Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER IT, 1932 ELEVEN Heirs of Mascha. Heirs cf Kuhlwa-hiwa. Heirs of O. Galcralth. Helra Local Notices 40 Automobiles For Sale 40 Automobiles For Sale THIS WEEK ONLY! TRAVEL SHIPPING RANSPORTATION RESORTS COU1P At Mainland Prices NOTABLE Lata 1M1 rrd Cabrietet Coum rew ina.t trt; paint, meter' Caw mileage.

W4, and top in excellent cend.ten. 130 1344 Ford Dealera Phone 2397 Itll Fe4 Sport Coupe Car In beautiful ceStten. 1431 Ford Standard Ceups i 4 nw tlrca; paint, meter and dy In beautiful eend en. UIOVERSAL nOTOR LTD. ASIA CALLS ON TRIPJOORIEHT Record List of Passengers Aboard; Three Stop Off For Honolulu Visits With athletes, oil company officials and Japanese businessmen sharing honors on it list of prominent passengers, the N.

Y. K. liner Asama Maru arrived at 1 a- ro. today from San Francisco, Capt. O.

Shinomiya In command, and docked half an hour later at Pier 7. She is reported to be carrying the largest list of passengers for the Orient Authgrtitd Miner and Beretania Streets plll M0PELS At Sacrifice Prices WE HAVE THREE 1927 AND 192S MODEL CARS IN STOCK, THEY ARE HIGH GRADE CARS AND IN THE BEST OF CON. DITION. PRICES HAVE BEEN SLASHED TO BEDROCK FOR QUICK SALE A NO, IN ADDITION, WE WILL ALLOW 10 DISCOUNT. ACT QUICKLY.

J923 Bitfck Standard "6" Sedan. 1923 Gratam-Paie Sedan 192? Chrysler Sedan $250 EASY TERMS PAIAM AUTO LTD. AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALERS OPPOSITE HOUSTON ARENA PHONE SOU ANOTHER THREE BARGAINS IN FINE USED CA1S President Harriaoa Mwo rr.Jt!t Fm press cf Caaada. Shiajre Mara MAILS TO OSltNT ThurwUv President Harriet rv. President (V' KmerM ef fw Silica a Mam OCTOBK MAILS FROM OKtgNT Chichibn Mara ft rre.iBt yyiiaoa If OCT08IH MAILS TO ANTIPODES Klfr 'W It Martpoaa Oct.

IT OCT. MAILS FROM ANTIPODIS Aoractt Oct- tt ARRIVALS Maul, from Saa Francisco. tly at m. Asama Mara, from San Fraarlsco, today at a m. CooUds, from Yokohama, tortay at I p.

m. rk r.sn. rrora is.ano, Monday morning. DEPARTURES A nr. a Maru.

for Trkeharr.a, today at p. ro. TO ARRIVE TRANSPORT SCHEDULE (Subject te Change) SL Mlhlel tS. 4 Kcpublio (Manila) Nov. 19 Grant IS- Pec Chateau Tcterrr (S.

Jan. II Grant (Uanlia) It Uepiihlio ($. r.l IS St. Mlhtet (3. KrpuOhc (ManiUa) Mnr.

2t -ilsr. tl -Apr. 2S 17 June 13 Juijr 37 Grant Orant tS. Ft. Mlhlel S.

r.l -Republic S. KepubUo (Manila) TO DEPART SL Mlhlel (S. Republic S. F.J Not. IS sov.

la Ja 17 Jan. 17 Feb. 15 )4 Mar. ii Apr. 4 May 2 May 23 June 14 July 23 Grant (Manila) Chateau Thierry (S.

Grant (S. Republto (Manila) St. Mlhlel S. Renubllo IS. F.l Orant (8.

Grant (S, FL Mlhitl 8. Republic (Manila) Eepubllo (U. PROLONGING IT "Can you give me any idea as to when this house It going to be finished?" asked the future owner, impatiently. "I've arranged to be married as soon as the house is completed." "Dont worry about that, sir," re plied the building foreman, giving a knowing wink. "Well hang on to the Job as long as we can." Tit- Bits.

II 0) 0 (DO Oft 00 A m. TO SAN FRANCISCO Mannlanl Oct. It Manl Oct. 19 Malolo Oct, 22 TO LOS ANGELES Diamond Head Oct IS ($65, Srd class only) Malolo Oct TO AUSTRALIA Mariposa Oct. 27 TO HILO Maui -Oct 12 CASTLE COOKE, Limited General Agents HOVE -PACK -STORE -SHIP Thone us your baggage orders Prompt and Reliable Service CITY TRANSFER CO.


