Florence Morning News from Florence, South Carolina (2024)

MORNING, FEBRUARY! 9, 1953 THE FLORENCE MORNING NEWS, FLORENCE, S. C. PAGE I Deaths And Funerals William L. Kirby TIMMONSVILLE, Jan. 8-William Kirby, 64, died at a Florence hospital early Friday night after a few weeks illness, Funeral services will be held Monday at 3 p.

m. in the chapel of Ham and Perry in Timmonsville, with the Rev. R. H. McKinnon in charge, assisted by the Rev.

Roy Kendall of Hartsville. Burial will be made Byrd Cemetery, Mr. Kirby was a son of the late Arthur M. Kirby and Fannie Lynchy Kirby, Survivors include his widow, the former Sadie Knotts of Timmonsville; six daughters, Mrs. O.

Robinson nof of Groton, Columbia, Mrs. J. Mrs. D. Alfred, Oley Gunnerson of Thompson Essex, of Flor- Engence, Patricia and the Misses Violet and Kirby, both of Timmonsville; two sons, W.

L. Kirby Jr. brothers, Walker KirWiley Kirby of New London, by of Timmonsville and Sam Kirby of Houston, and six grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Reddin Taylor, Marion and Orion Gee, Manley Young, Luther Matthews and Elbert Parnell, all of Timmonsville. Joseph C.

Johnson Joseph Canty Johnson, 63 died early Sunday morning in Bruce Hospital, he had been an invalid since Aug. 1939. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p. m. today in the Stoudenanire Chapel, will be condcted by Rev.

E. E. Glenn Central Methodist Church and the Rev. JuClarke of Mullins. Burial will be in Mt.

Hope Cemetery, Pall carers will be Victor M. Smith, Clyde Jones, W. H. Flowers O. T.

Johnson and Fulton Matchell. M. was born Oct. 1889 Johnson, County and was a 14. son of the late Evander and Eliza O.

Atkinson Johnson. He was a resident of Florence since 1918 and for a number of years was owner and operator of several barber shops. He resided at 609 King Ave. He was a member of Central Methodist Church. He survived by his widow.

Mira. Ida W. Johnson of Florence; one daughter Mrs. Frank Macaulay of Florence, and one son Joseph Cantey Johnson of Columbia: two brothers, Gurley Johnson of Conway and Emory Johnson of Fayette, four sisters, Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs.

Charles Davis, Mrs. Bruce Davis, all of Conway, and Mrs. Addie Zerangue of Louisiana. Stoudenmire Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. John E.

Hewitt Funeral services for John Edwin Hewitt. 67, retired machinist who died at 9:30 p. Thursday at his residence. Route 3. Florence, were held in Stoudenmire Chapel Sunday at 3 p.

m. The Rev. B. L. Hill officiated and burial was made in Mt.

Hope Cemetery. Pallbearers were Cogburn Hewfit. Charles Hewitt. Will Hewitt. Marion Morrell, Fuller Morrell Waller Lee Morrell, Irvin McPherson, Wallace Currin.

Mr. Hewitt was born Nov. 21, 1885. in Florence County a son of the late Edwin and Mary King Hewitt. He is survived by his widow, COLDS' WHY DON'T YOU TRY 666 LIQUID TABLETS OR different It's time tested.

Fun if others tiled you. try Mrs Rosa Lee Atkinson Hewitt; two sons Eugene an William itt, both of Florence; one daughter. Mrs. L. Broughton Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; three brothers, Rufus Richard Florence, and Timmons Hewitt of Darlington: "two sisters, Mrs.

Hilton McPherson of Florence and Mrs Margaret McPherson of Rowland. N. also six grandehildren and two great grandchildren. Stoudenmire Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Edward J.

Garret DILLON, Jan. 8 Funeral services for Edward James Garret, 68, who died today at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Gurley Hyatt, will be held in the Second Baptist Church at 2 p. m. Monday with the Rev.

Mr. Willis in charge. Burial will be made in Mispah Cemetery in Florence County. A native of Florence County, Mr. Garret was a son of the late Thomas and Hannah Garret.

Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Juanita Bailey and Mrs. Daisy Mae Ward of Route 1. Florence, Mrs. Gurley Hyatt DilIon and Mrs.

Thelma Self of Darlingion; two sons, Edward Garret of Newport News, and James C. Garret of Dillon; a brother, Robert Garret of Florence, and a sister, Mrs. Mamie Hampton of Mullins. Harley P. Matthews CHARLESTON, S.

