Democrat and Weekly Sentinel from Burlington, Vermont (2024)

Tbe I-iattrtmrp fa teL of the dioovei-jr of hjiitiuLiiti. Our Pise. 1 MRS. A. P.

BURNS, A printed list of all tlie members of. the K-fonn Club has be distributed in the boteis and i liu'IuLu KEV Church Music Book! The Salutation! Price 12 er dvLtiL. This hook, thfi ftm by Mr. Kmereon hImc siooe the iseajf irs popular tomt the uarki of hut ouexofcUed uieut in pruvi(iiju lor the tMSUn and vaatfi tit the Km. lug Pabiic.

W-have here a fine Singing fV-hi. Course, ooliecboa ot enay OU-s u4 Part Soogs for pntn-i and a larse anmbar oi new Metrical Xane, The i-mpwel eelebratioa of tbe Ft arii at IiicLfurd bas i-e-n The Eastic B. C. of Essex JaLfc iffi (ifts rcEtly orgaitiz for ti.e n. TLis is an tseeiltut ciuh.

Husking a e'ea? rworI tit yeur. A iLo RepuLlie vik town ctiitna. night, etus a del'-cntes Ci taiQ T. V. CL tn, hi.

W. ii. II. Varm-y Itj Wiener, Tht- waist Lite liis-iraacu Coai-pawy h-ive the paTmfi.t to Mr, Mi.rj J. Greete of tLe 10 000 by her busUauJ, the Ute WiiJttr X.

The psmeat wa tti wttr. ui U-e mamu aLd toe uwe of tu. kow. O. Sevty.

aie id the tine went cut Irwu liie uu. iicr- tiiey work, tud co*kXeii Hi ll-tllf ls( fr tlOU that tlf Bilbd aij in oau butsi i at ouifr duda Luu tin peiitiuc au feet Lim oi lite dog a.sirc-sis ran uiw ft Dam ana on or-, aud Unaii p-jt wito1 'iit iu a iwrarly dvieg ow.dnia. Can any OBrr dU'eauy tutratitr, uaoiv 4ie3-ac ul a tbau tu). Tbee -rr u-A boy di i thi, bat uieji ii the hcthi cf tciitilis. In el tad it BuiTariug a heavy aud imcrisviimeut, aa Uity dtraervt tkt escaped with a aiM ot ii.

Th omm ttee of tk. Jjha Baiitiste have coin jJrti tiieir rraiiem' nt fur a raud iiatmiy of tiieir jirou uiut The vine sttieuta Lave a eeLUd iuriutions to attend acd rka. A ruotinB will formed abcut Laif prf nine o'cLixi by -e ioe.etie is full reaiia, w.tu oaudis, bftsoer, Has, in the foUxwiue order: John Mst'tirto Both-ty of with bans: St. Famcka ccot-TOimt bot iety ol Aueable rs w.lh L-ad. abd Johu ipiete Bo cny of A'-sable Forka vitii buid, Cttizcs, hpeafTd ar.d invited fiueta la arrgea ltie -a will iiade hrougb the prmcipie streets vf the iiiare.

th.uce to the D'Atijuub grore, where dinner will be by the ladies. Ice tui. Svl- mater nd other reftvstuBents 11 ilno te 1 AJt-r diQLer bpeechet 11 be deiiTered iu French and Eugli-h, wayo'a string tund wJi alo be in aileudauj during the day. Arrau cuituts Ixwt Wdu uiade with the Sew York aud Ciii.d railroad to carry irou PI ittsburgU fur tare one way -Res will be at the depot vj carry to Aaaahle Foriie free charge. We If arn from the Pittsburgh Republican that O.

Li. Fruscott, a Jeweler, who has t-eeu lot souie few weeks put etoppiug at Karauac, where he had jeweier. leu uib ooara- iistj house about 3 P. on the afternoon of lut- day lat-t, taking with several watches, articks 01 jewliy, which nau been to niui to repair.tujif ther with the wallet of Mr. Uirtm Kobiu-Buii, proprietor of the Ceuteuuial House in that I age, With what louse change he could find in the niuUL-y drawer, aini forfeiting to pay hie board biH.

The K-esev lie -tifpension Bridge is pronounced uneaie. Siiue parsons lost their hres by a bridge ving awav on the same spat thirty-four yvara ago. CiiiiSKY At EiUnburth Center, Clinton Ci X. due 8, 176, ot tcarlet fever Freddie S. tretscv, sou of Wm.

Crejsey, of Ellenburgh, and c.dld of rt Henry and Mattie 1. cretBsy, aged 5 years and 1 months. Kev. T. H.

Griffith, fjraierlv pastor of the Coueregatioiial Church, at Norwood, has a can tu preich in LAwrencevme. Cauyvil will have a grand picnic on St. John's D.iy. Saturday, June li-Uu. Gaod niut-ic the Sara-uac Band have nubly volunteered their gratuitous services' lor the occaiou, good and abnucaut re-lre-Lmeuis, and everything make the The public are cordially invited.

On" Dominion Day. July 1, a regatta will oil iu the h.irnor at Houses Point. A meeting was huJd, a' ih following flicc-ra were appoint. utitje lth, viii: rr-Mdent. P.

H. Myers; Vice-President, Ospt. D. Wiiite; jonn Lovell; irensurer, A. B.

Uhajjman; comm ttes, C. w. Lovell, Veile, IX. C. Breckeubrdge.

LovLr; of sport on iln w.tter will appreciate this aiiiMuuc. men li .3 exut cted there will be a ii juber oi' Vachls li-oiu liferent towns along the i iiie Hiia i rum caiiaU. entrance i-e wi.i iu (thatgi-d u- the egutta, or any of the gamrs. it iree to ah li ip ho ed tint tb re wlil be a 1 out A g.iOd timt; iua. be expected.

i hatkauuay. in Au-i'urjib Circus and eitiibit'jd a Urge-sized audience tue iolh lias mouth Thi piBCoal aus ht-id an ii cieiu: tht; ti'u 'Ihia i-s not a vt-ry good butic- ll'um 1H to cents ys. a li. ti es ct 10 enta per d' 2cu Wright tz Mii'jjfiit. iJintt't: aphors.

art now i twn, and iijt hi JdctSOU MitOh--'A Jj i uvuX Vt di llie cehar imt-ndt-d 1 1- ir L-ioc tht-people ot this ace it li, 'cjtfiiuial thu Pr by- is nojd an rei. I'ii-ct- K. A. -Ja. khoa hiB ui- ur.

im Wvjtth it. Iji tool dtal oi of aw-" i' ci'an 'li, the "Lis-ii ot tile hoed ah iab 'i-fc-hif- A r- eai'. TL V. ni! r'. -ir- ha July CV-wiai-tea on etiiM'-'ed Air.

A. J. tliiiS us ti tit. ai.iuiieho usatt'ie ti, ail pinj-ers i ure it quta to notify A at nee. isJist tv of Morris- U- a.i.-i i i 1 -The li ra i-nl i.e.

nc-y rrq-rired to and he is to cjmmeuee i ihe tir-t of Jaly! Vi rnr'rit re.vspaper men it at' Bt. Johnsbury, July place vi-il tho WliJto mtoi tt 1Uf Etv-iilh Aitiiual Comrueiice-ment o-i God 'atd Heiciiiary takes i.l.iee at Bai ro tex'. vei-k. On Sunday aext, sernjou by Kev. L.

G. Ware, Burlington. MoniUy A. M. and p.

n. oral oxiiU'inai jot Junior Exhibition in the eve' Tuesday a. m. i.tu rnoon AlumLi Ex -rcisea, oration by it. 1).

S'even-s A. 15.,, Ohio; i't tin, ii Ii. B. tiardmg, Hethel; u'iiiual ievoe and supper the evening; Wednesday a.m., GiaJua lng Exercises, r. ji.

Addie-8 by A. J. Patterson, J). boston; Poem. Rev.

C. F. Lee. Utica, The body of Iiiram Fuller, tin old resident of rit. AlbMi.

was found in the St. Lawrcnca river at Montreal Xuesday night. lie left the home of his Eon in-law, C. W. Stephen, at St.

Albans Ray, nine or ten days ago, go to Montreal, and as nothing was heard from him, his son Ryion Tullar followed him. lie was present when the hody was recovered and it. It is supposed that Air. Tullar suicide, as he was subject to fits ot melancholy, iie was over scvemy years oi age. George iiigelow was omuipresent, working like a lion the Secretary ot the Treasury, and probably there was not a Briaiew man in the convention who did not make hi-3 acquaintance, and who will not long remember his earnest iabors.

Cincinnati Cor. Mont peiier Journa'. A little oi lloury Devisuin was iui. over by Harmon ootiwortn'r. learn at Fatrf.ix, Saturday evening, inil.ctiLy aangeruUM upon his head.

