The Daily Law Journal-Record from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)

THE DAILY RECORD, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 30, 1930 The Daily Record to Daily News Oklahom City, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA ESTABLISHED 1903 Official Paper of Oklahoma City, Also of Oklahoma County. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER Issued Every day Except Sunday and Legal Holidays. JOHN H. Editor C. A.

BERG Advertising Manager Office. 519 West California St. Phone 2-0362 Served by Carrier Every Evening TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Carrier (in city) per month $1.00 By Mail, per month. $1.25 Subscribers not receiving their notify paregularly are expected to this office. Under no circ*mstances will any matter of record be withheld from publication in this paper.

Advertising Rates Furnished on Application. Entered as second-class matter, May 1908, at the postoffice, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, under the Act of March 1897. Transact all business with the ofrice directly. We do not recognize orders given our carriers and other employees, and they are forbidden to ceive such orders. The Daily Record is for sale at Stevenson's News Stand, 108 North Broadway.

REPUBLIC IRON MERGER COLUMBUS, 0., June Merger of the Republic Iron and Steel Company of Youngstown and the Canton, Berger into Manfacturing Company, the Republic Steel Corporation, was announced here today with the filing of merger papers with Secretary of State Clarence Brown. The merger papers provided for a revision of the capital stock of the Preferred stock was incompany. creased from $25,000,000 to $50,000,000 and no par value common shares were increased from 1,0000,000 to 5,000,000 shares. In the application the companies said their properties in Ohio had valuation of $181,186,595 and that the the properties owned and operated by merged organization outside the state were worth $540,433,979. Republic Iron and Steel Company has been one of the leading steel producing companies of the country.

Absorption of Berger Manufacturing Company by a Repunblis Steel legal Corpor- in ation is merely formal step consummation of the merger which formed Republic from a half-dozen other steel companies, chief of which the old Republic Iron and Steel was Company. RAIL COMMUTERS INCREASE CHICAGO, Ill. June 27-Commutation traffic on the nation's railroads is growing despite the downward trend of freight and passenger musiness generall, the Age travel has Railway saw's editorially. Commutation only exceeded its 1929 voume this not but has reached a peak for all year, time. The article says, in comparing commutation records of the first three months of 1929 with the first quarter of 1930, that commuters increased from 109,000,000 to nearly the number of passengers carried one mile advanced from 1,48,000,000 to 1,714,000,000, and gross passenger revenues gianed from $16,600,000 to $19..100,000.

BIRTHS Vern and Avice Brindley 1105 46 boy. DEATHS Peshek, 76 male Michael Calif. Mattie King, 71 w. female 901 Mrs 23. Harry Thompson 64 male 1943 10.

Ruby Whipple 18, female Mrs. 892 Pott. Barbara Haberman female 1604 Euclid. Mrs Maggie Rodgers 57 W. female 3005 Place.

Mason 88, male 3006 Francis Classen. MARRIAGE LICENSES Fowler 28 city and Jimmie Maynard Lee Grisley 19, city. Tennie Lee Guilloy 34 city and Bernice Mae Sampes 32 Houston, Texas. O'Nea 33 city and Beatrice Drew Andrews 47 city and 29, city. Thomas Reba Cooke 23 Thomas and Myers 30, city.

Howard A Leatha Back 23. city. Bingham 35 city and Peary Orie William Parks 21 Electra, Tex and 34 McPherson. Kan. Claude Amy Payne, Strod.

Ralstin 22 city and Ella Cecil I. Bay 22 Tulsa. Joe Reynolds 22 city and Dollie! 27 Wichita Falls, Texas Jenkins 18, city. Paul Byrd Norma Erwin 93 Wichita Falls, and Texas. 26 city and Verna Alfred Spencer Cleveland, 18, city.

Clark 21 Cleveand and Russell Hollie E. Sanders 16, city. Worth, Tex David L. Karcher 26 Ft and Billie Eula Wilson 20, Vera Albert Schwan 22 city and Mae Palmer 21, city. Carl Watkins 50 Enid and Alma Williams 30, Dallas, Texas, Wm Ralph Davis 27 Houston Texas and Virginia Lee Allison 26, city.

Florence George 21 city and Opal Copus 13. Bristow Wells 22 Waurika and Neva Lonzader 18, city. Walter Knowles 38 city and May Peaco*ck Lynn 25 city and Clio 40, city. Albert Cooper 23, city. WINDOW SHADES Whelesale to Home Builders R.

D. FOWLER, Manufacturer 616 N. Hudson. Phone 2-4976 BUILDING PERMITS 4128-Frank Tice 2611 SW 23 rep house est cost $500. 4129-V RJohnson 1913 24 frm garage est cost $250.

Stilwell 1101 1 8 4130-C bide cost 4131-Cloyd Roherson 3317 dwl est cost $200. 4133- Clifford Trumbley 1732 32 frm add est cost $100. 4134-Gibson Oil Co 1723 pump est Geo cost Miller $200. 14 4135 2625 est cost 54000. 4136-Independent 0 Co 2516 Classen 2 jumps est cost $500.

4137-C Wildes 2344 33 frm dwl 2 pumps est cost $300. 4138- Sumpter 1328 24 garage, est cost $500. (29850) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No. 8564-D State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County. In the District Court within and for said County and State.