Feb. 8 Harley Palmer Matthews, 52, of the Warsaw section Williamsburg died yesterday at local hospital. He had been in declining health. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at the Happy Home Free Will Baptist Church in Charleston. Survivors include the widow, six sons and five daughters.

J. Carter Latimer GREENVILLE, S. Feb. UP Friends and fellow employes will pay final homage tomorrow to J. Carter (Scoop) Latimer, sports editor of the Greenville News, who died suddenly Saturday morning.

Funeral services will be held at 3 p. m. at the Buncome "Street Methodist Church here. Burial will be in Springwood Cemetery. Pallbearers will be departmental editors of the News.

Members of the Greenville Rotary Club and other personnel of the Greenville Piedmont News Co. will provide an honorary escort for the body. Clare Booth Luce Gets Appointment WASHINGTON, Feb. 8 (R-President Eisenhower has announced he would nominate Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce as ambassador to Italy.

He is asking Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker to remain as bassador for the time being. a White House statement said. This presumably means until the Italian elections are over at the end of April or early in May. The statement said Bunker had agreed to this procedure. Mrs.

Luce is a playwright, former congresswoman from Connecticut and wife of Henry R. Luce, of the Time-Life-Fortune magazines. She is convert to the Roman Catholic faith. POW Riot Quelled In Koje Compounds TOKYO. Monday, Feb.

9 Gen. Mark Clark's readquarters today said a platoon of U. S. troops quickly quelled a demonstration Saturday by North Korean war prisones in two Koje Island compounds with tear gas. Clark's headquarters also announced a North Korean prisoner was shot and killed Thursday when he attacked a South Korean Army guard with a sledge hammer while on a work detail.

NOW -Even I can HOW the LAWN Powered by quick 4-cycle gasoline engine hp or 3 hp). Full adjustable governor tees accurate, dependable speed control. 24" blade cuts right up to tree trunks, shrubs, fences, etc. Seamless steel tubing throughout frame insures light ruggedness. Precision construction safeguards against faulty operation and mizes repairs insures troublefree performance.

$13610 and up MASTER MOWER See the MASTER MOWER today at TURNER IMPLEMENT COMPANY 715 S. IRBY ST. FLORENCE, S. C. PHONE 6375 Noted American Pianist Appears Here Thursday George Johnson noted American pianist, will give a program in Florence Thursday night.

The program will be held in the High School auditorium beginning at 8 p. featuring a "Bach to Boogie" rendition in which the pianist will cover, according to advance notices, "every type of music known to the piano keyboard." "The Piano in the home," series of character impersonations also is on the program. In "Impressions of Famous Pianists" Johnson assumes the character of the famous "Old Masters." Johnson was featured for ten years in Paramount theatres schools and on the radio throughout the He received his musical in America. countition The pianist's appearance here will be sponsored by the Junior High School Parent-Teacher Association. Proceeds from the event TAKES SYNOD POST WINNSBORO.

S. Feb. 8 (P- The Rev. Arthur M. Martin today announced his resignation as pastor of Zion Presbyterian Church to become executive secretary of the South Carolina Presbyterian Synod.

He will succeed the Rev. Leslie H. Patterson, who died last mer. We Weather Facts FLORENCE AND PEE DEE Data from the United States Weather Bureau in Florence for the 24-hour period ending 7:30 last night. Temperature: Highest 58, year ago 63 Lowest 46, year ago 29 Mean year ago 46 7:30 a.m.

47, 7:30 p. m. 48 Rain 0.16, year ago, none Sunrise today 7:11, Sunset 5:56 Myrtle Beach Tide High, 2:58 p. Low 9:26 a. m.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 8 (AP)-Weather Bureau report of temperature a and rainfall for the 24 hours ending P. in the principal cotton growing areas and else. where: STATION PI. STATION H.

Pr. All City 35 Miami 76 .75 Alpena Angeles 68 Atlanta Meridian 65 Asheville Memphis 62 2208r Bir'ham Minn-St 24 Boston Mobile 65 38 Buffalo Montg'y 63 Charlotte 56 .07 Montreal 37 Ch'nooga Orleans 65 Chicago New York 42 38 Cincinnati Norfolk 52 39 Cleveland .01 Phila. Dallas Phoents Denver Pittsburg .01 Moines Portland 35 Detroit Richmond 52 .05 Duluth St 55 Galveston 62 San 'tonio 71 Houston San Fran 61 FORECAST SOUTH CAROLINA -Clear and cooler tonight. Monday fair and warmer. NORTH CAROLINA Clear cooler tonight.