At las: h'j was recovering. Ine team tut inglitene by tho evolutions aii'l t-iei ot tho h'airlx dru a Cjrps. Xiitj veuiirable lion. AiVaU aablu fliii UtUTt-r a oratua iia-jtu lbs h. The Grei'n Mountains ol Fairfax and tho Lone Stars of VVe.4ford Lad a mutch of ba-e ball Rt the latter pliee week btforo last: tho Green Mountains ton by ft sjore of 41 to 40.

Tt.n St. Albau'i esseuger is informed that Hon. Win. A. Vhe'ler, candidate lor Vioo-Pre-iideut, was born in Fairfield, on a farm now owneil by E.

U. Wallace .1 (rood mau to own it, if lie is a Democrat, HU father was 7, ilmon Wheeler, ho was a eon ol Joseph Wheeler, tho first settler in Fairfield. Ihe a of Col. John Parker, which occurred on Thursday of last week, at tho residence of his eou-in-law, in Colchester, de-icrvos more than a mere passing notice. Do was a longtime resident of West Ford and Fss.x, and wi.

highly esteemed ci'iz mi, neighbor aud friend, lio was Senator from Chittenden Ouut- on a coalition ticket between "free soilers" and Democrats, previous to Iho merging of tho form-r in the organizition of tho Republican party, lio was h'jiioroJ on heveral occasions by his fellow-citizens with important town offices, and was always esteemed a wise counsellor and frien 1. He ws at tho battle of Lund) 'a Lane, July 25, 1811, uudor 1 10 command of Oen. Win-field Scott, and was always a lirm and eon. sislcut 'rucrat iu politics. At a late pi-riod in bit lifo ho made a pnb'in ro-feBiiou of reliftiou by iii the Connr- pti(inal church at Eisex Cm-ter, nnd Rev.

Mr. Rmkin. Wlen aftui arJ a church was orgauizsl at tax Junction be waa one of original mid wai a meoibir of that ohurjh at his death. His funeral was on Thtirnday in tho church at Knex Junction, iv. Mr.

Whoclock rUliialintr, aud his rem itni deposited in tho neat cmotory at that place. Ho leaves a wi(o untl several childreti, all ol whom aru livittf; an.l Btitlled ia life, lie was a kind of patriarch among them, faking prido R'td pleasure iu nT their households from time to time, but spending ist of his l.Vlcr dajs with h'B nonf-in-law at tbe Junction nnd at Colchester, ot which latter placa death overlook him in his pilgrimazc, at four-rcoroycars; The Colonel will be tqual ly miesed in the political, rolig tou, family aad neighborhood circlet i which hi rnved, nnd will loa? be held in rcmombrmcrj by nM wiih whom he ff'ot-iatcfl. if I DEAD EfATS. 7z give these sc*ms of humanity a breathing spell this week, but unless we Lear from criaia onca td them be fore the cex issue they'll tear something to their dhadvuidaL'e. It Las bteome kaovn that bith of the caudMites are or Yermont orl-n, Gov.

Hayes's parents having removed froai Wiadham county to Ohio, and Mr. Wheeler having been born in Fan field, ileeci, though the usual amount of enthusiasm for a local nomination does not appear to pervade either in Xew York or Ohio, it is believed that this doable natal discovery ftiii enable the Cincinnati ticket to cir- ry Tenant. Firt Juckson will celebrate the 1001k auuivrarr of Awerfoia lu- Ic-nce. The order of exercises affords a most iirgraruuio. Carlton E.

Sinfcrd, of rotsdjm, will dolivjr the oration. from Concord, N. H. H. Rollins has been in tha House.

statae3 tint E. beted TJ. S. The To'e stool Ujllinn 209; scattering 5 W3S Rollins 8: J. G.

Sinclear 170 In the Sc-nate tha vote Sir.cicar 3. Ia response to a ssranade at Wash ington Monday night Presideat Granl made a speech the Cincinnati nominations. The Hon'real Herald tclis how the ol uuves nonimutioa Wa recevtea 1 the Aintrieana in thist city. The Herald comments will be fuacdin auoth- column auiocg tje Notes." Saturday was the lOlat Ann'vers- aiy c-t the Uauio ot Hunker mil. i'lio abiqaitouu mosquito will soon pr.

his bill. Iu f.ict soma hive aiivaf'y boen heard from. ley clid.ll.', Jim Biiiuo 's in a srd Oraat blew his co*ck too soou whilo Morten, ho laughed to see nch ran aiav ivitli Thi Graal'n Continuas! uiNKaupr swok is DTSAl'i'EllUNa PAST And 'li i.ikeit r.Vi-iu ueakd E-5-S TIIVI HALF i Pl.sid 1.00 SO. 50 u-r Cussiaierc) tjuita tiova, 0.51', Youth's 7,00, Wen's 87.50 Tho CassimoiaYauts the (stylish goods and new cut) ever sliow iu this State 3 00 uss whueiu of worsted COATS ud YESl'j, Piaid Suits fcr ii.a aul linjs still very old OarWfUTJa VESTS in 'fetjle au.I nircko up aro by all Uiabsst evar shewn ia Hie iiiy. STRAW leys liiau HALT H.A Tfi PP.IJE to cIom out.

cariGot aQ.r-l buy clothiii; with out ftrst ii'ag at our stock aad prices. B. TURK BS0, It bask r.Lcr.z Jilae 13. OALu JLT MOONEY'S and Examing Prices. A lit tlo Cash will buy a go-at many poods.

Farmers id Filechanics I.ntittition lVIllfS CO BtKLIXOTON, Hoidfrs of (IC'joait receipts issued by this company aro hereby notified that interest will ctise, June 10, 1870, upon all such receipts issued and bearing date previous to November 17th, 1S75. Holders of tho same aro rcqnoEtcd to present lUcni, without delay, tor payment at tho Merchant's National Hank of Burlington, Vt, If desired, uc? reccip'8 will b3 (jivtn in ex-thtui'o a rato of merest. C. WOODHOUSE, Tiejiurcr. Vt, X'ny 20, Go To fvlGOIMEYS and S9 those Men's Congress Shoes a $1.50.

UPRIGHT PIANOS Witliin tlie past lew ycara the for Upright Piauoa has- great.y increased, mainly on account ol'tae lit tle space ihey lake up in a om-pnreil with the common souare Pianos, which are in iar.ny cases "ioo larga for the room iu in hich it is necessary to have them. Owin to the increasing demand for Upright l'ianos, manufacturers have for the past two or three years given special attention to the im-provem-nt and development cf tM style, and to successful have they been, that about one half of tho Tianoa now used in the large cities aro Uprights, while the demand is constantly increasing; it is evident that they aro destined to become, in the country as wed as in the city, tho niot popular and fashnn-aide l'ianos for ordinary use. Sir. Hugh Ilnrdman, of New York, (who has manufactured Tianos for tho past lliirly-l'ive years) has spent mticb tima and expend upon the perfection of the Upright l'ium, and is now making one which, while it contains every improvement found in any first class Piano, is extremely moderu'e in price, and an elegant addition to any parlor. The loliowing are come of the advantages of tho Uardraan Upright l'iano.

1st. It occupies but little more than half the snce requited by tho ordinary l'iano, whilo it has about one fifth jioue rowKH, if desired. 2d. It is simple in ui' s'ruction, is most perfectly made, and is WAIIHAKTED TO STAND IN TUNE ANI) KKPAIIt EQUAL TO ANY TIANO EYKit MANUFACTUitr.D. 3d Tho tone is ofgi'cat depth and power, resembling that of the Grand l'iano, while the touch is perfection itself.

Tlio rmcB is Lowf.h than that of many l'ianos which in quality and tono will iskar no com-1'AittsoN to this. Mr. Edward M. this city, ha3 secured Ite exclusive agency ior Vt. and Clinton, Essex, and 1'ranklin Cos N.

Y. for t'jo llatd-nian Upright l'iano. and will he glad to havo any ono inlcrcnted cdl and cxani-ino and hoar it, and will givo prices, and any further information, upon application by letter or Go To MOONEY'S. For E. C.

Burt's ihoe s. VT. I. bu Uii of t' Wo- -ck An: i 1 1 Hurlii-- is 1 -r s- J- We arr ve i iu iiiz C' Cmj" bc- tin- itt-d the wL-arit, t'-uiieu uH'-t. ntu-vaui.