K. W. Phillips, Plaintiff, vs. Lillian Phillips, Defendant. State of Oklahoma to the said The Defendant: You.

the said defendant, Lillian Phillips, will take the notice above that named you divorce on the grounds of have been sued in Court for a extreme cruelty, and you, said defendant, must answer the plaintiff on petition or filed therein by said before the 8th day of taken August, 1930, or a judgment for said plaintiff will aid petition will be as true be rendered according to the and prayer of plaintiff petition. MYERS. Attent: CLIFF Court Clerk. (Seal) By PENSIE COATES. Deputy, J.

D. Chastain, Attorney for Plaintiff. 7-19-30 PUBLIC NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma D. Stapp and Pat POP (29648) NOTICE OF SALE No. 57792 In the District Court of Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma.

Western Land Securities Company, 8 corporation, Plaintiff, vs. W. W. Crow, Defendant. Notice is hereby given that in purof an execution issued out of suance the District Court of Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma, by the Court Clerk thereof, on the 5th day of June, 1930, in an action then pending wherein Western Land Securities Company, corporation, was plaintiff, and W.

a W. Crow, was defendant, directed to me the undersigned sheriff of Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma, commanding me to levy upon, advertise and sell without appraisem*nt, the following described real estate in Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma, to-wit: Lots Thirty-nine (39), Forty (40) Forty-one (41), Forty-two (42), Forty-three (43), Forty-four (44), Forty-five (45), Forty-six (46), Forty-seven (47), and Forty-eight Fifty (50), (48), in Forty-nine (49) Block Twenty (20), in South Park Addition to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof and also Lots Fiftyone (51), and Fifty-two (52) in Young's Subdivision of Block Twenty (20) in South Park Addition to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, according to the recorded piat thereof, to satisfy a judgment had and made on the 15th day of March, 1919, in favor of the plaintiff, Western Land Securities Company, a corporation, and against the defendant, W. W. Crow, in the sum of $181.87, with Interest from the 7th day of March. 1929, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, $25.00 attorney's fees and all costs of said action.

will on the 8th day of July, 1930, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. of said day, at the west front door of the Court House in the City of Oklahoma City, County and State of Oklahoma, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the said property above described or so much thereof as will satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs and all accruing costs. Witness my hand this 5th day of June, 1930. STANLEY ROGERS, Sheriff of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. By Chas.

McCafferty, Undersheriff. Geo. A. Fitzsimmons, Atty for Piff. 6-5-30 7-8-30 homa, State of Oklahoma.

In the Matter of the Estate of James Whitsel, Deceased. The State of Oklahoma to the heirs, next of kin and creditors of the said James Whitsel, Deceased: You are hereby notified that A. E. Keller has applied for letters of administration on said estate to be granted to A. E.

Keller and that said term application of said Court held at the Court will be heard at a regular Room of said Court in the County Court House in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on the 7th day of July, 1930, at 9 o'clock A. when and where all persons interested may appear and contest the same. Witness my hand and seal of said Court hereunto affixed this 18th day of June, 1930. C. C.

CHRISTISON, (Seal) County Judge. 6-18-30 7-7-30 (29756) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AP. POINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR No. 9571. In County Court, County of Okla- (29790) NOTICE TO CREDITORS No.

9552 State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, In the County Court of said County and State. To the Creditors of A. R. Spriggs, Deceased: All persons having claims against R. Spriggs, deceased, are required to present the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned executor at 801 N.

W. Ninth Street, Oklahoma City, in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, within four months of the date hereof or same will be forever barred. Dated this 21st day of June, 1930. M. MARIE SPRIGGS.

Executor. D. Threlkeld, Attorney. 6-21-30 7-6-30 In the County. State of Oklahoma.

Liberty National Bank. a corporation, Plaintiff. vs. Goldia Davis and M. Davis, Defendants.

Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of Special Execution and Order of Sale issued out of the District Court of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, on the 19th day of June, 1930, in an action wherein Liberty National Bank. a corporation, was plaintiff and Goldia Davis and M. N. Davis, her husband. were defendants, directed to me.

the undersigned Sheriff of Oklahoma County, commanding me to lev unon and sell without andraisem*nt the following described property: Lot Four (4). Block Thirty-six (36), Linwood Place Addition to Oklahoma City. Oklahoma CounOklahoma, being 3114 West 17th Street. judgment and decree of to satisfy a foreclosure in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendants, obtained and made in said court on the 16th day of December, 1929, for the sum of Two Thousand Seven Hundred with interest at the rate of Ninety-seven and 36-100 ($2797.36) Dollars, ten (10) per cent per annum from October 10, 1929. until paid, and a further sum of Two Hundred Eighty and no-100 ($280.00) Dollars attornev fees and the costs accruing: will on the 22nd day of July, 1930, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.

m. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Oklahoma City said County and State, offer for in sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the said property above de: scribed, or SO much thereof as will satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs. Witness my hand this 19th day of June, 1930. STANLEY ROGERS. Sheriff of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.

By CHAS, McCAFFERTY, Undersheriff. 6-19-30 7-22-30 (29772) NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE No. 60687. In the District Court of Oklahoma (29759) NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND FOR DISTRI. BUTION AND DISCHARGE No.

9057. State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, 88. In the County Court within and for said County and State. In the Matter of the Estate of Adoniram J. Battle.

