The Omaha Daily News from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)

10 The Omaha Daily News -Friday, July 23, 1926, Page first in Evening Circulation. 11 NEIGHBORS' WIVES by ERNEST LYNN, author of THE YELLOW STUB BEGIN HERE TODAY. JOHN and 3 FAY MILBURN buy en home of their own shortly after their baby girl la born and the advertising agency In which John partner and copy writer lands new contract. John, in love with his wife, but Fomentio Individual, in fascinated on meetIng NELL ORME, of whom PAT FORBES, friend of John's, hints that she is having trouble with her hosband. NOEL and VERA BOYD, young married couple, give a party, and Vera shows an interest In John which he does not return, but which aronses Fay's Jealousy.

Noel Boyd later boasts of an arrangement with Vern whereby ench leaves the other to do as he pleases. Fay takes the baby to Chicago to visit her parents, and daring her absence John runs around with Pat Forbes, whose wild tendencies have caused some trouble between him and his wife, MARIAN. Word begins to re around that John being indiscreet, and NATHANIEL GRAHAM. his business partner, takes him to tack. John resents this, and gradually growing breach between him and Griham is widened.

ELEANOR MASON, who has literary talent and is known to many of the MIlburn's friends, Invites John to In" at a party. She leaves early in the evening, pleading a headache, and John takes her home There her headache miraculously disappears, and, under the influence of few drinks, she is soon carrying on violent flirtation with him. John kisses her roughly, whereupon she gets coquettish, and he leaves soon after, promising to come back. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. (The names and situations in this story are fletitions.) CHAPTER XXX.

He drove home in a sort of fit of recklessness. It had been raining, and the little car careened and skidded dangerously around corners. Eleanor Mason's face kept flitting before his eyes, and he tried to shut it out, but her yellow hair and laughIng lips- inviting his kiss--were like wisp that pursued instead fled. some strange, mocking will John tried to reflect calmly on the events of the last two hours, and with reflection came a hard, cold anger at himself; for, he felt, he had somehow forever cheapened himself -and if Fay should learn of It. He saw himself again yielding to Eleanor's bold advances and press ing rough kisses on her.

It was far different, he thought, from the little scene with Dorothy Francis, True he had kissed Dot, but it had been a good-by kiss, a chaste, friendly, little kiss. And Dot, anyway, was so far out of his reach an old memory coming back and flitting away again. Of course, he reflected, Fay would not be able to see any difference in then -although Fay entertained Red itching blisters on baby's face healed by Resinol Philadelphia, Pa, Jan, "My baby had eczema for three months and nothing seemed to do him any gore until I tried your products. His cheeks were red and covered with blisters, and the itching was so annoying that he could not sleep. After reading your ad in the pape: I purchased a jar of Resinol Ointment and 8 cake of Resinol Soap.

Only a few applications stopped the itching entirely and within a week RESINOL the redness was gone and his akin practically clear. Your ointment in really wonderful and I will praise it to everyone." (Signed) Charles Grear, 1004 Mount Vernon. 9 tonight take KLOK- LAX for constipation told S.S.S. PIMPLES for BOILS ECZEMA You can stop skin troubles. The blood is where the real trouble is.

Take S. S. S. to get your blood right and your dream of a soft, rosy, velvet skin, clear of blemishes, will be realized. You can take S.

S. with con-millions testify to its merits. An unbroken record of service for over 100 years is a great testimonial to a great medicine. Remember 8. S.

8. is made only from fresh roots and herbs. Stomach Teaches Her a Lesson rooklyn. Mrs. Alfred Fie had become accustomed arising each day with heavy 4.

dissy, and bad taste th My bowels were frequentlossed. One day I I I I became so had to go home. A friend Carter's Little Liver Pills using them. Whenever my Mike made over person ach goes bad again I'll certainpow what to do." rter's Little Liver Pills relieve onstipated condition by cleans the intestines their waste Their action is gentle. 25 and 76c red.

packages, hearty dislike for Eleanor but husbands, he was sure she thought, did not bestow their kisses like mere salutes. "A cheap flirt," he growled, thinking of Eleanor, "Fay was right about her after all." It occurred to him than that the true reason for his feeling of anger toward Eleanor was not that she had trapped him into this flirtation, but that, once he had yielded, she had seemed a little afraid of him. "Like a schoolgirl," he muttered. Paul looked up irritably. "Oh, I 'Always playing with fire and yet afraid of getting their fingers burned." He resolved that he was through Eleanor Mason.

Things, moved on in an uneventful way for several days. Nat Graham seemed a little more cool and had less than ever to say, but John was not bothered particularly--he had plenty of work to do and little time to think of Nat's pecullarities. Starting out from home earlier than usual one morning, he encountered one of his neighbors -Robinson, his name was, and he was short and stout and walked with a limp. "Hop in," John Invited, and the other hobbied over. "Thanks," he said, in a loud, hearty voice.