Ttho- old tcsc. li-ri', oere vtre buu lasiiy courtd i- i.y tlie tdicaiJi iarpe 'I'Uib Uisntu-ri-m ulii'i? ti! orJ Eiii'i it ia of tii--oi -t aitv." It Tcy Kortuy ajd wtij cuudac-ted. 'i UsVtii! iten O'lf i htralttiy aul iiap-I. aiul ai tLe re ii tlie ldy iu i-Usie, lii-y iriaeil hue ai-i It ub. zium ctb te tiie -Urn- ut i iaa chiui ia Uie waich vas very toacbiug.

iht i kiilit'E'e Hjiue" is a simi'ar but on t'je A ilra tuat do p-ulur Joc-triue ustiuybt, tae cLiitirea auvud all Hruimiaut cituri Uwa in eiiusi, C-iii-iroi of att ages, (up fj t-n, we tLiick) coicg am coiiditioaj. arc taken li'-re. a Cirti5at from th president UI mi cared unt lioiuea are foncl rur tnem 3iuuii tUs ptople. Pe-aois w.sti-ing to adopt an oj-fhau irui tiig ii gtitatioa muet ba a cvf tilicAte iron, te prtei ioi.t tie niair-jn. latli-ts Lave in His houee, an'l we eb-ju'd tLiuk tUt-y tli-y need tUe wib-doai ol tSoloiaoa, tlie iu-nee Jab and lha pray-crd of DauV J- the niaUou reiaric to inauaye itneh ia uiin-agtd by iaiit8, with ai investment coinmitue of umls.

composed wealthy gentlenia, residonis ot city. In lite nursery filtcfcu raBiuiJ Toni aavtu weeks to tbree or four years. TUere axe 7 children in Uie Hoine' at present. 'Ine matt' Mrt M. w'uu ki8 be a in the institution three years, was very kind to nn and niiowe! uaa'l over tbe building.

The cost of rucniutf ibis icsiitutioa ia very sat, al-tLouh it Uuianagtd on the most economic pkn; and it'anjboJy ba to fiiva to tha po.r, iu the bhape of clotbxu, victuals or wocyy, I they can't tiud a more worthy ot-ject. We nre glad to know that our Democratic faend. l)r. Jobepb Gay of gave to thia institution and hope vial follow bia noble example, 1 lie i- about two milea oat of the I city, iinnjaa'-ls a line view ot Like Cham- plain ani lUe hniUia. Wmi ewries iii-h, a n-mard r.

'if, eL.i i- ji -i up iu most a aiiprr-vd style. here arc t-'-n eaoi attiiLii a. i he was formerly iuieiided in bill wa is vsr oc-cupifd. it 'vt ia 'CI be(I aS i i iti tiie Wsir. At the close of tha kd.tB, who hud a tiEi1 'houi-j" the ti'y, it tor F.noe which tims tbey hid expended oa the i It worthy inBtitQtiou, and to be Silica more notice of bv tha nub lie throuiihout the State.

I Ikirliiiftton bas pome very fine public amonti theim are tha cmn Lou-, post city ha'l, city market, churches, Central Vermont do-pot, the Van 2es I'O'ifj. the American bouse, etc. jiue ol the inv.T baiiuinB aro very una, and are buhdiu" all the time. Our Hon. B.

ti. timaiKfj, ocenples a splendid maiion at tlie head olTuarl gtiect, near the college 2roun in. of tin; central 'Vermont titpot, through th3 kiudypbs of Mr. Daniel Flaherty, tho depot who is the right man in the were cond'icted to the tower ot ihe isaliaiit l'J!) ft'ot iro-ii the ground, an I as t.iobiMld- iity is clone to the wh-trf, iz aft '-irds acbarmm? view oi thalake, the breakwater, the shipping, thelicht juow, mcij JJunder, in the middle of tho lake, in on w'li. -h the British wasted their rowdcr during (tlntion; Juniper island, the lour llrotli-tr the hiaibcr irilercst of the which is the grea'cpt i i ma worhl, the 1110.4 ot which conies i'roiti Cana In and is Bent to all of the world.

The Canadian pine, of which there is irM-li ons of feut cn the whari'ihcre, is sail to be the b-t lb-it grows anywhere. 'i he worke art located a short Jir iauce from and wjfci' from hik-3 iri lorce 1 ly means of utatiotary to a rTrvoir at the bead College at eot, whicli il in uisfribiitt-d over nothing to do w.tU Uu is "1e!" tt.e we id a ii-e viiw of lbs- Kttam-r "Vermont" cjaiing into poit. i-i across the 1 Lite to -'York Stat-j" from tins point. The Verniont ia the Ijr'fet liueyt but on the is furLiheil iu drawing rot style. Through the courttay of Captaiu Uusalow, her coiemauder, va were shown on board, and we yot a quid 21 ro quo for the time spent ocaming thi varioiia departments visited the oiiceof the Daily 8kmini.x, the Uem cratie orau of tU" place, edited aud rubtiiiiea by A.

Merchant, whf UeaU b' arp blows at the wicked, uiid the proepect is that hiH larora wid- be rewarded iu Bfieiiiy tL'e eitv ttrougly Democratic in a few ThcU-iily lV.r:e and a lea tiny paper, is here. Alter a few poiHt3 ot' lesser interest, inornin-', Juuq ad, we retained to the '-Vim up onr gobi, chattels and ef- fectd, and while etraek for now sights, we Kruu; ior noiiie, ovci" tuetjeniiai ritioLii, n.iiu.j wo would nay .8 a well conuuetsd roa aiid contribute largely to tl fi waal'Ja aad ple.ia-iro cl tho pe.p'.u ot' oi' Venaoaf. iiirii! of July in 1-o-U't'i -T-i Br: i liiirli.vti.-' o-tilcti, -ton. I bridfjo. E-ist Kisholnou.

Pittsfui-d of Sew York. Craft Bcraai-diiou, v. aljv. U. D.

-Jin Eq Wooti- JZ. tBX-ii it -s re.ct cm- readers with pleasure to -he adWiiioe-ment of tha Coagh aa.l IT-tmor Cnre Dianttf icturtd and cold by C. 0. Frost Co. jieriiapi most of our ar; ef the wonderful properiio-s thia and Uujw sometLiiev; oi ent pive.i i.

ii dactiea ii. baprs, e.n.i oa it Ml jews tiie pre3-bai io intro-orfd tail oi hiiiii- ti: count ttaay are tip u.r; no-? filing, ing cniv-i ivhicii iiave tLiii live tvief, find iuo a'ieHd a '-it rcrnected eiiizoua. n.oiv of one cms that of ir lout? time efi'eete-. bad become i v.av, entirely and a t'w 1 sof lust of this II for saio by ail Jar.e but the been i almu; b. i by many of our We, a gi-1 waa i' with ixuv.l!t;ie chronic, and ivi; eiife vegi.lal: Hpeeiii ni Hiitm, at tlie iysi-doT'ce of T.

Hcrrick, Wii tiiile's la'iier. June by Rev. K. Ffel H. lirown ol Kuilp.uU.Jiml Sara E.

Horrick oi'Jhlton. RITQ0 WUCT; 0iB At tho Uo. Ciiovp-jiic, bv iho Hev. F. W.

Hilltard, J. of rljsi t. X'y Territory, (ionilPrly of ra.riiix, ami Jhis tlla WintJOinU, ol hftKx, Vt. bNYDi 1 1 linst. CUurca, Koines i'o'ul, Ly tii? Jiev.

ArclifM-'QU Cjnrcp H. T. Rt v. Tiicodore Aileu SjJor, of i hri.t (Jur.ivh, N. 'Jliss i.ta L'JiiiPa Ciiiutman, ai l.cmf-s tnamrv SAFFCmDli All IU illoa, Iln; U.

,4 a-d b) yuars aud fi inonllsa. 'Jimn 19th, Tiiloatt, widow of tliii lato J. a. Talcott, mo rfl. LvEUKT In l.a -vrittici, on Tueeu-ir, OtU, Gcjrc W.

Lvo.ttt, aJc-d 7ii yearn. Tim Win a mU otTcra, Chiton N. r.n 1 onii of pi nicer erfk-m ij tho ttuvn of Law re ii--0, r2 ye ru tua present month. 'l iie town was I'lfiiiui wildtrntff, and 1 ki irauy uthr of it d.iy, with nor ipitil but vint uroat work' supporting a IhiuiIv, u-i a td'in aud i for all at th flinif! in-. -iii'h La waa at tiinr-s iUHiinn for several yot by tha aid of- a taithliil ami iiuhi in ciiipinn.