Deceased. Notice is hereby given that The First National Bank and Trust Company of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, executor of the estate of Adoniram J. Battle, deceased, having filed in this Court its final account of the administration of said estate and its motion for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said executor, the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Wednesday, the 9th day of July, 1930, at 9 o'clock A. at the Court Room of said Court in the County Court House at Oklahoma City, in the County and State aforesaid, and all persons interested in raid estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause. if any they have, why the said account should not be settied and allowed, and said estate distributed the executor discharged.

Dated June 18. 1930. c. C. CHRISTISON, (Seal) County Judge.

Wrieht Blinn. Attorneys. 6-18-30 7-9-30 (29717) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION 061-D State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, -In the District Court In and for Oklahoma County, State of homa. Leona Steele Harbert, Plaintiff, Paul E. Harbert, Defendant, The State of Oklahoma to Paul Harbert: Take notice that you have been sued in the above named court by said plaintiff for divorce on the grounds of cruelty and gross neglect of duty: and you, the defendant.

must answer the petition filed by the said plaintiff on or before the 24th day of July, 1936, or said petition taken true and judgment for said plaintiff for divorce and restoration of her maiden name will be acDated this 12th of June, CLIFF Court (29766) shall each designate an appraiser who NOTICE OF INTRODUCTION OF shall be a valuation engineer ability, and said of wellORDINANCE known experience and The following Ordinance was intro- engineers shall thereupon select duced in the City Council on June 10, third engineer of be resident like qualifications, 1930, and this publication is made neither of whom within said a City nor shall pursuant to Section 22, Article 2 of nor a wise taxpayer interested in, as stockthe Charter of the City of Oklahoma in any the Grantee, its City as successors or assigns, at the time of amended. holder or otherwise, to the the making of said appraisem*nt or ORDINANCE No. An Electric Company, within six (6) months prior thereto. Ordinance granting homa the right If either aforesaid shall fail or Gas and maintain, extend and oper- neglect to designate its engineer, as its successors and assigns, party to erect, of works, poles, wires, hereinabove provided, then a Judge ate a system cables ana of the District Court of Oklahoma underground conduits, and County, Oklahoma, upon five (5) all necessary over and under the days' notice from the adverse party apparatus appurtenances in, alleys, on, avenues and other of the time and place of hearing shall streets, in the have the power to appoint such public places and grounds State of engineer, and said engineers shall City the purposes of thereupon proceed to make an apof Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, generating, for selling and distributing praisem*nt of said property, rights, in and to said City and franchises and contracts aforesaid electricity and fix the price thereon and make the public generally, and all other of such appraisem*nt to the repealing Ordinance No. and 1118 parts of and Ordinances, City return and, the Grantee, and thereupon Ordinances, and thereafter the City shall have in conflict herewith.

elect whether it will Be It Ordained by the Council of the of proceed further to exercise its right the right to City of Oklahoma City, State of purchase as provided in this Okiahoma: franchise, and the City shall have a Section 1. That the word "Grantee" shail reasonable time, after notice of its. as employed in this Ordinance to accept and take said denote the Oklahoma Gas and Elec- election, properties under the terms of said trie Company, a corporation and organized its franchise, in which to submit to the under the laws of Oklahoma, voters entitled to vote therefor at an successors and assigns. election to be held for said purpose Section 2. For and during the term the proposition of issuing the negotiof twenty-five (25) years from franchise and able bonds of the City, in the manner after the approval of this and form provided by law, with which by vote of the electors of said City for the purpose of hereinafter provided, there is here- full to acquiring provide said properties.

If the City funds as by granted to said authority to erect, shall fail to authorize the issuance of Grantee the right, power and said bonds aforesaid, then and theremaintain, extend and operate a sys- upon the notice of election to purtem of works, poles, wires, under- neces- chase said property on the part of ground conduits, cables and all appurtenances the City shall be null and void and sary apparatus limits of of no effect, provided, however, that and within the corporate in that event the City shall pay all City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, hereafter of the costs, including the compensanow existing and as may tions to the appraisers, and all other be extended, for the purpose of gener- reasonable expenses incurred by the ating electricity, selling and distri- for the purpose of fixing buting the same in and to for said light- city, the value of said property; provided, appraisers and to the public generally uses further, that if between the date of ing, heating, power and be other and the valuation fixed by said appraisers to which electricity may or and the date of the purchase of put, for said purposes to enter upon property, rights, franchises and conbelow and use the streets, alleys, ave- and tracts, any reasonable and necessary nues, lanes, boulevards, sidewalks changes shall occur In the operation areas or grounds of the city, of said plant by the Grantee, its sucor public under control or jurisdiction thereor assigns, the City shall pay of, and erect, maintain, extend and cessors addition to the valuation fixed by operate such works, poles, wires, in the actual costs of adunderground conduits, cables and all the ditions appraisers and betterments and replaceances, subject to the terms and con- ments For the purpose of denecessary apparatus and appurten- less depreciation and discarded hereinafter provided. wires, under- termining equipment. the valuation of the proditions Section 3. Said poles, shall be perties, rights, franchises and conground conduits and under cables the direc- tracts aforesaid, all of the inform- books, located and Council, erected Engineer, or other records and other available its tion of the ation in possession of the grantee, authorized official of said City, will be in successors or assigns, to aid the apsuch places and manner inter- praisers aforesaid in fixing the comconsistent with necessity, least of said pensation therefor shall be of open said to fering with other public uses lanes, boule- and accessible for the benefit streets, alleys, and avenues, public areas or appraisers during the time when In the the vards, grounds of said City or under and the event appraisem*nt the City is shall finally acquire sidewalks being made. control and jurisdiction thereof, lanes, the properties, rights, franchises and said streets, alleys, and avenues, public areas contracts aforesaid under this franboulevards, sidewalks be annecessarily chise, the valuation fixed by thereof, the shall apor grounds shall shall not a reason- praisers, or a majority obstructed, be and placed as within nearly as prac- be binding and conclusive of upon such ap- the able time condition and re- parties, and the expenses ticable in as good at the praisal in that event shall be apporpair expense as of said Grantee, provided that tioned hereto; and, equally likewise, between at the expirbefore such obstruction the parties no change shall be ordered by said of twenty-one (21) years, of City poles, in wires, conduits or cables at twenty-two years, (22) twenty-four years, (24) years, the location and construction ation any time erected, and in use by said and and (23) twenty-five (25) years, respecGrantee except for some valid tively, from date of such election, substantial reason, and any be at reason- the the City shall have the same right able change of said Grantee, and said to purchase terms upon and conditions as set SO made shall like notice and upGrantee shall save the damages City harmless resulting on forth above for the purchase by (20) said expense like from all costs and misconduct City at the end of said twenty from the carelessness or of the year term.