"Wife still away?" "Still away. And I'm getting tired if It, too." "Don't blame you. I've been through it myself. 'Bout every other summer the wife KOOK away for for about two months. I tell you, a fellow does get tired being alone." "Yeah, I'm getting fed up." "By the way, Milburn," and Robinson looked at him slyly and poked him in the ribs, "what's this I hear about you making speeches on the front lawn in the early hours of the morning?" John groaned.

"I thought Mrs. Blodgett would take care of me," said, "Just what did she say, Robinson? I suppose she told your wife 6 6 6 is a Preseription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It kills the germs, 1870 Sarony From School Teacher To Great Eminence A young man who wan brought up on a farm in Western Pennsylvania studied diligently and qualified for district school teacher. Further pursuing his studied and teaching, he managed to save up enough money to put him through medical college. He began the practice of medicine in the new oll section of Pa.

He was a student of nature, knew and could easily recognize most of the medicinal plants growing in the woods. Later, he moved to Buffalo, N. where he launched his favorite remedies, and in a short time, they were sold by every druggist in the land. Today, the name of this man. Dr.

R. V. Pierce, is known throughout the world. Him Golden Medical Discovery 18 the beat known blood medi. cine and tonic.

More than fifty mil. lion bottles have been sold in the U. 8. If your druggist does not sell the Golden Medical Discovery, In liquid or tablets, you can obtain a trial pkg of the tablets by sending 10c to the Dr. Pierce Clinic, in 'alow, N.

Y. and your wife told you, Was that 1067 "Say, you know her methods pretty well, dont you?" "Well," laughed John, "they all work alike. What did I do to disgrace the neighborhood and the name of Milburn?" "Oh, it seems you came home in the last stages of intoxication, and you had a disreputable looking companion with you who stayed all night with you and who you insisted on making speeches to on the lawn. say, Rita, cut it, won't you?" he said. Seems you were praising the liquor you'd been drinking -some kind of gin." John laughed loudly.

"I don't know how Pat Forbes will enjoy beIng called disreputable he said. "I've always thought he was a natty looking gent, myself, That's a good one." "Well," said Robinson in a friendly tone, "leave it to Old Lady Blodgett to make the worst of a situation. To tell the truth, Milburn, I never paid any attention to It. I says to my wife, I says, 'the old lady's just out with her knife again. Milburn's wife's away and he's been out on a stag party having a good time.

What of I says. 'The man's A decent, law-abiding citizen and entitled to a little kick-up once in a while, ain't he?" "And what," asked John, "did your wife say? That's what troubles me." "Well, the wite's pretty broadminded. She just laughed and said, 'The next time you see Mr. Milburn, tell him what Mra. Blodgett said about him and warn him about her'." "You tell Mrs.

Robinson I thank her very much," said John, and impulsively stuck out his hand to the fat man beside him. "I'm afraid some of the neighbors will take a different view. I suppose I'm a ter. rible drunkard and souse in the estimation of a good many, by this time." They had reached Robinson's office. He told John not to let it worry him, thanked him for the lift, invited him to call and "have a home-cooked dinner," and hobbled away.

"A pretty decent scout," John thought. "Wish they were all like Damn the Blodgetts, anyway! Why do such people have to live? Fay will learn about it the first thing when she gets back." The more he thought of it the more he was tempted to call up Mrs. Blodgett, and tell her to mind her own business. "Serve her right if I did," he growled, but he thought better of It. "At that," he told himself, "I think I'd do it if it wasn't for Fay." Fay's letter that day informed him that Judith had celebrated her Fourth of July with a pony ride.

course," Fay wrote, "her grandfather had to hold her on, but she was greatly pleased. Now she's saying pony." Briggs strolled in while he was rending the letter, and when John looked up he asked, "Well, what's the young prodigy doing now?" "Riding horseback, by heck! Try and beat that," and John reached for his pipe, "You win," Briggs laughed, and retreated. That afternoon John went Adolph's barber shop for a shave and told that worthy about Judith's pony ride, making the tenth that day he had informed. "That's not'ing." Adolph shrugged, and proceeded with marvelous tales of his own sex. There was one, he told John, who had memorized the alphabet at 2 years, and another, athletically inclined, who at the age of 4 WAR chinning himself twenty straight times.

John closed his eyes and snorted in loud disgust. "Adolph," he said, "you make me sick. I'm half tempted to try another barber shop." "No, no, Mr. Milburn, you wouldn't do that. Nobody else can cut your hair like Adolph." John admitted it was true.

"But it it wasn't, I'd quit you in a minute. You don't treat your customers with the respect they deserve." Paul Davidson Was walting for him when he got back to the office, and Paul explained that he felt 8 little lonely and wanted John to cheer him up. "You're the only one who understands me," he added. "I never knew before that you such a puzzle," John laughed. "What' the matter?" Paul didn't answer.

"The Play. house gang are giving a special formance soon," he said, after a I pause, "and there's a rehearsal tonight. Like to come? Hope you can -I've a good reason." "I thought yo had given up amateur theatricals, Paul," John said, and the other shrugged. "Oh, they seem to think they can't get along without me. I can't very well desert them when they're asking me as a favor." John studied for a while.