J.o euoroed iu iu ttiil- Rp-nt his lit; iifiii iu iil difj.sii. but jtraloaliy wca'-rcr until liif wjs li-i hod lull of lii rrs-iuii for fl jvi-ral -f thfpa years, which liu tiiincd to tho lutt hour. 'J Its ranks of our early set tires thinning out, aud butfiW All to tueoi, nnd let us -ndly thrrifli their nu-morU for aro not vo of tho pre-v nt r.iU'Ui the ri-wjrds of their htur aiidtli': yre it priv-tiuiiiiiii'l th Biucirr Kvrs, Ki.ormi. and ft fritcf-ful iin ro ii! their tluo llVft it' i'jo njp! is Cvho 'il with t.r ni 1, tlu? is ri- lnr.iii. ivu'ly taoso Jeft a Hill's Umh LH'io i'-'-3 i.iy l-cki fiAl'.

of X. 7, 1 i.i- i fiVii U'llt' T.l J'; 'Jo hit ft 1 0 ulitritig tbecfiora and In dlfi-n licna 1 yoiK'i. ncrvutiB wtiakncM, early decay, h'-fv of MattlifM.d etc, I will sen 1 a redo ill run 1 I. I CK (treat remedy viis mlsfrlrnfiiy In Butitli Aniiif'tt. ml a H'-Af hi reared rnvolopt; to the Kt v.

ilcsi i ti T., ftatton lauk lntuf, iVw York tVj. Vl 1 lien and pnMm you Ti .17 A I'iito hi fcuni by Knuio'u Mugic Oil. ut VNTVrt MAOlO OlLcurrsTannmatlflru, i (iILcmtps Nfuiraii; 11 M'HO OlbcurB hprai-js, Cl MAOtf HI.SM.'rt Ao 10 OlLcmcsCnhr, 11 Kl MiWA riVftJO Cm lift, (M.u;t; (HL mr. tm i us p.dd by ill deilfrs In mrdirinos.

Wii ill fiuNH, I'mprlPtitrs, I'lttfinnid, r.TM All dr in llirlii -i; P. JIi. '('iiphi'ii. onpliit, in tin il fire thiot nro pif-Ti nc I iy hii I r.Hilul nr nf I'rniK 's J'in KliHn'i S'fiit il. 1 i.i? roui' ty 1 rk'sn ai iie.

an 1 ft wvk liif ft rhaim I 1 ir hiumiui Hi rm Viot srrieta at lejfa a.m a p. m. 1 it. Myron White, Ps. fSer TicM at a- BR.

Uid 7 tilOHtl SH-fcoul St 1 m. Pimjar niMtuitf Iliaicday tvtt, lug al i-. xti Sr. Vlxi'c Tomas Catholic- Kf. J.

H. ti lire, bcr. ia lu a. m. 2 in.

Cbumpl41 Locgz, F- A. So. 237, coBJmaiiic 1st aiid 3d Wedts-Jay ia t-ajli xuooth. K.LLorii,W. to.

Carlo, heci-airy. M'lt Clones. Western 'Way, a. Esteem Way, 4.5up. m.

New jrk ana A a.i.7 jnail 11 aa. QESTRAL YtEHOXT 6A1LT.0AD. tbaiks goiso east. I Chamr-iain 3:23 s. m.

4 C. mul p. 3-j (j. I. ZKAIKS GOOffi VEST.

(S.I.tC.I m. IS. V. C.J:7p. El.

The whole inside ol iiunriiDg'e J-ware store has been aiuted a Sigh! blue, the counters painicd tnd the effice papered and grained, and many other marked improvement- have taken place within the list lew days. It is now one of the handsomest hardware stoies in the country. Mr. George E. Dunning aad wife arrived home from Philadelphia last week Wednesday morning, atier a t- cajg sojouin in mat city; which ime was occupied iu viewing the wonders of the great World's Fair, Preparations are being male to 'af a stone gutter, on the hili near the hcuI emy.

Last spring much of tin read was washed away at that place. Van Amburgh had a bad day, al Mooers, wtck Wednesday, on account ef the rain. A large cruwd Mere in attendance during the af eruotm per-, formanee, but in the eveninjr it was! very small. Visitors to our filiate, nixl Wednesday, to witness the Cr. men's match, will find good and pleasant accomodations at all of our hotels.

D. D. T. Moore has removed from his on Cedai to 'he place lately occupied by as. 1'oils.

oa btreet. 'i'he'fuim on tin; to iiciutu, op.iiou wh tu Ji oy tlie iA.wi; and Timothy Some of our mind that, if Hh- jinnies to viiit tic, tXOibiTitlit ill ii.lif here. Sew dtiius i-'weirt A tor bri ii rt'. it- ii: occii ij(i L.v G.i- o. by P.

1 MuUjr, Tho sale tiie estu! TOO iio Pliny F. Dunning day, June 2lh. 1 The Eiiropfaii c'rcui i occupy three comer lot iic rni'iu-tM pot owned by Itobcii, Our village prcsfcule.i jatbr a ro appearance, tSattuday number of druuken '(m was siinjuy uwi juriiy of theui were li. ii Corbcau and other po You cfdi buy si cr all a glass at Gellyt's. lie slock of ccntenviiai fliiis, toy bomb sbeils, rocketa dies, torpedot-s, aud even nile could wish to tion suited to Ameiica," on the llev.

Dr. Chillis, of Mo iu tho taurniua aad e-veui. iti. The en iia-. live c.

as a. so lire ci is itiii-g a juv-i. as i A lire vrecs in tho iiau. tlivb IVrsbcs witxtia our yjilage, cau 3a O. Lapiuntu'ii phot cants a pi'-a'.

BftwstB eighty am from the r-dlroad wo licit) Xi-caJsv mortfb ill a ,1 i ir at Cbi-Zf, buKl lor CHI 50 0 and Ktw York. Th-qnittkg tlis job at Cbazy Ruagul ii lid macner, cbarg for a lool of biead. ing kid til days, reotivitg tbru and CO ccuts ia A Prssbyttry is Presbyterian but oh tins wet-k. number ol divins lrom Ciit and conutie-s exercises coiumciicuil at 7 o'cluch, a iari.o auo attendance. Tunred-iy, went to Chuzy and ded I'resby terian Church at Sir.

Freeman Kye ia il-f. let liiir house near his tan mill. Charley'' JJirU, one of i tractors of the new railroad at (Jhuz absconded sometime Monday myht or Tuesday morning, leaving debts unpaid, at Chaz" aud Ghamplain, uuioniitiujr hundreds of dollars, contracted lor pio. visiouR, horsed, Lariitssea About seven hundrtd dollars would square hmi in this village. Oiiieers ttavii iu i ur xuesday, but by a'-i-o'in ho had not been captured.

Work Wis aimcst entireiy Hi.pc at Cliiczy, Tuesday, by "tho sudden taking leave of the Mr. Peter Gupon rcaiyvctl thoe-shop from bivagua biork to second floor oi timith's A row occurred at Chazy aiiioi': railroad hands, ins: Saturday ii Li, the ihe ht. Kuives, revolvers, aud biiekb.t were freely used, and a nuinbtr were bad ir pared. The 15th was pay-da on thu Itou-us Point division of tho K. 1'.

C. railroad. About $22,000 was disbursed to the sub-contractors. Mr. Robert Wilson, of ll.n-cun Kngina comaaT, was in town Sabbath, looking quite natural.

The Royal Luropean Ciicus aud Menagerie will visit this piaca on the Point ou the 2it'K Mr. Georgo Errl, eiuployrd in tho chair and maniifuc'toiy ol J. i A. Fobes, was seriously hurr, t'no other day, while turning a bedpost. The bud-post escaped from the him in the bridge ol the nosj.

rlis has bled almost continuously nr.d he has bi en conlined to tho house ever rapidly weaker every duy.uutil Alondav, at which time he could hardly stand up. MllV ORIi ITE1IS. Nicirni.vir.F.L, Durlcii a ulimrcr in Thuredfty Junn Wh, ttie Btruck the chltnnpy Milton Father's in pARited down into th Btttre, forcluK opt the doom, throwing off nil of tho hlngna ami tuenct panned throntih the floor and Into in the cellar. Great European Menauorie and circ.iiH a flrit claee nnlgance cxhihillon hero on Ttmrittlay the itiKl. 3hdayetorc tliey were at and two etores and the irrint mill wi re lnirclr- )ed The Lawtennevllle He Hall tlnb waxtid tbo Htrlpod HtochlrifiNof title Tillage on Katnrtlay lint by a ecoro out ro 30 but tho btije any ihey can'tdoltairaln When on Friday nlnht )nnt wetk, the a tninaflon of Ifayce waa ttilogriiplif-d ottrylllairc Itoittlbhcana generally ex.reatl dieappolttted and were evidently cllaratla-fled, but when a little leUr they heard of Wheeler' nominailoB their epirite rote attc all f.tlt connitent that tne etat9 would no ltf.publlcan.

'iho Indicationa now are Diet th Cinclninti ttt het will be deoerally sereptable in tint, vicli.ity to all of tho dlaaflected Repnbllcane. he Hl.i.awr. (... Oonnly Lodge of Mood Irmplara held IU 25th qnirterly aenelon with 8t. Benia Valley I.otli:e.

Fort Jtt. June 18th end Hlh, Iter. W. it. Uelrne.

lien ttv. nreaidinK in abaenre of J. A. Vanre, Cutittty Chit f. IheutnalroutiDO bnaiuena wni Crnt attended It, after whlrh Iter, 0.

llanilia, patttor of the Freewill llaptlat Church, aJtlretteed the meftinR. Mtea Holeo Kleb having been Initiated ae a member ef at, Krgla Valley also dellvt rcd nn eddreee. Iho Key. W. 11, Holme wee elec od a delegate to the Orand Lo.1e, which meet at Hra-toea In AtifMi.t, papers were read hy A.