of any agent or employee 13. During the term of this Grantee in the of erection, such poles, construction wires franchise Section and for and in consideration and maintenance the the acceptance thereof by and fixtures. Immediately of any said Grantee shall have the upon of location and construction Grantee within any right Grantee, to charge said City, its inhabifacilities by the tants and the consumers therein such street, alley, avenue or other shall rates as may be fixed or appublic places or grounds, the Grantee in rate or the Corporation Commisfurnish to said City maps showing other sion proved of by the State of Oklahoma, or detail the location, depths, information and of the other legally constituted regulatory necessary detailed Provided. however, that facilities so constructed in advised order of that the authority; Grantee herein will furnish withCity be fully and location of the charge current for such energy the erection, construction out reasonably be required for any such facilities. Grantee shall have as lights may and- or power at the Carnegie Section 4.

The and the Public Library, the the right to make such rules Library, and the present or regulations as may be necessary for Branch Library Hall, said energy to be the sale of its current. con- such furnished without charge not to exand the future City duct of its business, in one year the sum of provided rules and regulations are not con- ceed in any based the then existflict herewith or with for energy. the laws of $15,000.00 upon this state or city. ing rates an additional conSection 5. The Grantee shall fur- sideration Section 14.

for As this franchise and the nish and connect at its expense service all herein granted, the Grantee meters, distributing shall pay to the City of Oklahoma transformers and privileges wires between but sum of money equal to one its lines and the premises not of consumer, required to City a cent of its gross receipts said Grantee shall be per sale of electrical current furnish or install any wiring consumer's within said City, payable monthly on or ap- from the pliances within such before the 10th day of each month premises. or such receipts for the preceding in Section association 6. Every or person, corporation using calendar month. partner- on ship, current of the Section 15. Upon the filing of by this the or desiring to use said Grantee, its Grantee of the acceptance Grantee shall allow ex- Ordinance as hereinabove provided, agents or employes or other servants sufficient all rights, and obligations hibiting a badge or Grantee of Grantee conterred or imposed evidence of authority from reasonable the Ordinance No.

1118, passed and to enter at any and all its by the 21th day of September, times upon his, her, their or approved by any other Ordinance, premises for the purpose of or inspect- re- 1909, shall and then be and remain cancelled, ing, repairing, reading meters, annulled, repealed and set aside. moving the electric wires, if meters, such this day switches and appliances, and or Passed and approved person, shall partnership, refuse or fail to do of association 1930. corporation Grantee shall not be required Mayor. so, furnish service and may at once the to service of such condiscontinue the sumer. 7.

Nothing in this Ordiconstrued as to Section nance shall be SO prevent the said an Electric franCity of Oklahoma any other person, firm or City from granting chise to Said Grantee shall have corporation. Section 8. full right and power to corassign to any poration all the rights conferred upon person, persons, firm or Grantee by the assignment shall beterms of this Ordinance, but no come effective or relieve the Grantee unless of its be approved by the obligations hereunder such Council assignment of Oklahoma City: ProCity the assignee of such vided, that with rights the by approval accepting of the City Council said assignment, aforesaid, shall thereby become subject to the this Ordinance, and such terms, rights and proif shall be in writvisions of assignment. made, aforesaid and a ing and approved as shall be duplicate original office of the City Clerk thereof filed in the of said City. Section 9.

The franchise hereby granted shall not be be approved unless operative and until vote the of a same majority of the shall qualiby fied a electors residing within said City, who shall vote thereon at an election called under or pursuant to the provisions hereof: and if the franchise granted shall fail to be so rights apat said election. no hereby shall proved to the Grantee hereaccrue under. 10. In the manner and Section provided by the laws calling of the of form State of Oklahoma for Mayor of the the a City special of Oklahoma City is hereby election, the authorized to for by the purpose of call proclamation special election to the qualified electors residing submitting within said City the proposition of hereby granted in this approval or rejection of the franchise said proclamation shall designate dav. month And year Ordinance: election the which shall be held of said hours of 6 o'clock A.