WHY NOT DRIVE A BETTER CLASS CAR WITH PRICES LIKE THESE? 1929 BUICK TOURING Sport Model, splendid rubber, a snappy looking machine with no end of miles in the motor. Thia ia a real bargain. 1929 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR EDAIf. Navy rubber all around, uphefittry very good, mechanically In fine ahape, new paint good looking ear which will not atay here long at thia price. 1929 CADILLAC PHAETON $T50 Here ia real daaa in a car that will give yeare of eervice.

A beau- -tiful car that will eoon be taken. Lcsk oyer cur many ether terrains in the Used Car field AUTO SERVICE GARAGE QUEEN AHD ALAKEA "COMPLETE SERVICE FOR THE MOTORIST" National Tennis Champion and Leading Bail Players Are Aboard the Liner Bringing 86 passengers and 1.333 sacks of mail to Honolulu the Mat-son liner Maul, from San Francisco, docked at 8 a. m. today at Pier 11. Capt.

E. R. Johan-aon was ia command. Richard H. Robinson, for 10 years purser on the Lassco liner Citv sff Los Angeles, fj t-y arrived aboard the Maui in the capacity of freiht Capt.

Johanson clerk. Besides passengers and mail the vessel brought In 6,118 tons of general cargo. Among the prominent passengers were Ellsworth Vines, national tennis champion, and Mrs. Vines; John Van Rynn, Wilmer Allison and Keith Gledhill. ranking tennis players, and Mrs.

Van Ryn and Mrs. Al lison, all en route to Australia; James Foxx of the Philadelphia Athletics, leading ball player, and Mrs. Foxx. Gordon S. Cochrane, noted major league player, and Mrs.

Cochrane; Ted Lyons, pitcher with the Chi cago White Sox. Of the 88 passengers, 43 were re turning Island residents, prominent among vhom were the following: Joseph L. fiylva, realtor, and Mrs. Sylva; Phil L. Kellerman, vice pres ident of Thayer Piano Harry Newman, department manager of American Factors; Antone Silva, buyer for M.

Mclnerny, and Mrs. Silva; Ted Dranga, shell collec tor and dealer of Honolulu. Others arriving were William O. Klauss, president of India Tire Rubber Akron, ana Mrs. Klauss; Winston R.

Wheatly, San Francisco. Pacific coast manager of India Tire ii Rubber Co, and Mrs. Wheatly. The complete' passenger list fol lows: A-B-C mimer Alllaon. Mrs.

Wilmer Alli son. Phil H. Hagby. Frank L. Bowie P.

C. Beamer, Mra. V. C. Beamer, P.

C. Beamer miw it. m-r. Mn. Suzttte Cameron, Mr.

Rosadele Carter, Manter Manton A. Carter, Master Burton L. Carter. Master Don ald M. Carter, Gordon S.

Cochrane, Mra. tiordon iocnrane, wm. ueorpe M. Collin. Dr.

Julius L. ColHne. William II. Corhett. ilr.

Kileen Clenden-ny. Ml5s Betty Louise Clendenny, James Culver. D-E-F-Q Mrs. John H. Dialogue.

Miss Maria M. Dialogue, Miss ilary E. Dialogue, Aire. U. sr.

uurnev. Aea aire. Harrv B. Iver. Mrs.

O. B. Karle. Mies Charlotte smitn rerrier, maza rine FitxKeraln. Mrs.

Jessie Forrest. James Foxx. Mrs. James Foxx, Mrs. Mattle French.

Keith Oledhlll, Mm. Psmon Giffard, Mrs. W. M. Giffard, Manuel oomea.

H-J-K-L Mrs. "William Hansen. Mrs. Carl Jo sen. Miss Shirley Josen.

Philip Kellerman, Kenneth R. Kern. William G. Clauss, Mra. William O.

Klauss, Mrs. Nani Lukela, Miss Puanani Lu-kela. Ah Chow Lum, Mrs. C. K.

Lyman, James P. Lynch, Mrs. James Lynch, Ted A. Lyons. M-N-O-P-S Mrs.

J. J. McGettlKan. J. D.

Mc Grath. Mrs. Charlotte F. Morrell. Harry B.

Newman, Mra. Itose Neeiy, Kdwin Okeratrom. Cant. John Oll- phant, Mrs. Cleneva C.

raden. Mrs. Marie Perry, Master Don Perry, Ga lusna L. Samson, Mrs. Ualusha L.