Flat dcri and Mine ijnraCoohdge. '1 he dearee of Fidelity" and "Charity" we conferred upon ten peraortl. 'J he I)tlg9 aijonrned.lo meet Ocdrnahnm In Augnat, CARAKA lociholdera of ihe he y.irk and ( nM. road Company have elected aa dlrecore: hunt V. Biaer.ThomaaJllckeen, Orand fl.

Cannon, A. A. Low, K. S. Monlton, 0.

Norton, W. rook, J. 0. Ilartt, Andrew Wllllama, 0. F.

Yotmj Jamea llooaerelt, M. nlted and 1. Taylor, lauc V. Baker waa elected lTcalltnt, A bam beloniilng It Mr. A.

Cbaee, at Norih fllockholm, wae eti-nek by lightning on Wednesday aturnoon last, and tatlreiy contnmed by fire. The Orand Lodm of Maaonl elected tbe lollowire (tfneerf for Uie ensuing year: O. Hon. Jamea titled; DepntyO. Joseph Couch; ft.

O. tease Jt. Anthony; O. Jnltn D. Wllllami; Orand Treaanrar, Oregory nranl crt-tery, Jam-s M.

inlin. Tbenorrel band r.ani emora i mnkiui ripid trnprovameot Their recent sereunding t'iplo Chazy Lake was an enjoyable (tent. a I i witii a threai ot prosecution ii liquor is male to any member. Kai s. Tue first icwti ar of the jtitr sra -li at Ut SI.

ciiiir-ii 1' Sunday, Ui pastor r.v. ur, ouTa-iey 1 1 OugTftfiiHiiai tlioMi, Kfiort pa-tor was in the iv Tue bal'hsUi iv-liu ci tai itr church htid acrtOLrt in tLs tst.iii. Better ro'd lim 15 tu HI cms, 'e -y; uji wuch offered S'cpwud's Jutil a ten it the rhurjli i-tur tay tvt-WQg Ofrc ll'jwrd a ti. Afcjj ivr uhjeijd tuiid oi rt.ui.ti oc the i ut- iy purjiia-j by thriu Ua.ii strcrt- Ctii rc btin du, and a tain fcas b-ta uoa ia Enr. A young 111 r-jiied George Tobin fi thrown lrom a Lot; ilvud-v.

bear tiic brid. aud i.t two tetth fcy lit fuddeu coutrct vnh the errand in ib-lorm ctao has oiK-ue-d a rea- u.grtKHii Park fclucfe, up rtiirs; eiich an ttisti u-ticnweican'iic-d Lercaud w-hope there Wiilht no lack ot aui-port 1 Hares aud VS heeler fliti Lave out in tLu v.iLiiie; cue at eth 6' of the bridge Ihe inrihhorhooi on tbe sjuio eiae oi tiifc iaiu vomd be if tee uusihl- iy loandaUimn ot ftonte of lLo b'jLdui byned In me iae ne ere rcmuvea. rsDEBETix. At the Kiublien ca.Qcnsfcfc:d on the evruiae of Juri 19, tbe to luwiu deitgatsB were chosen to tlu) bUte aad coamy cjnTeDuuao: omK coiiveLiiou A. C.

OiX'jn, usurge lfoittris. Comity convention F. W. Churca, Ge rge O. Ouuton.H.

A. W. K-ruoldfl. Cyrus 8. Prior aud John lioee.

The folluwm wera chosen town cowmitUe A. C. Julias C. w. xoynoi'id.

The Dtnietbu of M. Johns The pleasaut viihge cf f. Jobns, P. was overwhelmed and almost sropt away by fire yesterday. The buildings destroyed include boteh.

j.iue churches, the custom housr, court house, pest-oilioe, United States consuinte, two bunks, the t.JohLS News printing building, docks, vessels in the river, a poiti-jn ot the biidice crocsins the ilk heir n. tbe hit. Julihs woolen mills, siune oliitja ward rooms, aud 250 stores and The territory burued over a strip liiiie Ioul- and OJU feet wide, niDuiug Iho entire of Kichclieu theuee to tijo docks, aad rhrough Sc. Ueorgv-,, Charles, St. Paul aud Middle streets, all cruSfiag UicheJieu.

tbo bialdiiiga oa the east aiid uih v.c.:t oi tho si ret-1- wee destrojetl. Ui-n broke i out ia the luoiijiuE; i-l miil at tho heail or lliclielija tt t-ad a strong coathwo.t v.iiid Ciu-eoti it to ra; idiy. i'ha it piquet i hlut (-ffior n-pau-s, c-c-4. tiiguu; obt.dii ihclr i the rivi-r, thus dela wfifi thi; Iho oi ti.u.'lv tlitir lives. ir.

ii i idly b.irne:, lUoaip on, Cha1-. u. atLi vinl gOM i.i I o- w. .0 .1 jlr 1. be tatii'Ui i-i'J SJ.00J f.ii-L td.

ihj torul lii-th oi loi.i ii tm.dai at uiid aboil tuieS timniainl utlortsl iioui'jks. At 11:13 i.isi uiU guisiie tiiii life tuiy 'i'iit!'iy va- e- tTJMPhl Ss sterday Dr. L. (j. Ix'gan tiijg at the rooms of thu ton auJ meiiic-il ulub, thi- uciKM l-v far WAWvy rvcinam vac'" mt-mbtr cxvrt of bill.

cuK'-i ili; muia obi t. mo bid hom is fail ro to produci prMC'itrai rubs ia otht-r f.hiLcs in whioh hxd been i-wAl-lI 1)c. iVitiium un RccDUut of Svvcrai c.i.sijii cf in LU piucric, and aw do important sugffetioas in ivLUion to necessity of immediaiy ifi. The apur by pliytsiciitiia. Atuouff other subjects treated of iu able and papers, was tho nature I'm' row'5i ol the piaceutj, by Pr.

A H. Uiuu.tuii; tbe use of tiie tberiaonirjtL'r iu by Dr. O. P. Thnyer, a remarkable of diiples oraanni, bv Dr.

S. V'. Thiiycr, aad tiio nsa by C.a- peuier. the liseusioa oi thin snojsot tee socic'-y I at 10 Tiw jooitty mu' tiii BSIOX, 10 tha ubsenno of unguam pKstcii: in if Kt. i-ator, Aioiiiis jnvtf a on tbe nn KM to ua fio is.iii.

if. the Xcw Sta.c 6-. ciety vug read, iiixitinsthis thcin on. iv c-xcuiti l.y to l'hihtdtlphia. i'r.

oilV-a-d a nrointiott relative the publication oi ic-pmigof cliniq-ies tho Medical Cksh.fjo ill ti daily press, and it was dkemud ty ueurly al! thu nifmbers.jirvseat. XVudiug the dinens-sim, an taken nuti! 2 tu. Vi. The promise of a Biagniflcaiit al llarlingtoa too 4th is every day gra-Aing'brighter. A number towns ine to come to corpfvtc for Ihe tanner, and this will na iasposin? featnre of the parade.

Pet Sbnnard, G. A. will invito til tbe old poUi-ers of tli county to mot them at halt nr.d in in tiie march, r.r.d the Heformed -ileii's Club will a iimilar till the ciubs in the county. At Ucach's G300 cf bread are baked every day. Utir city hose ccnip.uiiei iaaalgcd a racing contest lest eveniiijr, the task being atiiu over 80 rod, of Rrouud, laying of BOO ot hose, and iho ing a stream of v.uter tha lie Boxer time was 1.82, dut'oa's 1.21t.

Tho ui a 1 thu tain 1 vas fie tik.Li beiug thwo rods less. on till reU ai tun eouiii.iiiv nf Likci Ceainpiuin V.iUey, hi Tbo address of (J. 0 the Men's la eveniutr, Vtaneh the fifth that ho lias Siven i-j th'in did net dl in interest, but was replete with new i n-1 briili.nif llinHrrhtH. Mr, feenn tolisvj unlimited in tellcctual re oureea to a advocate of temperance, hia had tew equals upon a liurliutou platform. We n-tve not room to review bis speech, there was ono suggestion which we cannot fail to comiuond.

lio advised the club to nso an its weapon -i ivmral alone, and not t' in' i or to enter upon proa i tho liipior law, as a club. Kvery mem-her Bhouid oto as lie p'owi, nul tbo Rime right to pr ii-eculn uny other citizen. Hut the thocijb itudcirtook i ruforcj iN iroik through or legd remedies, that momceiit would decynud die. 'lle speaker was emphatic iu etifuriurj ideas, and wo tlio club wiil hoe I them, tbus aviidiu' tbe elcmentH of icoid nud divisiou w'na would sooner Inter r.snlt iu diolatiim. About twenty names added tu the club pletiice, oud as in my m-re to tbo ladiea' pie-lice.