"I'll come," he assented, and Davidson promised to call for him and invited him to have dinner with him. The play was some highbrow thing which John privately thought a littie dull, although Paul, whom he had never seen on the stage before, was a revelation to him as leading man; and there was a girl who played opposite him- a striking brunet-who showed 1 exceptional talent. Paul introduced John to her after the rehearsal and suggested having supper. During the meal, which Paul enlivened a bit by pouring from a flask, John had time to study Paul's actress friend. Rita Johns was her name, and her air of proprietorship with Paul amused him.

Davison didn't like 1t-of that Jonh was sure. In fact, he saw Paul squirm once or twice when she anpounced plans that included Paul and which that worthy apparently had not been consulted about. "Oh-hoh!" John thought. "So Paul's got himself sewed up, eh? Well and the wasn't going to fall for any "I've been telling Paul," Rita said, turning to John and lazily exhaling a cloud of blue cigaret smoke, "that he should quit practicing law and go on the professional "I'm sure he would make a go of it," John agreed pleasantly, "but why deprive bar of a good lawyer? After all, the legal profession needs talent, too." Rita, Paul thought it necessary to explain, had had a professional offer herself. "But," he added humorously, "Rita needn't worry, She has beauty, ambition and influential friends.

I have none of them." "Oh, you have beauty," John laughed. Rita's black -eyes snapped determinedly. "Never fear, Paul's going to do as I say." Paul looked up irritably. "Oh, I say, Rita, cut it, won't you?" he said A little testily, and rose. "Come on, Rita, I'll take you home.

John," he added quickly, "come along." John felt that Rita was a little displeased because, Paul had invited him along, little was said during the ride. When she had left them Paul, driving John home, broke a long silence to tell him that he had to help him out of a hole. "It's Rita," and he announced, A little desperately, "I want you to break it up between us. She wants to marry me." (Continued Tomorrow.) NEBRASKA POTATO TOUR AUGUST 4-7 Growers and Market Men Will Visit Famous Crop District. Alliance, July annual tour through Nebraska's choice seed potato growing district will be made August 4, 5, 6 and 7, officers of the Nebraska Certified Seed Fotato Growers' association said here today.

Several hundred potato growers and men from the Louisiana, Alabama, Texas and Oklahoma markets will come to Alliance to the tour. Some of these are professors In southern universities. Growers from Montana, Wisconsin and Minnesota also will make the tour. Potato experiments In progress here will be studied. The tour will begin at Kimball and terminate near Hay Springs.

Scottsbluff, Alliance and Chadron also will be visited. The tour will start from the county farm bureau office at Kimball at 8' a. m. August 4. A pic nie lunch will be served at noon.

500-Bushel Yield Common. The party will spend the night at Scottsbluff and the next day will proceed northward in Scotts Bluff county to the government experlment station. The growers and dealers will investigate fields of that section, where yields of 500 bushels per acre are common. The night of August 5 will be spent at Alliance. The next day Box Butte county will be visited.

The night will be spent at Chadron. The next day a swim will be taken at the state park, and the Hay Springs section will be visited. GOTHENBURG MAN BELIEVED SUICIDE Fremont, July 23. -(L' 2)- Locked in an outhouse in the Hooper city park, the body of A. J.

Sievers, 38, whose home is believed to be Gothenburg, was found early Thursday by W. H. Stuck, who lives nearby. Investigation made by County Attorney John Gumb and Johnson disclosed no sign of violence nor of suicide, but a note found later gave officers suspicions that the man might have killed himself. The note read: "I tried my best.

Have had plenty of opportunities, failed at the real moment, Edith, draw $410 on First National bank of Morrill right away. Just can't get back my nerve." Edith is a sister of the man. CHILD, HIT BY AUTO, DIES Lincoln, July (U.P) -Elinor MeGriff, 4, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McGriff, Verona, 0., died here Thursday night from injuries received when she was run down by an automobile.

The girl and her mother bad been visiting relatives here. The price of corn governs the salary payable to the rector of St. Batolph's, in the city of London. I MINNEAPOLIS WOMAN KILLED IN AUTO Alliance, July -Mrs. A.

Cannon, Minneapolis, was instantly killed near Sylvan lake, in the sandhills east of here, last night when the automobile in which she was traveling with her husband plunged off. the highway down a twenty-foot embankment, It was learned here Thursday. Cannon escaped serious injury. Want Ad Information Minimum, Space, Rates: Twe Lines. 15 cents per agate line per times 16 cents per agate tiDe per times 17 centa per agate line per 8 timer 19 centa per agate line per 1 time 10 19-Used cars, autos.

20 to 35-Business services. 1 to 2-Announcementa, 86 to 41-Educational. 42 to 48-Employment. 49 to 52-Financial. 53 to 56-Live stock.

87 to 102-Real estate. 67 to 73-Merchandise. 73 to 86-- Rental department. PHONE AT-1400 Announcement Funeral Notices. ALUKONES Anthony, age 60 yeare, passed away at a local hospital.