Samson, John R. Sedgwick, A. I. SIN va, Mrs. A.

I. Silva, Mrs. W. S. J.

Stephens, Kmest W. Stenber, Humphrey J. Sullivan. Joseph Sylva, Mrs. Joseph I Sylva.

T- VY Mrs. Marsraret Todd. Miss Marcraret Todd. Mrs. Edward V.

Tomlin, Mas- ter Edward Tomlin. Mrs. Ieo W. Tucker. Miss Alice Adele Tucker, John an Ryn.

Mra. John an Ryn, Kllsworth Vines Mrs. Ellsworth Vines James A. Voorhees. Winston R.

Wheatlv. Mra. Winston K. Wheatly, Miss M. J.

Wilkinson. I SHIPPING NOTES Robinson on Maul Richard H. Robinson, for 10 years purser of the Lassco liner City of Los Angeles, and known as one of the most popular officers in the employ of that company, has been assigned to the Matson liner Maul as freight clerk. KODDy arrived today and an nounced that he is glad to be back U. S.

COAST AND Honolulu Field Station. TIDES. SUN AND MOON Day 1 that she has carried this year. The Asama Mam will sail for Yokohama, her next port of call, at 6 p. m.

today. For Honolulu she brought three layover passengers and 145 bags cf mail. Her through list is 80 first class passengers, 90 second class and. 283 third class; In addition, nine first class, seven second class and ISO third class passengers will join the ship at Honolulu. Her passenger list includes Herb Hunter, who each year takes a baseball team recruited from the major leagues to Japan.

With him is Lefty ODouL National league player; Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. DouL Other big league players already In Honolulu will join the party here. Jiro Sato and Takao Kuwabara, Japanese Davis cup tennis stars, are on board homeward bound after a world tour. Henry Kotani and Shlichl Yoshlda.

members of the Japanese Olympic wrestling team, are also returning to Japan on the Asama. The through list also includes a number of oil company officials. Among tnem are Dr. Frederick W. Waller, president of the Pan-Pacific Oil Co.

of Los Angeles, on a business trip to the Orient; John Ooold, manager at Yokohama of the Standard Oil Co. of New York; Mrs. Ooold and A. L. F.

Jordan of the same company; Glenn W. Smith, president of the Export Petroleum Co. of California, and Mrs. Smith, and E. A.

Davis and W. A. Duncan of the staff of the Burma Oil Co- en route to Rangoon. The through list also includes' Ry-ukichi Takagi, manager at New York since 1923 of the Mitsui bank, returning to duty at the head office at Tokyo, accompanied by Mrs. Ta- Kagi ana tneir three daughters, and Toyosaku Shlrao, manager of the Sumitomo bank at Ban Francisco until recently, who is now returnine to Japan to new duties at the Osaka office.

Mr, Shirao will stop over in Honolulu several weeks. Other layover passengers who also will continue on a later ship to the Orient were nans uenreis and Kyu Nam Choi. I SHIPPING CALENDAR Ordinary regular mall foe the coast cloaea at the poatofflc one hour prior to steamer departures. Mail for the Orient. Australia and Island porta 7 n.our osiors sailing Vmt Mainland raoictarail iivui vi tal sna Auatralian anla4 hoursj island ordinary day eailino't, ens oruinarr nigm aaiimgs, one hour before eallfngij registered, B.

m. Staalatara alu a-lti hours. Talephons customs' effles, 2444, snd harbormaster's offlc. 4439, for Infor. rnatlon on arrivals and departure of ahips daytime snd pilot effice, S720.

day sailings, sna snd en. half hours: from p. m. to 7 in, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11 OCTOBER MAILS TO COAST Maniilanl Wednesday President Coolidge Wednesday Diamnnif i a mm Maul Oct. IS Chlchlbu Maru ri' 21 Malolo 22 Manuksl President Wilson Aoraogi OcL 2 OcL 28 OCTOBER MAIL'S FROM COAST President Jackson Thursday Diamond Bead Oct.

18 Niagara 19 Manukal rw, 1 Malolo Oct. 20 ovinii rrroiLAGLi PHONES 1281 and 3579 cf IL Dunocd. Heirs cf J. A. Ii per.

and John Doe I to John Doe 43. both inclusive, and Mary Roe 1 to Mary Roe 43. both Inclusive, un-knovn owners and claimants. Re spondents in the above entitled ac tion, haying an Interest In and to those certain private rights of fishery described as follows: Hanapuull Fishery; appurtenant to the land described In Royal Patent Na 7391, Land Commission Award No. 2S37.