Tbo had vaa iiilc i Henry li.diard ami a. tjijl of thii city addressed inccting at tbo chnroii iu li-s-x Junction bust evening, unci at tlio auspices of tbe liefotuii'd Meu'u Club. About forty members of tho Purlinglou Club were priMeat. 'ihe club pledge receive! over a siRiiiiUires. Messrs.

liallald nud styles will open a tcmporanco ctmpnigi at Jliltou this Thursday evening, It is proposed by (he Fourth ol July Committee to present a haudcome and cis ly banner to tho town ton not ii'Cludod) which fhall i lur.r largest clcloriatiori in Iho The towns will be r.ble In make a haw I their nitcngth by tbo nra of llifci, whic'i wi bo bind bed ly tlie unjid UO. '0W le', th' ai! tlie I towua in the unit i in i i.t A I. unm won nitch in t. I 1 year, will b- ii, i. century.

I 1 1 I I srfnirt IS liUMAlNr IT AIR. OBXAXEXTAL EAR JEWELRY, CHALKS, PJXS, EAStl.WGS, it MADE TO OKDER fcs?" Faded Switches an? light darkened to ny required thale. la WILL BL' I ALL EIXW OF HUB IasirnctioD s7e in all Ha Itraisfc Taming Hdiciiel Ijr i ile. lira. A.


THE OLD Rsliable Line Re-established. And will leave Odeaiburg, dally. Atl o'clock p. on tho arrival of Trains from t'aa South as Eant. This line has recently fallen Into the hands of its former managers, and no pains will be snared to make this as heretolbra THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE ROUTE WEST.

All tickets include meals and state rooms. The pasFcngcr busineFS will receive particular attention this season snd the public can rety on the boats leaving Ogdensburg on time, making sure connections tor all points west. The Boats have been thoroughly repaired and painted, have experienced men as Stewards, and have large Cabins and Stale Kooms well furnished tor first -class passengers. Itates for passage or fre'sht always lower than by any oth-T line. Through tickets and other information can be obtained at all railroad and ticket offices in New Eng land, Northern New York and Canada.

It will be for tho interest of passengers and tarn ilies going Weft, to consult the Agent of thiti linebetore purchasing tickets elsewhere. P. CHAMBEKLIN, President and Gen'I Manager, Cleveland, O. a. A.

EDDY, Ojdensburg, N. Y. V. W. If ALHKltC I'aes.

Ogdensburg, N. SUMMER CLOTHING AT HEADQUAETERS Wc have oponed and put upon tur ountcra a superb line of. Whita Vesis, Linen Suits. Alpaca Sacks I Linen Cottonade Dusters A.lpaca Ulsteis, ire LOW, ami sha.l oflir Uio. PRICES THAT DEFY COi-TETITIOX A Ft.

MORE FLANNEL SUITS Men'u Homespun Suits for S10, Srrvicclile an'l very clicip. Fresh STRAW HATS, CAKES, acd U1I SHELL AS. la one wortl wc say, wc wiii aot bo un.lcrtJD'd. Von are respectfully invited to lcoi at cur slock End prices before- buying. Tours llitpcctfuly, SKAW.

li street. American House. NATIONAL HOTEL o. 3 Catherine Street, Malone, N. S.

P. BlZtL, I'roprietor. CANCERS! CANCER CURED WITH BUT LITTLE PA i a without the use of the ksif It. Tj. CHASE, SI.

NOfiTH LiWEXNCE, WOULD respectfully say to any aill: that terrible disiease, Careiasom that, having successfully treated cted with Cancsr, cases, he can warrant a Permanent Cure whoro the system is not so thoroughly iinpreRnatcd with tho Carcissomous Virna that it is impossiblo to remove it from the blood. Those wishing information in regard to his treatment, aro referred to tho following perfions, who can speak for themselves, as they have been treated for Cancers. Pleaso (1-lrcsB any person on this list by mail or person 'y Sirs. Ira Bnttlcr, Korth Lawrence N. T.

D. Adams, Geo. Ht. Denis, Almira Maudigo, Almira Hoag. Sirs.

II, Warner, North Stockholm, K. Y. T. Kingston, Brashor Falls, Y. Biashly, Wm, Watson, Wm.

Malone, N. Hr8. Tollman, Brush's Mills, N. Y.J John Doe, Hogansburfih, N. Y.

T. GiUan, Bangor, N. Y. ilra. A.

D. Leavitt, North BusseU. S. I. PRICES REASONABLE, a'D EXAMINATIONS FREE- ratlents under treatment will be furnished Cjar, and kind attentions on reasonable terms.

For full particulars address Ii. L. CHASE, M.D., North Lawrence. T1IK VKI1MO NT LI VE a CD 0 (fC CD Insurance op Company I.UKLINOTON, VT. Incorporated October 23 IB6S.

Tills prndentlr maniwred hom*o comtnnv Is a fl rorile with tho business meuoi Vermont. Aauutj January 1, 176, This company has a larger ratio of assets to liabilities than any other company rioing business in tlie State, including cnpit.1, $3.67 in assets each In liabilities. Kxclueire of capital, 1.17 in assets to oach $1.00 In liablUUes. i RUSSELL S. TAFT, President.

W. I. OILDEKT, Vice President. WAHHEN tllBBS. SocetarrT.

ONE PRICE ONLl From tliia dite slial' a 11 all g3di my lln tt ij It 12 ATL REDUCED VTES. traveling a-TPnti, andgive my curtotrifri ine ml "nTrrylwflf in particular," an now bny 'Gloves and Mittens -or- WHITTEN, at what brreloiWa bat WIIOLFSALh riilCKS, TVT? t) CASH, ani no bantering oil XJLiJVl'jO rrirw, hthr yon tk vat or dicn, 1)itp rninr ail Olita of all kinds rfcairo-l on short otic. if-ly. J. I.

WHttTRV, lac "Fip'l. leu. fl'e slrst, I i.rl'.ngtm, Vt 1 iijCS.Iiirabiltty(haDttcwX'MeqiiKlV IX BANKRUPTCY. District or Vermont, ss At Hardvkk, tlni 12Ui day tt Jane, UTS. TMIE undersigned Jiereoy givaa notiee hia 1 riDtuent ieadee or the wtau John H.

Dievof Mardwick. who has been rfjadgdi, look rujjt bj th district art of said diitrict- 25 MKSRY PEfiLEY, Awigaw. IX BANKRUPTCY. Id tb district eran of tha United 8Ute for th diBtnct of Vermont Xn tha matter of H. K.

Tavlor bankrrfpts. Ia bukniptver. To tiue ereditora of aaid bankrupt aud ail wtun thia may oonctrn. PHIS la to gira netlce that tha aeecmd and third 1 general steetisgs of tha rreditorftof tha aon-aaid bankrapta have been ordered by aaid eaort to be held at Field Taylor's office in brittle horo, in aaid district, tha 23d day Jane, A. at o'clock, a.

before W. V'eazey, one ef the registera In bankruptcy of aaid court, for the purpose named in tbe twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth aecnena of tha Oni-ttnl 8Ute bankrmt act. approved llareh 'Mt lbffJ; acd chat I have filed my final account aa aaaignea of the estate ol aaid bankrupts, in aaid court, and that at the time and place above named, I ahall apply to amid court for settlement of my aaid account, and for a discharge from all liabilities aa aaaiKmaa of aaid estate, in accordance with the proriaiena of the 2bth section of the bannrapt act of atarcfc 2, lbT. B-atPd at Brattk-boro. is aaid District, thia 6th day of June, 4.

D. 1676. 25w3 8. X. EEBBICX Asaignen D.

M. VARAEVS ESTATE. THE BubivTiberB, having been appointed by tbe Honorable Probate Court for tbe dit- tne of Chittsndeo, Comnuasionera to receive, examine and adjust aH claims and demands of all persona, againttt the estaeof D. M. Varaey, late of said district deceased, represented insolvent, and tbe term of six moo Lb a from tbe 15th day of Jane 1ST 6, being allowed by said Ourt to tbe ereditora of aaid deceased, to exhibit and prove their respective claims before ua; give notice that we wll attend to the duties of our appointment at the office of W.

L. in Burlington, said distric-t, on tha 4th Mondays of July aad and November next, at 10 tha foro noon on each of said days. mted at i-urJinion. this 15th day cf Jane, A Lt. 1S7S.

NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District of Vermont, ss. At Kewbarv this lfl'h day of June, 1876. THE undersigned hereby gives notlee of his appointment aa aseisraea of Wn. P.

Clark of Gr-oton, in the county cf Caledonia, and State of Yermont, within aaid district, who has been adjadg-ed a bankrupt, upon his own petitiau, toy the district Court of said District. 2C3 JOHN BAILEY, Asaignw. BANKRUPT SALE Al AUCTION, I will sell at public auction at Geo, L. Sleeper' Ilotel. Newport Center.