M. between the P. M. of said day, and and shall 7 o'clock further designate the voting said City in which said places within election shall be held, and shall special further desienate the proper spective persons precincts of said City for the as officials within the of holding said election and purpose submitting the question of the proval electors of said City, and the or refection of franchise to the officers of said City are hereby proper directed to do all things that may necessary for the holding of said be election and for the submission of said question at aid election to the electors of ARid City: provided, shall the expense of holding said election be paid by Grantee. Section 11.

In case the franchise hereby ranted shall maid be Grantee approved shall at maid election, the file with the Clerk of maid City, date of withIn fifteen (15) days after the much this approval, Ordinance and upon failure written acceptance of of the Grantee to file such acceptance, then no richte whatever shall accrue to it hereunder. Section 12. At the from the expiration of election the City shall the twenty (20) rears maid richt to purchase all franchises and contracte of ever kind or nature then the Grantee, Its and Installed under thin grant. Within months prior to the twenty richt (29656) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No. 8416-D petition.

Attest: CLIFF MYERS, Clerk. (Seal) By LEONARD SIMPSON, Deputy. State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County. In the District Court Within and for Said County and State. Elsie Sheffield, Plaintiff, vs.

Fred J. Sheffield, Defendant. The State of Oklahoma to the said Defendant: the said defendant, Fred J. You, Sheffield, will take notice that you have been sued in the above named for a divorce on the grounds of court abandonment for more than one year next preceding the filing of plaintiff's must answer the petition filed therepetition, and you, said defendant, in by said plaintiff on or before the 18th day of July, 1930, or said judgment petition will be taken as true and a for said plaintiff will be rendered according to the prayer of plaintiff G. H.

Giddings, Attorney for Plaintiff. 6-6-30 6-28-30 (29728) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Case No. 8264-D State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, In the District Court of Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma. Elsie Ward, Plaintiff, vs. L.

C. Ward, Defendant. The State of Oklahoma to L. C. Ward: Take notice that you have been sued in the above named court by said plaintiff, for divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty, praying for the custody of the minor child, and you, said defendant, must answer the petition filed herein by said plaintiff on or before the 27th day of July, 1930, or said petition will be taken as true, and judgment for said plaintiff for divorce and the custody of the child will be taken accordingly.

Dated this 13th day of June, 1930. CLIFF MYERS, (Seal) Court Clerk. By Nettie Hendrick, Deputy. G. W.

Cornell, Attorney for Plaintiff. 6-13-30 7-5-30 (29757) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 30. Block 3. Academy Heights Addition: said Block 3 of Academy Heights Addition being a subdivision of Blocks and 10 of Volz Addition to Oklahoma City, 7248-Lot 29. Block 6.

Henderson Oklahoma Heights Addition, City, 7219-Lot 30, Block 6. Henderson Heights Addition, Oklahoma City, 7250-Lot 31, Block 6. Henderson Heights Addition, Oklahoma City, 8343-Lot 11, Block 3. Finley's and Highland Home Addition: 8344-Lot 12, Block 3. Finley's Highland Home Addition to Oklahoma City, 11,995 Lot 13, Block 39, Britton Heights Addition to Britton, 11,996 Lot 14, Block 39, Britton Heights Addition to Britton, 15, Block 39, Heights Addition to Britton, and Lot 16.

Bloc 39, Britton Heights Addition to Britton, Okla. And you and each of you are hereby notified that unless redemption is made from said respective sales within sixty days from the date of service of this notice, Tax Deeds will be demanded and will be issued to A. E. Humphrey on each and every tract or parcel of the said above described real estate, lands and tenements remaining so unredeemed, as provided by law. Dated this 18th day of June, 1930.

A. E. HUMPHREY. Owner and Holder of said The State of Oklahoma to Charles W. R.

E. Norman, Grace Lutes, Straus, W. H. MeLeud, Thomas M. A.

Milan, F. Glen Humphrey, Gloyd D. Jacobs, T. Bragg, George See, Joseph W. Draughon, J.

0. Sprague, E. S. Fendell and Nora Crum, ana it dead their unknown heirs, immediate and remote, and their assigns or grantees or administrators or executors, or to all persons, owners, tenants, owning or claiming any right, title or interest of kind or nature in or to the any real estate, lands and tenements situated in Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma, as hereinafter described: You and each of you are hereby notified that A. E.

Humphrey is the owner and holder of certain Tax Sale and described, issued by the County Certificates, hereinafter designated Treasurer of Oklahoma County, State Oklahoma, and that the real estate of in each of the hereinafter described Tax Sale Certificates, was sold at public sale of real estate for delinquent taxes for the the year office 1923 of at a sale held at and in the County Treasurer of Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma, 1924, and on was the day of November, offered for sale, according to law, at being public no bidder, auction the or real estate could sale, and there not be sold for the taxes, and charges thereon and the said real estate was therefore bid off for said Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma, on the 3rd day of November, 1924, for the of the full amount of the tax, sum and charges thereon for the costs 1923 and the sald Tax Sale Ceryear tificates were issued on the 3rd day November, 1924, real evidencing at de- the of linquent tax sale as provided by law, purchase of the estate and that thereafter each of the said hereinafter described Tax Sale Certificates was assigned by the County Treasurer of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, to the said A. E. Humphrey, The numbers given below are the numbers of the Tax Sale Certificates, which numbers are followed by the of the real estate describdescription the Tax Sale Certificates and ed in which Tax Deed is applied upon for. Certificate Property Described 1682-Lot 42, Block 2, Hillerest AddiNumber tion; and 43, Block 2, Hillerest Ad1683-Lot dition; said Block 2 of Hillerest Addition being a subdivision of Blocks 7 and 10. Shaw's Heights Addition to Oklahoma City, 3, Block 29, Ohio Realty Co.