Part 6 to Wm. Harbottle, and situate in middle loch. Pearl Harbor, Island cf Oaha, Territory cf Hawaii; Waipio Fishery; appurtenant to the land described in Royal Patent Na $732. Land Commission Award Na 8241, to John IL and situate In the middle loch, the main channel and the West Loch. Pearl Harbor.

Island cf Oahu, Territory of Hawaii; Homaikaia Fishery; appurtenant to the land described in Royal Patent Na 6732, Land Commission Award Na 8241, to Jghn Ii, and situate In the West Loch of said Pearl Harbor, Island of Oahu. Territory cf Hawaii: Mikl Fishery, anrjurtenant to the land described In Rbyal Patent Na 4502. Land Commission Award No. 10814 to Namahana, and situate In West Loch. Pearl Harbor, Island of Oahu.

Territory of HawaiL You are hereby directed to appear and answer to the Petition In an action entitled as above, brought against you in the District Court cf the United States, in and for the District and Territory of Hawaii, within twenty (20) days from and after the last publication of this Summons, which last publication of said Summons will be on the 1st day of November, 1932. And you are hereby notified that unless you so appear and answer as above required, the said Petitioner win take judgment of condemnation of the private rights of fishery described In the Petition herein, and for any other relief demanded therein. Witness, the Honorable William B. Lymer, Judge of said District Court, this 25th day of July, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hun dred and Thirty-Two, and of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred ani Fifty-Seventh. Wm.

P. Thompson, Jr, clerk, United states District Court, Territory of Hawaii, by (S) Thos. P. Cummins, Deputy Clerk, United States District Court, Territory of HawaiL (July 26, Aug. 2, 9.

18. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 13, 20. 27. Oct.


Notice is hereby given that in ac cordance with the law, and by vir tue of the power of sale contained in that certain contract of sale entered into by and between HONOLULU TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED, an Hawaiian corporation, Vendor, and A. Y. LEONG and AMOY LEONG, husband and wife, of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Vendees, said contract of sale bearing date the 10th day ol June, 1027. and appearing of record in Liber 906 on pages 255-258 in the Office of the Registrar of Conveyances at Honolulu aforesaid, the undersigned owner and holder of said contract Intends to' exercise the power of sale contained In said con tract for conditions broken, to-wit. the non-payment of monthly in stallments and interest when due as covenanted and agreed in said or sale to be paid by said Vendees, and such default having continued for a space of more than thirty davs; Notice is likewise hereby given that the property described in said contract of sale will be sold at pub-lie auction at the office of JAS.

MORGAN 204 Merchant set, In the City of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, on Thursday, the 27th day of October, 1032, at the hour of tweve o'clock noon of said day. The property described In said contract of sale, and intended to be sold Is described as follows: All of that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Kapahulu, Waikiki, Territory of Hawaii, being a portion of LOT TEN (10), in BLOCK ONE HUNDRED NINE (109). of NEW OCEAN VIEW TRACT, as shown on registered Map No. 37, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: 1. 28 30' 50JD feet along the North west side of 20th Av enue: 2.

118' 30 150.0. feet alonf the remainder of Lot 10, Block 109, New Ocean View Tract; 3. 208 30 50.0 feet along Lot 9, Block 109, New Ocean View Tract; 4, 298 30" 150.0 feet along Lot 12, Block 109, New Ocean View Tract, to the point of beginning and containing an area of 7.500 square feet of land, and being the same premises conveyed to the said Vendor by Kiyotaro To-rigoe, by Deed dated March 10, 1927, and re corded in the Registry Office in Honolulu, in Liber 867, on Pages 384 386. TERMS: Cash In lawful money of the United States of America; deed at expense of purchaser. For further particulars inquire of Jas.

F. Morgan Co, Ltd, at its said office. HONOLULU TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED. By WONG GOON SUN. Its Vice President, By THOMAS A.

TAM, Its Treasurer. co*kE CROZIER, 313 Damon Bldg, Honolulu, Hawaii, Attorneys for Honolulu Trust Co, Ltd. (Sept. 20, 27, Oct. 4, 11, 1932) Try Installing some bright lights outside and away from the screened in front porch if you desire to keep insects away in -summer.

LY. K. LINE (WORLD WIDE SERVICE) DIRECT TO-San Francisco, Japan, China, Philippines, Mexico and South America. SAILINGS FOR ORIENT Asa ma Mara nrt II Shin JO Mam- Oet- Zg Chichibn Mara Tatsuta Mara 753 DLhop St. -Nov.