Xt. on tha 4th Monday ot June next, at 9 o'clock, a. the following described property, balongisg to the bankrupt ostateof W. H. Willey, viz: The Saw Mill at Kew-port Center, one village lot containing 1-2 acre of iana in vimge at centre, about thirty acres or timber land one mile soma, of the Tillage; also a larse nrnnber of Hemlock and Sprace lofts at the mill at Newport Cent a quantity ot Hemlock.

spruce and Bass Boards near the mill and a portion on a. r.Bartiett premises; one good drmne mare. 3 traverse sleds, 1 pair of double harneaeea, 1 aingle barneFS, lumber wagon, 1 wagon, 1 single buggy, 1 bnflalo robe, chains, iron bare, neck yokes, whiffletreea. a nnantity of wood nar tbe iailroad shed, and other property in the above list. A 'so at same time I Will sell three tenement houses situated in the village of Newport, all well situated and in eood repair, and will be sold subject to all legal inenmbrances thereon.

The above properly will be sold for cash. Ti. BOBINSON. Assignee. Newport, June 2d, 1878.

2iw3 JAMES CLAlUi'S ESTATE STATE OF VERMONT, To all persons conein- DiEtrict or Chittenden, ss. i ed in tha nutate of James Clark, late of Burlington- in aaid dis trict, deceased. Greeting At a Probate Court holden at Burlington, within ana for tiie District of Chittenden, on the 6th day of June, A. D. 1876, an Instrument, purporting bo the last will and Testament er oames Clark, late of in said was presented to tne court aioresaid, ior rreoate.

And it is ordered by said Court that the 27tk day June, A. B. 1S76, at the probate court rooms in fflue" Bnrli assigned for proving said instrument: and that notice thereof be given to all persona een- cerned, by puDiismng mis oraer uiree weeicfl au- cesBively in the Burlinjrton Democrat, a newspaper printed at Raid Burlington, previous to the time appointed. Therefore, you are hereby notified to appear before said Court, at the time and plaee aioresaid, and contest the probate of said frill, if you nave cause. Given under my hand at Burlington, in said district, this5tb day of u'une, A.

D. lBTrt. 24 w3 E. 8. TAFf.

Kefrfeter. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. THIS is to giro notice, that on the 6th day of June, 1S76, awarrant in bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Wm, P. Cushman cf in the county of Washington, and state whohas been adjudged abankrupt on his own peti-1 on the paymentof anydebts and deliveryof any Propertybelongiug to said bankrupt, to him. or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by Law: that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate will be held at a court of bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of Geo.

IT. Fisk in Northfiell, in the county of Washington, aad State of Vermont, beforo John L. Edwards, Register, on the day of June. A. D.

1670, at 10 o'clock, a. m. THOMAS FAIL5T, 2tw3 reputy U. Marshal, aa Messcnccr. Inbaxkbupzcy.

In the District Court of tb? United States for the District of Vermont, in the matter of Geo. Wellington, Bankrupt. 'Ihe undersigned assignee of the es'ate of said bankrupt hereby givea not that oa the SUth diy of June, A. D. 1876, at 10 o'clock a.

at Town's Hotel, in the villagd of Fa'As. iu Baid district, I will sell at auction the following real estate: 65 acres of pasture land in New Ipswich, N. 12!) acres of wood and timber land in the town of Crajcbn, N. a-ad about two acres of land in CambriJgeport. Vt.

Bellows Falls, May 27th, 176. GEO. SLATE, Assignee THE BEST OP ALL GOOD C0MPANV. THE ANBURY NEWS. l'iiciaalleil as a Home Paper.

Stories. Sketches, roems, Chess, mzzles, Original Wit and Humor, Correspondence everything to amnse and interest, stamp for specimen copy: Only $2 50 per year, postage fre. BAILEY i BUNOVAS, Dantrary, Conn. JacolCdCm FOR the BEST goods and lowest prices go to BJ J. E.

BlUiSSMTlD, Oia Stand, Cliiiroli His just returned from New York with a flue assortment of new styles of Jewelry und SUoer Plated Ware. Hiuidsomc seta ot Cameo, Onyx, Amethyst and ot or styled. Seal Rings set Kith the same Hones Seals, Charms, Lockets and Scraf Kin set with Cameo, Amethyst, Onyx and Flower Oiiaised Silver Ear Rings, Tins, Euttone and St CHAINS. A good Block of new styles of stock plate, vest an" chains, as well aa gold ones. Bracelets.

Plated "Ware. A new assortment of fine Silver PlatM Goods, nob. by styles, suitable for bridal and other presents, from Simpson, Hall, Miller Heed liarton, Rogers tb Bros. Elgin and other American ATOHES1 for La.lies, Diad Swiss Watchei good timekeepers. The largest and most complete stock of silver and Via tea spoons, lorss, ana oi Spectacles and Eye-Glasses to found In ths city; besides ft MORHIS' Glasses.

Clocks of the best quality. Watches, clocks and iewelry cleaned aud ropa ed as usual in a satisfactory manner. An examination ol the new (toous is solicited. -T 131UXSMAID. Pure Water.

Pynsing FIELD'S COATED PJP. an ufc tared by A. FILXD.Jr.. 11 arichrt. VI OS rt hom.

5Ump'es worth ij) 0 10 tj) xJ It fre SriNfrros aud II Jin Al Oa iiy st li imrt. Acmit wanted. Outfit and Icterus free, TUUk. Augusta, Miin, Ply nasc, to o. ew'Yori kjfnr Pamphlet of 0 pnfres cnntitninnllnts of 300 nowdpipsrs, aud estimts showing cost cf advertising- AUCTION SALES, McDOWELL, AucUonter, resrrtfn1Iy to Inform bia frlMuls aud th Il i nbllc ttist htvinR leaned the Ure Room.

Ko. 710 Htwt, Montreal, P. Is prejred to rs ceive all descriptions ef general Household Furot tur sud etTcrts, for positive slf Carptts, Bedding, Btovrs, Kitchen rcfiulsitwi, rieturss, O'sss Wars, la ted War. Crockery, Fancy OoMs, Cutlery, New and Heond-hand. tales will be held raulirly ttj Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, snd Batur.

dsv evrtdna at 7 o'clock SatlafacUoa gusraotlsd, ai 1 rehirni mad, tpeclsl att-ntloo paid to the 810 tt prlv( Residences, SDd Farms Mfwlt, Rl Fstats, in the Korthrrn part of Vermont snd hew York 8tst alio tn th9 L'iitricls of Ibarvllle tad Bcrbonnoit Q. Orders Uken fot the parens of Awshlf 8tnck, Ctswfld sud L1rstT reived ethiT hv or In psrsn Add res, P. lr0WEI-U Auction! 15inr tl6 Craig Mofttrftil. ChAnts. Mts.

Sentence. Anthems, providing fofehneee and variety in every Prt rrK va bingie copy ai-a. i- waicu u. Bmikxt potvt-troa, ui auy addrea. A eidediT pretrv and sweet SabMth School Song lrjk, it OUOU ft Li takes at tirr sieht.

copim poit Irte, ftt 'JZ ctft. Bav our CtAtcaala1 Collection ef tiontml ffose. tor in on ail Centenn ial H-'caeiofis. kt tu Piper, 4) cts; in BjArUs, SO cu. t3rA Press, ani wit be rtvty in timtfir tht Fail I root, Uie louowaig umeiy iwjtif The Amertean Choral Uok eej pleet ana 4 part eoaga lor HocietiMi; aieo, ine Kncore.

(for Biueinar Classes and Conventions) by O. Emebom: Johaa oy nanaei; ana anew collection oi jfart songi tor OLTVEB D1T30S C'J. jsios, Pure Water. FIELD'S AQUEDUCT PIPF is borel from the solid timber, tior-ougfdy tested by acual pressure, and heavily coated with hard coal Manufactared by A. Jr, lericho, Vt A SVC THE LAEGEST AND MOST illiLIiBLE FIRE.

3IARIUNL, LIFE, ami ACClDJiAl Insurance. Connmnies rae United States and England, av represented AVERILL, JR. SA, KELLOGG, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office in rooms lately occupied by First National Bank, Champlain vlllairo, NATHAN HOLBROOK, Livery Keeper, Champhin, i. Gooi Turnouts always io reaaiaess: Careful daivers furuiehed when cesireJ.


FIFIELD, Proprietor. This IlonBe has been recently repaired and re. tied, aud Is now one o( the best in Northern orfa. A free carriage is run to and from the rs. Champlain, N.

Y. HOUSE. Oil the European. Plan. Yu.

A. Lavally, Proprietor. After September 11, oysters can be had by the pint, quart or gallon also served at all bourn, aiaia street, Champlain, N.X. Entrance to stablen liar street. Boots and Shoes Just rc3civecl comprising MEXS LD1AES and CHILDREXS FINE SHOES of every description.