1764-Lot Addition: and Block' 29. Ohio Realty Co. 1765-Lot 4, Addition: said Block 29 of being Ohio a Realty subdivision of Block 29, Shaw's Co. Addition Heights Addition to Oklahoma 3306-Lot City, 9, Block 1, Hammonds' Addition: and 10, Block 1, 3397-Lot Addition; said Addition Block being 1 of a Ham- submonds' division of Block 2 of Volz Addition to Oklahoma City, 3472-Lot 29, Block 3. Academy Heights Addition: and (29616) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No.

83621 State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, In the matter of the dissolution of The Northeastern Store, Incorporated, for an order and decree of the Court granting dissolution of same. Notice is hereby given to all persona concerned: That on the 12th day of June, 1930, an application was presented to the District Court of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, praying the District Court of maid County for an order and of dissolution of The Northeastern Store. Inc. The Court, after verified full consideration application of the written made and entered its order directing the clerk of the District Court of Oklahoma County to file said written vertfled application and to cause notice of maid filing to be printed in The Dally Record, newapaper of reneral circulation in Oklahoma County, notitrine all persona having claim against said corporation or In any interested therein to In a Court and present objections they may have, if any, to the dissolution of said corporation on before the 14th day of July, 1930.. that much ohjectiona, if ANY, MAY be considered by the Court before grantine the decree of dissolution.

Thia notice pursuance of order of the Court of lahoma County entered In this proon the 12th of June, 1990. which creditors, stockholders all other persons who may decree granting solution Northeastern Riore, take notice and govern accordinety. CLIFF MYERS, Court Clerk. (29666) NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND FOR DISTRIBUTION DISCHARGE No. 9128 State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, the County Court within and for said County and State.

In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob Newton Donaghe, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that Rovilla Alice Donaghe, executrix of the estate of Jacob Newton Donaghe, deceased, having filed in this court her of said estate and her motion for disfinal account of the administration tribution of said estate and for final discharge of said executrix, the hearing of the same has been fixed by the judge of said court for Monday, the 30th day of June, 1930, at 9 o'clock a. at the court room of said court in the County Court house at Oklahoma City, in the County and State aforesaid, and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show. cause, if any they have, why the said account should not be settled and allowed, and said estate distributed and the executrix discharged. Dated June 7, 1930. C.

C. CHRISTISON, (Seal) County Judge. W. A. Blakeburn, Attorney.

6-7-30 6-30-30 (29674) NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Probate No. 8458 State of Oklahoma, County of Oklahoma. In County Court. In the matter of the estate of Charles Patrick deceased. The State of Oklahoma to all persons interested in said estate: Notice is hereby given that John Hennessey, the duly appointed and qualified administrator of the estate of Charles Patrick Hennessey, deceased, rendered and presented for settlement and distribution and filed in said Court his final account and report of his administration as such administrator and that Wednesday, the 9th day of July, A.

D. 1930, being a day of the regular term of said Court, to-wit: of the July term, A. 1930, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the County Court Room in the City of Oklahoma City, in the said County of Oklahoma, has been duly appointed by the said Court, for the settlement of said account and distribution, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions in writing to the account and contest the same. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court this 9th day of June, 1930. C.

C. CHRISTISON, (Seal) County Judge. 6-9-30 7-9-30 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No. 8437-D 6-9-30 7-1-30 (29712) NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND FOR DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE No. 7383 State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, the County Court within and for said County and State.

In the Matter of the Estate of Flora C. Deceased: Notice is hereby given that J. H. Mcllvain, administrator of the estate of Flora C. Mellvain, deceased, having filed in this court his final account of the administration of said estate and his motion for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said administrator, the hearing of the same has been fixed by the judge of said court for Monday, the 7th day of July, 1930, at 10 o'clock a.

at the court room of said court In the in County the County and State aforesaid, and Court house at Oklahoma City, all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said account should not be settled and allowed, and said estate distributed and the administrator discharged. Dated June 12, 1930. C. C. CHRISTISON, a (Seal) County Judge.

Hugh V. Tyson, Attorney. 7-7-30 6-12-30 State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, In the District Court of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. Selvesta Irene Hill, Plaintiff, vs. Tom Hill, Defendant.

The State of Oklahoma to Tom Hill, said defendant: You the said defendant, Tom Hill, will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court for a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty, failure to support plaintiff and abandonment; and you, the said defendant, must answer the petition filed herein by said plaintiff on or before July 22, 1930, or said petition will be taken as true and a judgment for said plaintiff will be rendered according to the prayer of the petition. CLIFF MYERS, (Seal) Court Clerk. By Pensie Coates, Deputy. Mathers Mathers, Attys for Piff. In the County Court of Oklahoma In the County, matter of the estate of Hiram State of Oklahoma.