8 ov. 23 rbene 6198 In the United SUtes District Court for tha Territory of Kas-aa. The United States of America. Petitioner, vs. John II Estate, Ltd, an Hawaiian corporation, et aL.

Respondents. Civil No. 291. Acaon brought In said District Court and the Petition filed in the cfHc cf the Cleric of Dnnd dates District Court for the Territory of IlawaU. Summon.

The President of the United Stales cf America: Greeting: To: Charles A. Brovn. Aiai Loo. Kam run; Loo, Higa, Lum Man Bin. MaJtone (k).

KaiuaJ Kealakaa (, Kalilpahana (wj. William Kaao, P. Pad. Kfccksi Pao. P.

Keola, Hoomana (k), Kuhia, Ka-mahalaaa. Puna (2), Dtaisl P. oo la pa, s. Kaainoa, Davey ttanakahou. Kavae (), S.

Kane. Lua. Moxe, Keawe. John Ka-helahela. Keahuena (w).

Kiko Ka-iauao, Hina (w). Ana Paakaula, T. K. Halualanl. James Manoonoa, J.

K. Maria. Kahlklna (w). Ioane Mele. Isaac S.

Kaiu, Samuel I James Panal Oneha Jr, Eig Lee How Company, a co-partnership, Mrs. Loo Goon, Elizabeth Miner, Nancy Fluentes, Keliiiuetra (T), Kalua (k), Koliau. J. A. Kaa-naana.

Piipiilanl (w), James P. Oneha. Trustee, James Panal like Oneha, Lahapa, Kahakumahalanl (k). J. Kaalahua, James M.

David Kaalahua, Kanuha Kaalahua, Makue (k). Naiwl Oneha, Kamanaha, Nil Kaneichi. Mrs. Jlu Hara, Libby N. Aoki, Annie Tung Apo, Samuel P.

Oneha, Harry Oneha, Luke Kaalahua, C. Maieha, Au kal, Keka (w), Kalaniku (k), Tui Fo Apa, Kalwi Oneha, Kaialomla. Ioane. Josephine Kaiu, J. P.

Kana- hele. Alona, Lok Hone Wy, Roee. KamaJe, J. Holt, Jr, Ioane Sam-uela. Lua N.

S. Kanae, Mose Kanae, Paulo Naonohlilua, M. S. Kamakee, Geo. Mapu Kaumoa.

Frank Ah Kal, H. Kaainoa. Meleana Lahilahl (w), Lee Ngack, Mln? Hing, alias Victoria Coles, W. H. Coles, M.

O. Blackstead. Keaka. Keluai. D.

W. K. White. Lee Wah Sue, Hop Wo Wat Company, 8oloma Kauhane, Laa-maikaikahikl (k), E. P.

Kalama, Kanani, Mahl, Pini, Kalo (k), Sarat Kaonohi, Eaxal Ahiena, Anna K. Kamakea, Leilehua Kamakea, Hop Wo Wal, Becky A. Hunt, Trustee, Kamakakal (w), Kauhaahaa, Ioane Pila, Isaac Kaiu, Ianakeau Pahu, Roseabella Kanaepuu, John K. Jones, Trustee for J. D.

Nahinu, Oscar Hoick Jr, Hannah Fisher Pedro, Tamanaha, Willia HelenihL Manuel K. Rodriques, W. K. Rodriques, Violet K. K.

Rodriques, Kolokoa K. Rodriques. Leileihua K. Rodriques, Kelupalna K. Rodriques.

Anna K. Pulaa. Ku-pea, Kailianu, Kwong TJng, Koon Yan, Kealohanul, Tarn Kwong. J. M.

Joseph, Kaiailomia (k), C. Kao-nohl or his heirs, Iaone Nahua or his heirs, Kaneopio or his heirs. Ana or his heirs, John Kahelahela or his heirs, John Holokaua or his heirs, Namokeuha or his heirs, 8. Kamal or his heirs, Sarah K. White or her heirs.

Naeole Makue or her heirs, S. O. Wilder or his heirs, H. K. Hyde or his heirs, Paele k) or his heirs, loshua Kanehele or his heirs.

Kale Kekahlll or his heirs, Kamaka or his heirs, Elizabeth K. Akal or her heirs. John S. Keola or his heirs, Samuel Kanae or his heirs, L. Ahlo or his heirs, Kam aha (w) ox her heirs, Sarah Harbottle or her heirs.