Also, a large of Harnesses, Blanke's, Sole Leather and Shoe Findings. Ail Goods will be sold at low prices D. VIXCEXT. 1875. tf JjL KODEKT8, Proprietor.

Thia hotel has been recently refitted and furnished, and offers good accommodations for travelers or Bteady boarders. A billiard room with two nrst-class tables Is connected also a good sized Bhed and stable. Free carriage to and from the cars. House on Main street, opposite the Frcebvterian Church. OIIAMPLA1X SASH AND DOOR WORKS.

CIUMPLAiiy, N. T. JOHN EARL, Manufacturer of and dealer In Rastt, Door. Min is Window and Ctrar Frames, Monldlngs. Brackets, Kewell Posts and Ilannistors.

Haw-lng( rianinut aud wood turnl to order. DEALER I DRY GOODS, Grocaries and Provis'tinj Store in Block, onposlls the rrosbyterlan churcb, Slain street, unamp am, n. i VAN NES8 HOUSE, D. Barber Proprietor, Burlington, Vt P. O.

B'f nr.n. HATS, GAPS, FOBS, Trunks aud Uiubrellasj CANES, Gents Faraislii Goofls, SLLLIXli AT LOW TRICES No. 42 Church Street, DURLIIIOTOH, VT. fatrOuM ftollclted. CHA9.

H. WHITNEY, SUHUrJOTOH. Tt .1 A ChampUin'N. Y. Tbo Dtrsagsst, YPZ0t (ThoLiglitestD-raft ff Xf Scst Sisapsr, (TheBestComViiieaj aja ie a I time, us anli bufa atid Locora'olj cccj uiJtv.

A oud? niin named MundeH. mem ber of ihe Eetey guard of Brattlebaro, and another named Mcore, fell ever a precipice some thirty lett ia beihl while returning lroia a farming Uip through a niece of woods Saturday eve- Alundeu was fatally liijured, ana the h- pes ot Aioote recovtry are iiii. Doin were esteemed. Tho Yermont Woaian'a Misioa As sociation will coQvece at iu connection with the coiiventiau of Vermont CoDgreatiouai churches oa a lady greatly interested in missions, will address ihe asbocijtion. Cichm'd Maiskst.

Jnao IB. about the sime as lat weeli. Twj huu-drcd tubs wre offired, tho mles being aIS foiluftv; fiir ro gooJ, 13 to IS ceuie; choice, 20 cents; a few tubs of f.v cy sold ht 21 ceuts. Of cheese. 2'J3 boxes acre with saies at 7 to 8 cauls for Ltw iiirm dairies.

A few of old eoid at 12 c-ciits. Watkuville. The J- hnoon Dramatic Club gave an exhibition at S. li. Miller's flail, on Friday evening Utst.

The main play of the evening wi 'Teu Xights in liar day last Ihe Lamoilie Ct-untv Good i Templar's Union was held ai wiih Kelley River Lodge. I Edwaid the flirb''aio niur-r derer, is not a son o'' Edward Tatro, who iurmeny run a barber shop in Rmhnd, as cuncntly leported. young man t-aa naia-i at Liiw iju, Xiiwfano til Orrak-i- iiUo ihe deput FaU, wet v-ii'! brok. -ail en h's tin i'ly turueU ni a.t South be coiitiuiiod his deviiiiy 1 ue. ty i.iiil, by tLtrnug the imuhu; if Li uu Uun vhjj, Willi iiir; boutv, p.i.c to smash things general ly, aftjr.vard hinis jit in Lwis b.tru, in the same netubb jinj- d.

ovoifil (i ilil.l 'ii-. tiarn-srd, v.i'h U.r.:, and tih Uy i i ivn mfud'i m.ui-' djWijtfe would lit ill i- tVu Icatu livni thi aMoss'jr's ia-. jiori lliuL iho number of in this city hixn docrcuM-d. thia 1 1 mi-, juwt year mere were ail, aau isO or only 1 50 for tvery mau, Toiu-ui and chi iu apt ruc:;in;r at which was Heur Jj.tliur.l ii. S.

i-i'y, G7 pei.sms s-ine 1 tho lU-formed lleu'ti Uiiio was i 175. Trie cUtircii -as tua ua-? Ti-ry ..1 wh 1 aid A rape was comuitUcd upon the eight year old daughter oi William Con-am, ol iiali-hury, on Wednesday by a brat named Rock. Tho rascal caugh: her i-i woods and acomplished his purpose in deiianco of her atrtiggles. lie was alterward arrested and Menu lied by the girl and is now in custody. 'the Grand List of this city hss completed and filed in the City Clerk's olllce.

The list amounts to number cf polls, firemen, 2u0. Lal year the iist was 83U.370.6U; number oi'polls, 2,230. The Stale canvass by tho committee of 1. M. C.

A. has closed and the committee find themselves gu'00 in debt, but as oll'set. they report one thousand conversions since the canvass began, last Sseplembor. Hen. Albert Claike of St.

Albans, read a verr able paper before the Nali sual Rfvrni Congress, at its meeting Sew on the on the subject of cipital puijishuieut. After tht (piestion every standpoint, be Cuvi his conclusion, trom roisonsof a practical ehamcter, that the death pinaity should Ir While dissejting this coneht-si id, we comnii n.i the i.ier, i -r th clearnes-i and forco of its 1 -g exhibiting the abttity witu which a subject ol doubtful cxpt dieucy can bo treated. Rut if Sir. Clarke" will not consider it impudent, v.e will ask him lie' is anything better than hanging IVr such wretches us Tatio aud LaPtige, tho murderers of aha, Kutler and llaiictta Pa Aipt the bat Boston baby assassin, would he do with him? St. Albans sent a special train with two hoso companies and one eiijiuti to the St.

Johns fire. The "Darwin theory illuslrated," is what a father said when a Ruriingtou boy came home with his hair cut a la pine-apiih-. Aboat cooa John Irvmg's barn in Colchester was burned to tiie firound. A hoi so, harness an I iy ir-. re btii-LCtt.

Probatiiy set by sparks from pipe. Sr. Anuixs PuxiEit MAtuitir, June 20. -Oood 18 cent-; ice 2J to 21 cents; gilt edyed 22 to 23 cents per lb, with seme lew dairies selling at a hie, Iter jtice, Tho price paid a I. Frankhu, E'tosbiirgh Falls, East lierktihiro aad "liit pti'Lts, xesierday, ranged fr 20 in 22 cents per ib.

The Chittenden County Sabbath Sc. ool Union will hold its thirteenth annual meeting in the Congregational church at Jcucho Cenb.r on Tuesday aid Wednesday of next week. Tuesday will be devoted a consideration ot various subjects coi.necled i Sao-btth school work, nnd on intsday 'he buoincca uiecliiu; wil lie hell. People going by 1 eat voyaoce by teams liom Wi nearest railroad sta. ion, by have Iho 11.

Lane, Jcru-ho Center. A letter from Chittenih ii unti. date of June 10, says Air. plum ii air.l, ouo of tho Eddy ring, ao 1 ''longest supporter, ia under nnd has been bouud over to ihe n. xt tt rm of tho liutlaud county in the sum of SI 000, for crucily two small children of John Noyej of Chi'ten ten, One cf the children lies ir a critical situation, Rutland Globe.

A basket picnic will bo held in Hemlock drove, south of Williston do-pot, on Tuesday next. Ex-Gov. Tal't, D. E. Hoyden and others are to deliver addrtsses.

It will bo an extensive affair, and has been christened the ''Chittenden County Centennial Picnic." Mrs. Fefee, of North Here, poisoned hcrsulf and two childreti a few days ago, by spreading rat poison on some bread which they all ate. The children, gcltinir an overdose, threw it up, aud it is thotipht they will soon rt cover, but Mm. F. died in a short time It is thought that jealousy was tho ca isc.

A few days ago a li' tlo girl, two years old, daughter of Hiram Straight of Alhurgh, fell from an embankment into the lake and was dtowned. When fotinO her head only wa-i under watci. It it Col. M. S.

Coiburn of Man-cheater, and not ex-Uov. Smith ng previously stated, who lias been chosen to represent Vermont on the new National committee. Tho FrrtMcnt has noiuinilel Hod. Lot M. Merrill, Senator frnm Maino, to tho offico cil Socrc lury of tho Treasury, to Uristow.

When Urikiinp nci.t out of tlio Vur Dppitrtrapr.t, the Preiiidc-tit tendrr-d tlio vacint flaco to Mr. Morrill, but he declined. Now he scciitM. Mr. Morrill in mien ol tin-xneptionnhln rlaructer, and his mi- poiDltneDt will bs pi r.iHy appptablo to lie eoflntry, (I rl I'lrPK tprm Oorernorof Mainp, nml liui turn in Ihn Spnnto about lrclve ycara.

i a. I id tu ui p. of ia I II oi an ai cU or of.

Democrat and Weekly Sentinel from Burlington, Vermont (2024)
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