It A. to the satisfaction of Doty, deceased. Court from the verified petition appearing the of Clin E. Doty, executor of the esof Hiram A. Doty, deceased, on tate file herein, that it is necessary to sell real estate belonging to said esfor tate, the reason and purposes in said and described in said petition Therefore, it is ordered by the Court set out.

that all persons interested in the estate of Hiram A. Doty, deceased, ap-. before the County Court of the pear County of Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma, in the Court room thereof, in said County and State, on the 3rd day of July, 1930 at 10 o'clock A. of said date, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why an order as prayed for in said petition should not be granted to said executor to sell said real estate of said deceased, at private sale, for the reasons and as he shall judge to be for the best purposes mentioned in said petition, interest of said estate and of all parties interested therein. It is further ordered that copies of this order be posted up in three public places in the County, one of where which shall be at the Court House, the hearing is to be held, that a copy of this order be personally served on all persons interested in the estate, general guardian of a minor, or any minors, so interested, and any deceased.

legatee, devisee or heir of the who are residents of the County, at least ten (10) days before the time set for said hearing: that copies of said order be mailed to all persons interested in said estate, who are nonresidents of said County, with postage thereon prepaid: and that if the postoffice of any such persons interested in anid estate 18 unknown, COpy of this order to show cause shall published for two successive weeks in same newspaper published In thin County, the first publication of which notice shall not be less than fifteen (15) days before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated this Ind day of June, 1930. C. C. CHRISTISON, (Seal) County Judge.

6-2-30 1-3-30 (29617) ORDER FOR HEARING ESTATE PETITION TO SELL REAL No. 9212 (29615) NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND DISTRIBUTION No. State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, In the County Court within and for said County and State. In the Matter of the Entate of Emma Weniger Puffer, Deceased, Notice la hereby riven that Starkey Powell Puffer, executor of the estate of Emma Weniger Puffer, deceased has rendered and presented for final settlement and filed in said court his final account and report of him administration of said estate, together with petition for final distribution, and that Saturday, the 5th day of July, 1920, at the hour of o'clock of said day, at the court room of court, at the court house in Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma, have been fixed as the time and place for the settlement of said account and the hearing of said report and petition at which time and place any person intereated in maid estate may ADpear and his exceptions in writing to the account and contest the Notice la further given that account la for final settlement, and that estate la ready for tom, and on confirmation final account. final distribution of said tate will this 190 of C.

C. (29690) NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE No. 60669 In the District Court within and for Oklahoma County, State of Okla- homa. Fred C. Switzer, Trustee, Plaintiff, B.

B. Eoff and A. E. Coff, his wife; and Mrs. Odessa Cosgrove and Otis Cosgrove, her husband, Defendants.

Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an execution and order of sale issued out of the District Court of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, on the 10th day of June, 1930,, in an action wherein Fred C. Switzer, Trustee, was plaintiff, and B. B. Eoff and A. E.

Eoff, his wife; and Odessa Cosgrove and Otis Cosgrove, her husband, et al. were undersigned defendants, sheriff directed of to me, the Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, commanding me to levy upon and sell, without appraisem*nt, the following described property, to-wit: All of lots thirty-seven (37) and thirty-eight Lawrence (38), in Place Block Addition Eight to (8), in Oklahoma City, as shown on the recorded plat thereof, satisfy and decree of to a judgment foreclosure in favor of said plaintiff, and and made in said Court on the 7th against said defendants, obtained of December, 1929, for the sum of day $1739.71, with interest thereon at 10 cent per annum from the said 7th per day attorney's fee for the use and of December, 1929, and $160.00 as benefit of plaintiff's attorneys; and costs in the sum of and costs accruing; and to further satisfy subdered in said cause on the same date sequent and inferior judgments renand at the same place, as follows, towit: in favor E. W. of $230.00 as principal Egging interest, A judgment Caldwell, a sole trader, the Bum together with $77.00 attorney's fee: A judgment in favor of Bretch, for $170.00, together $25.00 88 attorney's fee; A judgment in favor of A. Stanagel, in the sum of A judgment in favor of Augustus B.

Milby in the sum of A judgment in favor of William 0. A Absher in judgment in sum favor of Oklahoma the of Federalists in the sum of included and all of which said judgments from December 7, 1929, at the Interest 10 cent per annum until rate of per paid, together with on costs. the 14th day of I will, therefore, July, ,1930, at the hour west of 2 front door P. of Court House in the City of said date, at the of the in said County and offer for sale and sell to the Oklahoma City, State highest bidder for cash, the said SO prop- much erty thereof above as will satisfy said judgments described, or with interest and costs. this day of Witness my hand 10th June, 1930.

STANLEY ROGERS, Sheriff of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. McCafferty, Undersheriff. J. By B. A.

Robertson, Chas. B. H. Carey, Attys. for Piff.

7-14-30 6-10-30 (29687) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No. 63562 State of the Oklahoma, District Court in and for Oklahoma County, said County and State. John D. Herbert L. French, and Houchin and Pearl Houchin, Plaintiffs, V.

the unknown heirs, exif he ecutors, be administrators, devisees, dead, trustees or deceased; Mrs. S. Edith assigns of Herbert L. if she be dead, the unFrench, known French and, heirs, executors, administradevisees, trustees French, and deceased, assigns of tors, Mrs. S.

Edith Defendants. Oklahoma to Herbert L. it he be dead, the unThe State of French and, heirs, executors, devisees, known administrators, trustees and assigns of Herbert French, deceased; dead, Mrs. S. Edith unknown French heirs, executors, adand, if she be the devisees, trustees and Mrs.