Funeral from St. Anthony's church, Thirty- -second and 8 streets, Saturday at 9 o'clock. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. further information call Stack chapel, HA-0064.

BAILEY- Martha, 46 years old, died Thursday home, South Seventeenth street. Funeral Saturday at 8:30. United Presbyterian church. Interment Graceland Park cemetery, Korinko funeral service. FILLER -Albert, AKe 63 years.

Survived besides his wife by seven daughters, Mrs. A. J. Ramm, Mrs. Joseph V.

Flearl, Mos. Patrick J. McGill, Misses Agnes, Genevieve, Frances, all of Omaha, and Mra. John L. McGill of Wiener, Neb.

Funeral Monday morning from the realdence, 3315 North 16th at 8:30 a. to Sacred Heart church at 9 In. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery, John A. Gentleman service. HAWKING Eliza Agnosta, Military avenue, July 23, age 80 years.

Survived by one son, Harry W. Hawkins: two sistera, Mrs. Ralph Brown, Omaha, and Mrs. Burwell D. White, Independence, Mo.

Funeral services Saturday at 2 p. m. at Hoffmann-Crosby funeral home. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery, Elkhorn, Neb. MADDEN -Mra.

Veronica McGoldrick, age 24 years, died Wednesday, Funeral services will be held Saturday 8:30 R. from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Frank Sweeney, 3912 to St. Mary's church at 9 a. m.

Interment St. Mary's cemetery. Arrangement in care of Larkin funeral home. MISAD-illion entered into rest at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W.

R. Talbert. 3401 California street, Wednesday, July 21, at the age of 91 years. Funeral services at the Hulse Riepen chapel Saturday, July 24. at 3 D.

me Services In charge of the Grand Army of the Republic. Friends welcome. Intorment Forest Lawn cemetery, G. A. R.

circle. MURPHY Marie, ago 27 years, wife of F. E. She JA survived by one slater and three brothers. Remains shipped from John A.

Gentleman mortuary to Armington, for interment. HANBORN- Caroline 3., passed away at the home of her daughter. 3127 North Fifty-eighth street, July 22. Mrs. Sanborn la survived by two daughters, Mra.

A. E. Dunn of Omaha, Mrs. Edward C. Keyes of Shidler.

three sons, Webster B. and Perley both of Omaha, and C. W. of Lincoln, seventeen grandchildren and eight groatgrandchildren. Funeral services at the home of her daughter, 8127 North Fifty-eighth street, Sunday, July 25, at 2:30 p.

m. Interment Springfield, Neb. For Information call Moore' Benson funeral home, WA-9090. HANBURN- John passed away at Joen1 hospital, Remains will be taken to Villisca, for Interment. For information 'call Stack chapel, HA-0064.

Cemeteries and Monuments. VIBIT FOREST LAWN. WEST OF FLORENCE. Purchase family lot In Foreat Lawn cemetery. Offices at cemetery and 720 Brandeis Theater bullding, Funeral Directors F.

J. STACK, Omaha's finest. 33rd and Farnam. Ha-0064 HEAFEY HEAFEY. AT-2531.

Office and chapel, 2611 Parnam. O. MOORE FUNERAL HOME. 24th and Wirt 8ts. 58th and Military Ave.

HARRY 5. SWANSON Funeral Director, 2204 Cuming street. AT-9210. H. K.

BORKET SON. 3405 Farnam. Established 1870. HA-0090. SRAILKY DORRANCE.

RULES RIMPEN. 2224 Caning Street. JA-1256. N. P.

SWANSON 17TH AND COMING. Quiet, Dignified ervision. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. Ambulance Service.

HA-1664. Lost and Found. LEFT IN FRONT of 3638 St. Plumber's kit and wrenches. JA-4266.

Reward, CONT- Baturday night, July 10th, vicinity West Center or downtown district, hats; 1 gray straw with gray tenther, one soft white hat trimmed in green, embroidered, Finder please call AT-5205. Reward, LOST, college fraternity pin, name on back. Phone WA-0560. Reward. LIBERAL REWARD for return of platinum wedding ring with 7.

diamonds, lost Saturday, downtown district or vicinity of West Farnam. Call AT-1400; Reward. Personals. NEW ERA electric magnetio massage, bath, 9 to 5. JA-9804: 823 8.

24th. Apt. 8. SYSTEM. Swedish massage, bathe, violet ray, elee, trentm'ta.

622 N. 19th. AT -9549. Selestitio massage- Julia Pelvay, graduate University Vienna. 8 Baird Bide.

AT-3635. FALSE TEETH REPAIRED QUICKLY. extra each tooth supplied. Mall orders given prompt attention. We operate our own Inboratory.

Dr. Shipherd. 619 Securities Bldg. DENTAL CLINIO- For people whose income in less than $36 per week. Teeth extracted, 50c; filling.

600; false teeth. bridge work, $3.60. Present this ad. 802 Securitien southeast net 16th and Farnam Ate. BUTTONS COVERED -HEMSTITCHING.

