOKAI PERSONALS (Special Star- Bulletin Correspondence) KAUNAKAKAI, Molokai, Oct. W. J.

Burns of the Standard Oil Co. of Maui is spending a few days on Molokai on business. Dr. Paul Wig, government physician here, assisted by Miss Dorothy Catlin, public health nurse, are conducting the annual examination of beginners at Molokai schools. R.

H. Ely and Louis Kaiser of the Honolulu offices of the Molokai Electric Co. arrived here to supervise the installation two and, gigantic motors in the company's new building. Cornwall Friel, manager of the Molokai Motors garage, who was recently married in Honolulu returned Tuesday night together with his bride. The couple are making their home at Ualapue.

MAUI PERSONALS (Special Star- -Bulletin Correspondence) WAILUKU, Maui, Oct. Herrscher, manager of the Kaeleku Sugar returned from Honolulu Tuesday and registered at the Grand hotel. Mr. and Mrs. H.

H. Alexander welcomed a baby daughter on Sunday at Puunene hospital. Walter A. Engle of Ulupalakua registered at the Grand hotel Saturday. Miss Marion MacMillan, head nurse at Paia hospital, returned from the mainland on Monday.

E. F. Benoit of Upjohn Co. is registered at the Wailuku hotel. A.

G. Clutterbuck of the C. P. C. offices in Honolulu is registered at the Grand hotel.

Mrs. L. Lyon returned to Paia from Honolulu on Monday. Eugene Weber, Honolulu business man, is making his headquarters at the Grand hotel. Leon A.

Quonson, representative for American Factors, is registered at the Wailuku hotel. D. C. Derby, staff expert with Libby. McNeill Libby, is at the Grand hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Thomas returned on the Waialeale Monday.

L. P. Correa, representative for Armand-Weill is a guest at' the Wailuku hotel this week. H. C.

Babbitt, salesman for C. Brewer is stopping at the Grand hotel. A. Burger, commission agent of Honolulu, spent the weekend at the Wailuku hotel. E.

E. Manke of Honolulu is registered at the Grand hotel. Paul Sterner is a guest at the Wailuku hotel. J. A.

Daniel of Honolulu spent the weekend at the Grand hotel. H. A. Powers of Hana registered at the Grand hotel on Saturday. Dr.

Paul Bachman of the University of Hawaii spent several days on Maui this week, giving addresses before the Maui Women's club and the Lahaina club. RATSDIE AFTER EATING STEARNS' Electric PASTE used successfully by millions during the past 5 54 years. All dealers 35c and $1.50 MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS real movie camera for the price of a Kodak! Everyone is going simply New wild over the new CineKodak 8. No wonder; it Cine-Kodak 8 is small, compact, fits in your pocket, and cuts $29.50 home movie costs nearly two-thirds. Come in and And the accompanying see it today.

Kodascope Projector costs only $52 for a complete Home See your nearest Movie outfit! KODAK dealer. Proprietors: Potter Drug KODAK HAWAII, Territorial Distributors Chemical Malden, Mass. DEPENDABILITY VALUE When men talk over motor cars you are almost certain to hear of Dodge value and Dependability. These features form the background of the reputation Dodge motor cars have gained for rugged day after day service under all conditions. Men who know, appreciate such performance and the value that is so manifest in Dodge motor cars today.

The Dodge Coupe The Dodge Coupe has in abundance those features which contribute so much to Dodge Dependability and value, and because of that makes motoring more pleasant, safer, and more economical. You should enjoy the thrill of Floating Power, which completely eliminates all American Co traces of vibration from the frame and body of the car. You should enjoy also the Automatic Clutch, Free Wheeling, the Easy Shift Transmission with silent second, the All-Steel Body, and the many other features which mean so much to Dodge value, and which contribute 50 largely to Dodge Dependability. Territorial Distributors 175 S. Hotel St.


Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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