S. Edith French, deministrators, assigns of ceased, greetings: that you, and each of Take been sued in the above notice you, have the plaintiffs alleging in that they are the ownnamed court, their petition simple and that they and ers fee grantors, in their chain of title, in the have been in open, notorious, absolute adverse possession for more than and next prior to the filing fifteen their years petition this cause, of the of following described in property situated Oklahoma County, State of Oklain homa, to-wit: Lots Seventeen Fifteen (17) and Eighteen (18) (15), Sixteen (16), in Block Five (5), Hurst Addition to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, there- according the office of the County Clerk to the recorded plat of of in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. That you, and each of you, claim the some title or interest in or to said right, above described property; that relief sought is to quiet the title and the the said property and each to every part thereof in the plaintiffs; that you, and each of you, be decreed claim to have no right, title, Interest, or estate in or to the said real estate herein described or any part thereof, and and that person you, claiming or to claim and each of you, by, every through or under you or either of you, be forever barred and enjoined from asserting any estate claim, in or right, to said title, real interest or estate or any part thereof adverse to the title of the plaintiffs notice that herein. You will further take and each of you, must answer the you, petition filed herein by the plaintiffs on or before the 23rd day of July, 1930, petition will be taken defendants as true, who or said against each of the on does not answer the said petition before the said 23rd day of July, or 1930, and judgment for the plaintiffs granted quieting their title to all the the plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple above described property decreeing of said property, barring you, and each of you, who does not answer as aforesaid, from all right, title, Interest or claim to or on said real estate or enjoin any you, and each of you, and all persons part thereof and permanently claiming by, through or right, under title, you from asserting estate any In or to the said claim, interest or part thereof adreal estate or any verse Dated to the this 10th day of June, 1930. title of these plaintiffs.

CLIFF MYERS, (Seal) By Leonard Simpson, Deputy. Court Clerk. W. A. Blakeburn, Attorney for Plaintiffs.

6-10-30 7-2-30 Attest: City Clerk. 7-11-30 6-19-30 (29767) HEARING OF FINAL NOTICE ACCOUNT AND FOR OF BUTION AND DISCHARGE No. 9231 State of Oklahoma, County Court Oklahoma within County, and -In the for of the Estate of Thomas said County and State. In the Matter J. Dunbar, Deceased: given that The Farmers Notice is National hereby Bank of Oklahoma administrator, with the Thomas will an- J.

nexed, of the estate of City, deceased, having filed in this court Dunbar, its final account of the administration of said estate and its mo- and tion discharge of said for distribution of said estate for trator with the will annexed, the hearfinal ing of the same has Monday, the been fixed by the 14th judge of said July, court 1930, at 9:00 o'clock for at the court room of said court day of in the County Court house at Oklahoma city, in the County and State aforesaid, and all persons notified then interested and there and show cause, if in sald estate are to appear have, why the said account any should they not be settled and allowed, and sald estate distributed and the administrator with the will annexed discharged. Dated June 18, 1330. C. C. CHRISTISON, (Seal) County Judge.

Keaton, Wells, Johnston Barnes, Attorneys. 6-19-30 7-14-30 (29770) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No. State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, -In the District Court within and for said County and State. Frank Murray, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas Rice, Defendant.

The State of Oklahoma to Thomas Rice, Greeting: You, the amid Thomas Rice, are hereby notified that you have been sued by the above named plaintiff, Frank Murray, in the above the numbered District and entitled cause and in Court of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, above named, wherein plaintiff the seeks of four hundred dollars, due on four judgment against you for sum promissory notes for date one December hundred 1928, and due, respectively, in dollars each, bearing 5th, three, mix, nine and twelve montha after Interest from date at the rate of date, respectively, and all cent per annum, together with costa, accrued and accruing, and for reasonable attorney's fee foreclosure and of for certain mortgage of of even date further Judgment maid notes and given to secure on the following described real in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, to- wit: Lots (57), riftyeight (53) and rifty-nine (59), Block (42), Putnam Heights Addition to Oklahoma City. Oklahoma, according to the plat thereof, you petition he arainet are inat CLIFF Court Clerk. Simpson, Deputy. (29701) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No. 8092-D- State In the District Court within of Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, 8S.

and for said County and State. Thurman L. Cole, Plaintiff, va. Doris Cole, Defendant. The State of Oklahoma to the said defendant: You, the said defendant, Doris Cole, will take notice that named you have been sued in the above Court for a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty and abandonment and extreme cruelty and abandonment; and you, said defendant, must answer the petition filed the therein 16th by day said of plain- July, tiff on or before 1930, or said petition will be taken true and a Judgment for said plaintiff will be rendered according to the prayer of plaintiff petition.

Attest: CLIFF MYERS, (Seal) Court Clerk. By Leonard Simpson, Deputy. P. F. Gumm.

Atty for PIff. -11-80 7-5-30 (29702) MOTOR CARRIER NOTICE To the Public: You will please take notice that the Oklahoma Railway Company is filing an application for Class permit to operate a motor vehicle for transportation of passengers In the Further Information can be obState of Oklahoma tained from the Secretary of the Corportion Commission, where protest can be filed. OKLAHOMA RAILWAY COMPANY, By A. C. ROLT, Executive Vice-.

The Daily Law Journal-Record from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.