Nebraska Pleating 1806 Farnam. (Second Floor), JA-5670. Omaha. Body Indy operator. Hours 9 m.

to 1 p. m. Phone JA-0884. 611 N. 17th EXPERT MASSAGE, steam batha.

Anna D. Fisher, 206 Aquila Court. AT-1072. MASSAGE, DODUIRE price. Lady operator.

210 N. 17th. Are. 10 to 9 p. m.

to Sunday, MRA. THEMAN'8 PLACE -Body manage, electric treatments; Indy attendants: a. m. to 7 p. m.

221 8. 25th. JA-4698. BATHE, MABBAGE, BAIRD SANITARIUM. 326-26 Leflang Bide JA-3468.

Automobile Dept. Overland 1925, In condition. MUST BELL THIS WEEK. Can be seen at 10. 1.

Lynn Motor Co, Garage, 2566 Lenvenworth 8t. STUTZ BEARCAT- -Good rubber, firstclines condition. Priced right. W. BIGELOW, 2506 N.

06th Ave. WA-5674. Automobiles 12 THE BEST STOCK OF USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM IN OMAHA, AlL Makes -Models It will pay you to see us first. M. O.

MEEKE MOTOR COMPANY. 2036-38 Farnam 8t, JA-4100. HERE'S A BARGAINI Announcement Dept. Automobiles. 12 NO.

248-Ford Tudor Sedan, In excellent condition. Lots of extras. $815. OMAHA FLINT COMPANY, AT-1944. perfect condition, for sale or trade.

Taylor Battery Station, 1121 N. 18. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. USED-CAR SPECIALS 1928 Hupp Sedan. Fully equipped, in A-1 shape.

1026 Willys- Knight Big Six Roadster, 4-passenger; side wings, 1926 Overland Deluxe Sedan. Equipped and ready for the rond, 1923 Overland Touring. 1918 Nash Touring. Winter inclosure. 1924 Coupe Sedan.


Harney at 26th. Open Evenings and Sundays, ATlantic 3424, 1024 HUPMOBILE 4-passenger coupe In Business Service Dept. Beauty Parlors 20. A SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed; guaranteed to remain off. French method.

No cure- no fee. Hair specialists. JA-1591. Builders and Contractors. 21 A.

O. LESBARD SON, general contractors. 2104-6 Cuming street. AT-1632. Moving and Storage 25 KNOWLES STORAGE AND MOVING CO.

Fireproof whee. Long -distance moving. 1622-24 Webster Street, JA-1700, Gordon MOVING Fireproof PA Warehouse Van 219 N. 11th 8t. Phone JA-3032.

Patent Attorneys 28 1. W. MARTIN, 626 Peters Trust Building Omaha', also Washington Double serf. Ice. single fee: also hain sell Educational Dept.

Business Colleges 36 DAY SCHOOL -NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses in all the commercial branches. Shorthand. Typewriting, Telegraph. Salesmanship. Civil service.

Phone JA-1566. Complete catalogue tree. BOYLES COLLEGE. 18th and Harney Sta, Omaha. Neb, Musical, Dancing Dramatics 39 WE TEACH you to dance In less time.

Beginners' class every Monday, 8:30, Private lessona any time. Keep Dancing Academy, 19th and Davenport, JA-5389. Christensen system ragtime piano playing taught 20 lessons, 4018 Cuming. Trade Schools 40 TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 Dodge Street. 1306 Douglas Street.

Call or write for Information. Employment Dept. Pemale Help. 43 LADIES NOW 18 the time to learn beauty culture before proposed state laws will malco It more difficult and will bar many. This work pays big money, 80 net at once Day or evening classem.

Inquire, MOLER COLLEGE, 109 8. 15th Street, Male Help. 44. MEN- -LEARN BARBERING- DAY or evening. It will pay you to get on record even though you do not finish now.

Proposed laws may bar you later. Do not let anything stop you from learning this splendid paying profession. Earn while you learn. Call or write. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 109 S.

15th Street. Financial Dept. Business Opportunities 49 An a matter of courtesy tell the vertiser that you RaW the Want Ad in The Omaha Dall News Thank you. AN opening for anyone who wishes to go in the Was Can Na Medicine business. Please call 81st and West Broadway, Counell Blurta, In.

ACTIVE partner for $6,000 tent show, big profits. $360 to $500 cash required. Apply 309 R. 13th St. BARBER shop and equipment.

Established business. Also 5-room residence, completely furnished. on paved street and car line. Just the thing for a nonunion barber- -home and business in otie, Only $3,000. About $250 cash required, Call REALTY INVESTMENT ICE-1847.

MA-0988. Money to Loan DO YOU NEED MONEY Don't let your creditors worry you Borrow the money at the OMARA LOAN 00. 506 Karbach Block. Tel. JA-2295, Corner 15th and Doulas 8ts.