Monday fair and warmer. you Betty Tune Named Top Senior Girl At Johnsonville JOHNSONVILLE The school tacuity at Johnsonville has chosen Miss Betty Jane Tune as the outstanding senior class girl. A daughter of Mrs. Ida Mae Tune of Johnsonville, Miss Tune was named on the basis of leadership, scholarship, citizenship and character. The annual award is presented each year to the outstanding senjor girl of the school by the Roger chapter of the Daughters Bacon, American Revolution of Lake City, Names of all state winners will be placed in a container.

The girl whose name is drawn will receive a $100 government savings bond. Miss Tune has received many honors during school career. She was the "'Girls' State" delegate from the school in 1952. For two years, she served on the gOVerning body of the State chapter of the Junior Homemakers of America. QUICK LOANS Southern Finance Co.

to $50- Dial 8434 288 W. EVANS STREET Biggest seller in its Ford F-5 offers 3 to fit your load space Choice of SIx or V-8 will be used to buy robes for the Junior High School chorus. Vox Student Gets Johnsonville Nod As 'Miss-Hi-Miss' JOHNSONVILLE Miss Betty Poweil daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.

M. Powell of the Vox Community, has been named Johnsonville High School's 1953 "'Miss-Hi-Miss." Sne was chosen by the school faculty for the recognition on the basis of her scholastic average, personality and personal attractiveness She will represent the school at the annual Miss-Hi-Miss Weekend at Winthrop college in March, along with representatives from schools over South Carolina. Miss Powell has shown an 8C- tive interest in school and church activities and numcrous school organizations." TROOPERS CLUB MEETS The Troopers Club, representing Girl Scouting of the Mount Zion, Cumberland and Trinity Churches, will meet at 4 p. m. today in the 11- brary of the Wilson High School.

give PROOF! weight class! wheelbase lengths requirements: power! Shands Resigns at Limestone To Become Pastor in Atlanta GAFFNEY Dr. O. Norman Shands, President of Limetone College, has announced today he has submitted his resignation to the Trustees of the College to become the Pastor of the West End Baptist Church, Atlanta, The Atlanta congregation recently voted unanimously to extend a call to Dr. Shands. In submitting his resignation Dr.

Shands said in part: "I wish to make it clear that this decision is in no wise an indication that my love for Limestone or my devotion to her welfare is one particle less today than it was when I was led to accept the responsibility of her presidency, On the contrary my love and devotion have been deepened to the extent that I would have found it impossible to enter any other door of opportunity, however great, unless I could have felt that by so doing FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment because their plate dropped, slipped or wobbled at just the wrong time. Do not live in fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle little FASTEETH, the alkaline acid) powder, on your plates, Holds false teeth more firmly, so they feel more comfortable. Does not sour. Checks (denture breath), Get FASTEETH at any drug store.

was also serving the best interests of the "I wish at this time to express my genuine appreciation of the prayerful and earnest consideration expressed by the local Trustees of the College with whom have counseled concerning this matter. My prayer is, and will ever be, that the vision which motivated 'Dr. Curtis in establishing Limestone College and 1 which sustained his successors in their efforts to develop her powers may have its largest fulfilment in the days ahead through the wise and able leadership of her Administrative Staff, the vigorous and diligent support of her Trustees and Alumnae, the inspiration and dedication of her Faculty, and the enthusiastic loyalty of her SUNDAY SPECIAL! BIG AZALEA and CAMELLIA SALE Large Variety Fresh Load from ville Just Arrived Look at 'em and you'll buy 'em Corner Cheren and South Irby Netx door to Coastal Service Station. a PROOF that Ford Trucks run for pennies per mile! In the six-month, nationwide Ford Truck Economy Run, 5,500 Ford Truck owners kept daily records of what they paid for gas, oil, maintenance and repairs. You can see these revealing on-the-job cost figures in the big book of the Economy Run-at your Ford Dealer's now! See this book before you buy any truck! Come in today! PROOF that Ford Trucks save up to more on gas! Ford Trucks offer three completely new highcompression, LOW -FRICTION overhead- -valve PROOF that Ford Trucks engines.

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Florence Morning News from Florence, South Carolina (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.