Kekila or her heirs, Keaoa (k) or his heirs. David Kanakahou or his' heirs. Davida Keliiokamaku or his heirs, Ella Keliiokamaku or her heirs, Eliza Meek or her heirs, John Meek, Jr, or his heiis, Heirs of Kawahinelawaia, Heirs of S. Niau I Kahahana, Heirs of Mary Kaiona, Heirs of Ulakaipo, Heirs of Kaha-kaulia (w). Heirs of Puakea (k).

Heirs of Kalllhao (1), Heirs of Ka-pawa. Heirs of Puou, Heirs of Ku pehe. Heirs of Keawekolohe, Heirs of Hinaumal. Heirs of Kaehuku-moku. Heirs of Keone, Heirs of Hana, Heirs of Neiku, Heirs of Keau, Heirs of Haupa Maninl, Heirs of Keaka (tt).

Heirs of Kalauli, Heirs of Kala, Heirs of Nahola, Heirs 'of PI (k). Heirs of Hookano (w). Heirs of Kaiki, Heirs of Naholowaa, Heirs of Kauloaiwi, Heirs of Kaahualu, Heirs of Humehume. Heirs of Kau-hiohewa, Heirs of Keola, Heirs of J. Keola, Heirs of S.

Keola, Heirs of Kahakai w). Heirs of Ka-hullanl. Heirs of Kaneunoku, Heirs of Moku, Heirs of Hookano Manuela, Heirs of Nahua, Heirs of Puhlpaha, Heirs of Kamaka, Heirs of Al, Heirs of Luaka, Heirs of Hooiho (k). Heirs of Kaneiakama. Heirs of Manu (w), Heirs of Kamika, Heirs of Kuali, Heirs of Mahoe, Heirs of Nuuanu.

Heirs of Kawhe (w) Heirs, of NalU, Heirs of Hopu (k). Heirs of Hoe k), Heirs of Kahinu mele. -Heirs of Kaihewa, Heirs of Allan Herbert, Heirs of Heirs of KaluahlnenuL Heirs of Kahoku welowelo. Heirs of Heirs of Makaaloha. Heirs of Kanepuu (k), Heirs of Kekualavala (w).

Heirs of Leialoha tk). Heirs of Tom Hot ton. Heirs, of Kealohanul, Heirs of Kauaole. Heirs of Napihe. Heirs of Kukona, Heirs of Naeole (w).

Heirs of Leoiki. Heirs of Kekuilillil, Heirs of Makaole. Heirs of Koakat Pao w), Heirs of Hinau (k). Heirs of Kamakaalau (w). Heirs of Nam a hana.

Heirs of Kalakinl (w). Heirs of Ioane II, Heirs of Napupu, Heirs of In, Heirs of Kaulila, Heirs of Kikina Akala, Heirs of (w). Heirs of Hanamaulu (w), Heirs of Paumano, Heirs of R. Kahinu. Heirs of Kahinu Mele, Heirs of Kawika.

Heirs of Uke. Heirs of Kalou, Heirs of Kailianu, Heirs 'of Kualil, Heirs of I (k). Heirs Of Kupokii, Heirs of Kalaiku, Heirs of Kalaniku, Heirs of KinL Heirs of Sam Keawe, Heirs of Mae- hale, Heirs of Kauhi, Heirs cf Ka-makahl. Heirs of Kaneakauhl. Heirs of Manlni, Heirs cf Poupou, Heirs of Uao tk).

Heirs of Kane w. Heirs of Poikeo. Heirs of KaumiumL Heirs of Niau, Heirs of T. Aki. Heirs of Like K.

Kamale, Heirs of Maria Ah Kal, Heirs of Kalili, Heirs of Peke (k). Heirs of Palekaluhl w). Heirs of Haloa (w). Heirs of Kailio (k. Heirs of Halelaau.

Heirs of Na huina. Heirs of Koomaemae, Heirs of Kapule. Heirs of KaipOi Heirs of Hepa. Heirs of Kaivi (w). Heirs of Keawalua Heirs of Hahuike (w), Heirs of KahiU w).

Heirs of Pooleleev (w). Heirs of Kaahupahau. Heirs of (w), Heirs of Mokunul, Heirs of Hono, Heirs of Heirs of Paulua, Heirs of Kapahoanui, Heirs of Manuel Ma nini. Heirs of R. H.

Bowiin, Heirs of Kapabu. Heirs of David Pahu, Heirs of D. K. Kaonohl Kamakea, Heirs of Prank K. Maninl, Heirs of Robert Hunt, Heirs of Alfred Tusi tusi Hunt, Heirs of Naone, Heirs of Keakini, Heirs of Uma, Heirs of Manua, Heirs of Pahakikt.