Live Stock Dept. Doge, Cats, Birds, Pets 53 FOR SALE Fox terriers, collies, toy milk haired spitz and pedigreed Bostons. 1504 Farnam. JA-4964. Merchandise Dapt.

Business Equipment 68 RESTAURANT AND CAFE EQUIPMENT Butchers' and Grocers' Refrigerators, Boda Fountains, Stools, Show Cases. OMAHA FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO. 1101-05 Douglas St Phone JA-1734. Coal, Fuel and Feed KINDLING, sawdust, shavings. Bradford Kennedy lumber boxes.

JA-5740 Household Goods. 63 AUCTION! AUCTIONI Be present at the auction tomorrow. Baturday afternoon, and witness the many attractive offerings of high quality furniture that will be sold at your own price, STEPHENSON FURN. CO. 1507-00-11 Capitol Ave.

AT-5256. DOUBLE BED- Walnut, 6 feet 4 inches In length, Simmons Ace spring. high-grade tufted mattress, $45, No dealers, 5166 Jackson St. GOOD USED ELECTRIC WASHERS. Priced to moll.

Bargains. Terma if derised. 636 South 16th St. AT-5994. WE REPAIR SEWING MACHINES AND talking machines, MICKEL'8.

AT-4361. Machinery and Tools 65 NEW and second-hand motors, dynamos. LeBron Electrical Work, 318 8, 12th. Musical Instruments 66 PIANOS FOR PER MONTH. A.

HOSPE 15th and Farnam streeta, Wanted to Buy. 72 WANTED TO BUY nading maching in good condition, on monthly payment. Address Box 631, Omaha Dally News. Rental Department Apartments, Flats- Unfurnished. 74 6-ROOM APARTMENTS.

3 exposures, front and back porch, Including heat, water and janitor service. $50 and $60 1317 Park URBANA APARTMENTS, CallHA-1094. Or J. O' Brien. Apartments of Building Owners' and Managers' Association 74-A COMFORTABLE 5-room apartment in the Alsatian.

Desirable location in all respecta. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. AT-0544. 137 DRAKE COURT (ideal love nest) $50.90 71 Drake Court $55.00 192 Bedford $42.50 Beautifully furnished, never occupled, walking distance. DRAKE RENTAL 22nd and Jones AGENCY, Office open week days, 8 n.

m. to 9 office open Sundays, 2 p. m. to 5 p. m.

Houses Unfurnished. 79 SIMPLE TO INSERT WANT ADS. It is a simple matter to insert a Want Ad In The Omaha Dally News. No credit arrangement In necessary. Collection will be made after your ad runs.

Telephone AT-1400, ask for Want Ad department. Courteous ad takers will assist you with your copy if you desire. 3211 CHARLES strictly modern, oak floors, reasonable rent. WE-1533 I HAVE a 5-room house, $15.00 per month. Get keys at 4362 St.

MA-0942. FIVE ROOM HOUSE -Near Ak-Sar-Ben field, for rent $20 per month. Call HA5938 or MA-0805. HAVE A 5-room, strictly modern house, $26 per month. if taken at once.

Get keys at 6054 South 39th 8t. MA-4717. PLASTERERS OR HANDYMEN, art free rent for repairing house. 806 8. Can rent some rooms; all good neighbors.

FIRST TRUST COMPANY, 400 First Nat'l Bank. AT-0729. SIX-ROOM, completely modern, $25. Get keys nt 3629 Grover St. HA-5455; TWENTY-NINTH 209 SOUTH--Threeroom double house.

WE-0834, ROOMS, not modern. $16 month. 1523 N. 66th St. WA-6903.

Offices and Stores. 80 DESK ROOM for rent. Keeline Bldg. Phone AT-9851. Rooms for Housekeeping 83 COZY 4-room modern nicely furnished, private bath.

Adults, $8. AT-7027. 3-ROOM cozy furnished apartment, $6. 3007 S. 20th Vinton Apta.

Wanted to Rent 84 LISTINGS Want id tenanta. PAYNE INVESTMENT AT-5960. Where to Stop In Omaha 86 CLAREMONT HOTEL -17th and Jackron. JA-2988, Dally rates $1 up. weekly $4 up Real Estate Dept.

Farms and Ranches 89 NEBRASKA BIG LAND AUCTION AUGUST 2nd. In Banner County at Flowerfleld. 1240 ACTER cholee farm land, joining the town of Flowerfield. Two square sectiona less forty ncrem, with two sets of modern Improvementa, almost new. worth over $12,000.00 each, will be sold to the highest bidder regardless of price on easy terma; write for sale bill.

bier motor bus will leave Omaha for this sale at Flowerfield on July 318t. Write for our special low fare for the round trip. A splendid opportunity to see western Nebraska and the fine crop. Write us at once for reservations on this bum. Address NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION Central City, Neh.

NORTH PLATTE VALLEY, IRRIGATED farm, Morrill County, Nebraska; 110 acres of nitalta, fruit trees. House, barn, garage, chicken house and beetlaborer house. Watered by the Alliance canal, one of the cheapest water rights in the North Platte valley, Seven miles from Bridgeport: ten miles from Bayard; miles to beet dump. Graveled highway; one mile to school. Price, $104 acre.