Heirs of Hucinaakala. Heirs of Kahea, Heirs of Luheluhe. Heirs of Hinsiuka (k. Heirs of Paele Heirs of Luaha, By HENRY DOUGIIIKTY Harry Dawson, hi charge of the steamship department of T. H.

Da-vies Co, has received a very col on ul folder. It is colorful with red and pis and orange illustrations, and colorful with pictures of hfe tn New Ouinea, Tahiti. Rarotonga. Zanzibar, Capetown. Barbados and scores of other romantic places throughout the world.

This booklet of 14 pages fells the prospective traveler about the forthcoming cruise of the Canard liner Carinthla aroand the world, keeping mainly to the soethera hemisphere. The Journey will atari from New York Jaaaary 19 S3, and will end In New York May IS, 1923. Hllo aad Henelmla After calling at Kingston, Cristo bal, San Pedro the vessel will arrive at Hilo Saturday, January 28, and at Honolulu Sunday, January 29. From Hawaii the ship will depart for trie society islands. Cook islands.

Samoa and Fiji, and thence to New Zealand and Australia. The Itinerary 'will continue te New Guinea, Bali, Java and en te Bombay, thence to Africa, ana on around by Capetown and across the sooth AUantie to Buenos Aires. Argentina and north te the West Indies and New York. "Jangle Streams' Highly colored descriptive terms are used, and such phrases as "Jungle streams and lagoons," "hot springs and sulphur we Us," the most ancient continent," "the most modern civilization," "New Guinea, head hunters and cannibals." "beau tiful primitive Bali," "Java, the fabulous isle," "Zulus and the Zam bezi," are sprinkled through the booklet. Concerning tbe "head banters and cannibals," tbe test says: "Papua, New Guinea, is one of the 'islands of the the least known land in the world Five miles from the trading posts in any direction lies the Jungle tbe Papaan bosh and the mystery, the sinister uncertainties, the dim marie ef the Jungle.

"It is known that in the ancient forests that rise to the snow covered mountains of the hinterland the natives still practice head hunting: and cannibalism. They look like the cannibals In the story book slit noses, tatooing, great bushy mops of black hair. "You will see them In Pert Moraeby Yob will half expect that these savages will go back into the wings from the stage when their frensled dance Is ever. But they will not Still naked, still black as Satan, hair still rampant, they will return to their unseen villages, close tinged by the Jungle, and for all yeu know, or I know, they will by the tomorrow be stalking a tribesman ef a neighboring village through the bush." "Primitive Bali" The booklet paints a vivid picture of primitive lilfe in BalL It aays: "Bali is still unspoiled, so remote from the clamor and clatter of our living, so endearing, with Its charm of the very young, so lovely to look at, that people who have been once to Bali, like the fallen angels, have always a nostaglia to return to heaven." Now, after reading such heralding, one is inclined to make an extended tour through the southern hemisphere. The voyage ef the Carintha should be an innova- tlon.

"on the run between Honolulu and the mainland." Next Mall From Coast With the Matson liner Maui and the N. Y. K. steamer Asama Maru arriving today, the next mail from the coast will be brought in by the Dollar liner President Jackson, arriving Thursday at 6:30 a. m.

The next mail to the coast will be taken out Wednesday at 6 p. m. by the President Coolidge. GEODETIC SURVEY 6th Floor, Aloha Tewer AT HONOLULU HARBOR smvatloA of each tide above the plane always additive to the chart depth -X. when the aumbsrs are sub tract! to wins place a either add or subtract of tide: MOON PHASES Full moon, Friday.

Oct. 14 Ivst quarter, Saturday, Oct. 13 New moon, Saturday. Oct. JS Farst quarter, Friday, Nov.

4 J. H. PETERS. Officer la Charrs. H.

C. Honolulu Construction Drying Con Ltd. Bbhop and Kalekaawila Sis. For. Sale Save over $20O on '33 Chevrolet '31 coupe, special paint, extras.

Looka and tuna ik new. Chao upkeep, 1145 Lunalilo St. Tel. 6S0G4. 1824 Dodge touring, A-l mechanically Will' cell or xchanir for late model light oar.

Phone 3S11. 1431 Chevrolet Coupe. Run 11.000 miles. Like new, 400. 107S S.

King. Packard iiedaterv lt cl condition Can- be wen at Dillingham garage. Late 1930 Ford sport coupe. New tires. Excellent condition, l'hone 5522.

Good used cart and used parts. Futaml Auto. LUiha and Vineyard. Ph. 3223.