Very easy terms to a good farmer. NEBRASKA STATE BANK, Bridgeport, Neb. Owner. Acreage Property 87 2-ROOM house. full basem*nt, electric lights, Near new school.

Large lot, fenced chicken tight. Terms, $50.00 cash, $14.00 per month. JA-2728. Farms, and Ranches 89 200 ACRES In Douglas short distance to paved road, roiling land, some timber, running water, 160 Acres in cultivation, fair Improvements. Carries a loan of 312.000, Only asking $125 per sore.

Will consider clear In Omaha for equity, See Mr. Hamer, 1505 Farnam St. Lots. 90 81,100 SPOT CASH BUYS $2,500 LOT. feet on pavement.

Paving all paid. West of Elmwood park on Dodge street, on account of poor health owner expects to go to California. Call at once, JA1728. BUY A LOT from "Omaha's Lot King." Senvey Hudson Realtors, AT-9069, FLORENCE FIELD LOTS ARE BELLING CALL FOR PLAT TODAY. AT-0187.

MODERN LOTS- Thirty-thrd street and Amen avenue: $10 down: $10 per month. Price. $645 to $750. Call George F. Jones Co, Realtore, AT-6635 to see the lots.

Benson 91 FRED A. BAILEY Has anything in A HOME IN BENSON, Also Improved and Unimproved Acreage. WA-4304. 6015 Military Ave. Central 92 CENTRAL 5-ROOM HOME all modern near 22nd Vinton $2,650.

0. $100 cash. REALTY INVESTMENT CO. KE-1847 MA-0988. Florence 95 FLORENCE HOME.

$100 DOWN. We have arranged with owner to sell his bungalow home. Block off the carline. For the low price of $3,200. $100 cash, around $30 month.

Ask about it tonight. It la a real Florence buy, Open to 9 P. M. AMOR GRANT COMPANY, AT-8380. Omaha's Largest Agency.

Miscellaneous. 96 LET ME HELP YOU FLAN, BUILD and finance that new home, store or Duplex. WA-7806, HOUBES, 4 ROOMS each, water, lights and paving. Good rental property. Encumbrances small.

Bell or exchange. JA-4228. North 97 BARGAIN. Drive out and Took at 2567 Laurel Ave. rooms, modern, price $260 down, 840 per month.

Call J. A. Vogel, AT-7412 days, WA-9798 eve, BENSON home, 5-room and bath, all modem. $3,300. Terms.

MA-0988, REALTY INVESTMENT COME JCE-1847. NEW FIVE ROOM BUNGALOWS Just north of Ames on 42nd Bt. Conveniently planned, priced right. Very enny terms, Watch the construction. T.

MAINNER CO. Builders, AT-3362. Real Estate Dept. North 97 FOUR-ROOM HOUSE on North 34th St Not modern. Small payment down and $20 per month.

Call WA-1547. OVERLOOKING FONTENELLE PARK. Five rooms, all modern bungalow 1n beautiful south front lot. Oak floors with oak and enamel finish. The owner is sacrificing this wonderfully well kept home for $5,500, $650 cash.

For appointment call HA-6897 or KE-2525. RASP 212 Keeline AT-0721. ONLY $100 CASH--balance $50 per month. Your choice of two 5-room, all-modern bungalows. Paved street, close to car line, eta.

J. C. SCHMITZ telephone JA-1799; evenings, WA-1232. TEN -CAR GARAGE AND NINE ROOM, MODERN HOME WITH TWO FIREPLACES, ONLY Wonderful proposition for plumber, auto painter, van and storage, auto repair shop, etc. Evenings call WA-4680.

O. BEAVERS CO. JA-2450. $150 DOWN 5 ROOM HOME-MODERN-3 YEARS OLD--GOOD LOCATION. very good buy in a 5-room all modern home.

In excellent condition and has usual built-ins. Close to car and school, $41 per mo. A snap for someone. WA-9798 J. A.

Vogel, AT-7412 days. this rsiNo light most ways sun se. a years were spirit tha g- the this ntific when orced the then moon the de- the the had their their 1 and from the A8 A at the be in- is a udying the de- must dinner which picked after 1 asked in the hem. remem en AM I pageant ground ralize le. writ carson has Presu g8 -Life.

ers, will ced tr where ed. ref cal can the gger lea IN ver ted round TR nail South 98 DO YOU WANT A HOME? have a 6-room home, just completed In the Hanscom Park district. 1 block to West Side car. You'd be surprised at the easy terms 011 which you can buy this residence with its many modern upto date features. WA-8626 JA-1014 days.

E. R. Carse. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE- Garage and 3 lots. Near new paved street west of 32d St.

car line. Terms can be arranged. 5938. NEW 5-room house, modern. WIll take vacant lot or small house as part payment, WA-1547.

ONE-ROOM HOUSE and garage, close to 40th and streets; nice corner lot; $50 down and $11 per month. WA-1547. RIVERVIEW PARK BUNGALOW. $3,950, Here is a very comfortable five-room home. About 3 years old.

All In fine condition. Beautiful park location. Only $200 down. Call Pedersen, HA-5465. SOUTH OMAHA.

neat four-room bungalow. Two lots. Priced at only $1,450. House in 800d condition; can give immediate possession. Kitchen has bullt-in cabinets.

Can be handled on terms as low as $150 cash and $15 per month. Call the office. Open to 9 p. m. AMOS GRANT COMPANY, AT-8380.

Omaha's Largest Home Selling Agency. WEST DISTRICT. Six-room house on one floor. or the older type. on paved street.

One-half block to carline. Large yard. Property In good condition. Large chicken house. This is priced at only $1,850.

Can be handled with small down payment. We believe that the property at the above price la very reasonable on cash basis. Call at the office this evening for further particulars. Open to 9 p. m.

AMOS GRANT COMPANY, AT-8380. Omaha's Largest Home Selling Agency. 5-ROOM house. Tip-top shape. Pull basem*nt, with Holland furnace.

A bargain at $2,000. $150 cash. REALTY INVESTMENT MA-0988. KE-1847. West 99 ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS A NEW GROVE BUNGALOW.

GROVE COMPANY. Tel. AT-1882. Ground Floor. Bankers Reserve Life Bldg.

BENSON. Neat three-room cottage, partly modern. Close to schools and car. This can be Handled with $200 cash. Open to 9 p.

m. AMOS GRANT COMPANY. AT-8380. Omaha's Largest Home Selling Agency. FOUR ROOM HOUSE- Near 69th and elfic.

Full basem*nt. Furnace heat. Garage. large corner lot; $200 cash, $25 per month. Call HA-5938.

HAPPY HOLLOW. Splendid terma and financial assistance 011 any of these unsold lots. Price $1,600 to $4,000. GEORGE Realtors, AT-3024. ELMWOOD Gardens-5-room home with 3 large lots.

Entirely rebuiltgood as new bargain at $2,850 with easy terms. Evenings call Rowley, WA-1327. METCALFE COMPANY, Ground Floor, 203 6. 19th St. AT-5415.

LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS DISTRICT. Now under construction, two nifty 5-room bungalows of different types and arrangument. Large rooms, floored attics. Best of construction and finely finished In onk and enamel. Price $6,250.

For full information call Grant Benson, 1580. BENSON CARMICHAEL, AT-3540. NEAR Clairmo 4-room bungalow with and drive, awnings, landsoaping, etc. A real "doll but lota of rooms -bargain at $4.750 with $300 cash. Evenings call Buck, WA9271.


SPLENDID LARGE NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Owner says will sacrifice to good party with very reasonable payment down. All in solid oak. Oak floors and finish. Beautifully decorated, Lot 46x138 ft.

Splendid attic and basem*nt. By all means see thin. Call owner, JA-2282. OWNER HAS MADE A CHANGE, And wants his modern 5-room bungalow mold today. Located at 4516 Izard street, on lot 50x150.

South front. Garage. Fine garden goes to purchaser. Good terms and priced at only $4,250. Forher, WE-6954.


SCHROEDER INVEST. CO. Keeline BId. BIX-ROOM HOUR with long living room. Fine decoration; tile bath: bullt-in tub, Garage and drive, $0,800.

HARRISON MORTON, JA-0314. 3024 NORTH 60th 6 rooms, New. $40.00 month. WYMAN-WOODYARD WA-5800 WA-3777 WA-4940 Abstracts 99.A TITLE INSURANCE Midland Title and Abetract Co. For Southern Surety Company, 300 Peters Trust Bldg.

Tel. JA-1845. Exchanges. 100 WANT TO HEAR FROM FARMER who wants to sell his farm. Or want farmer who wants to sell or trade farm for Omaha Income property.

Write GIBBONE-STEEL. 512 Peters Trust Bide. Omaha. Real Estate Loans 100-B OMAHA HOMES BAST NEB. PARMA O'KEEFE R.

E. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. FARM LOANS on W. Neb. and N.

K. Colo. farms. Kloke Investment Omaha. $100 to $10.000 LOANS made promptly, F.

D. Wend D. H. Bowman, Wead AND 6 PER CENT MONEY. Loans on Omaha Improved property lowest rates FRANK A.

BINDER. 498 City National Bank Bide Tel. Real Estate Wanted 101 We are in need of listings on modern fiveroom bungalows in all districts. Kindly notify us what yen have. We will madly Inspect your property.

We have been selling a number of houses around ten to fifteon yearn oid far cash. If your property da priced reasonably we believe we can give you rapid service in disposing of same. Open to 9 p. m. AMOS GRANT COMPANY.

AT-83N0, Omaha's Larges. Home Belling Agency. FOR REAL HERVICE Quick Sales and Crowing. List Your Home With D. E.

BUCK Realtor 824 Omaha National Bank Bide. JA-2000..

The Omaha Daily News from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)
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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.