41 Automobiles To Rent' U-DRIVE-CARS 6e 10e 12o per mile 1 including P. 1 and P. D. Day and Night Service, Koaocrans U-Drive, Fort St PP. OthedraL Phone 4004 JJ-Drivs 193 Cher.

Ford rdstr. Radio equip. Theater Service Station. Nouanu PauahL Ph. 20SS.

43 Automobiles Wanted CASH PAID FOR USED CARS We alio tell on conaignment HATT0 GARAGE 748 Beretania 4554 Wanted rood used family car valued about $1,000 as part payment on S4.000 corner Katmukl residence or 'lanikat lot. Address owner. P. O. Box 1821.

Honolulu. Wo buy tised Fora, Chevrolet Brothers Service Station. 2008 N. KINQ ST. TEL.

U88 Cars bought and sold. Cash paid for good used cars. Gulick Service Station, King and Gulick. Tel. S9960.

1 We pay cash for your old model Fords v-. .1: a of 1 CLASSIDFiEB Consult thia Quids when In need of quick service Cleaning Shop Clean) no Dveino RoDStrino HAMASAKI CLEANING SHOP 1128 Union near Hotel Tel. 3613 Oog Kennel BEST CARF1 TAKEN OF PET DOGS AND CATS. LUDLOFF, 1321 PA. LOLO AVE.

PHONE 7167., Dressmaker ALOHA EMBROIDERY STORE Dressmaking. hemstitching, eicellent work. 669 S. Beretania. Tel.

S65S. French Shop Mrs. E. L. Malterre'S Invisible mending.

1073 Lunalilo St. Phone 88669. Funeral Director BcrtHwlcK Undertaking Co. Nauanocorner 8chooi- Phopo 3661 Pay or Night Junior Fashion Shoppe A cool, quiet, convenient place td shop for the kiddies, 1435 S. King.

Luau Supplies Dishes, tents, chairs RENTED. 96 N. Beretania opp. Maunakea. Tel.

2121. Moving Storage MOVING AND STORAGE Reliable. Cit Transfer Co. Tel. 1231.

Massaqe Mrs. Nojlma. nand Masaaga, Cot. 3. rear Stand.

Trading Co. 1381 8 King Nickel Plating ELECTRO PLATING WORKS 75? S. Kins? St- Phone 3324 Painting House painting on easy payments. Brothers. Phone 792S6.

Radio Technicians Get your radios ready for the world's series games. Expert technicians. Vs CHOCK'S RADIO SHOP Phone .4876 Evenings TJ089 Signs and Show Cards QUALITY PLUS SERVICE ASSURED Acme isin 56 S. Beretania. T.

2s 12 Typewriters Repair, buy. exch. Webb's Repair Shop. 7 S. Pauahi.

921 Alakea. T. 3023-4755. Tree Pruning Let Hawaiian Nursery's experienced workmen da your pruning. Tel.

3322. Upholstery Repairing Cushions, davenports, mattresses. Kang Upholstery. 1S1S S. Beretania.

Eiccol Notice NOTICE The Territorial Board of Pharmacy Till hold an examination on Tuesday, October 18, 1932. Applications should be filed Tith the Chairman of the Board at 78 S. King Street, before October 17. 1932. A.

W. MEYER. Chairman, Board of Pharmacy. (Oct. XI, U) 1932 ntsn Water Lnw Water Jttws Pets Rles Bete October Time Ht.

Time Ht AM FM PM AM Tuesday l.S 0. 6:5 4:13 3:38 11th 1.8 n.S Wednesday 1.7 0.1 I IS 1:40 4:43 4:37 12th 1.7 6.3 Thursday 1.1 13th l.S .3 Friday l.S O.a S.3S 1:07 14th l.S 0.3 Saturday J'SXAM 2.0 4:20 1:58 lath 1.3 S.JSPM 0.3 Sunday 4:34 AM 3 1 O.S 1:57 7:50 16th 1.0 O.S Monday 21 o. 7:49 8:44 17th 0 0.4 Tuesday 2.0 J5 1:38 18th 0.4 The eolumns of beirhta rive the ot chart soundings. Tbe numbers unless prereded by the minus sign from the depth given on the chart. To find tn tiros of tide at tbs as Indicated from tbs Honolulu tiro Port-Port.

Allen. Kauai VValanaa, Oahu Waimsnalo, Oahu Kaunakaka). Molokal Km. 0 SO 9 10 4 0 30 1 41 0 to li 4) 30 0 4S 1 14 Kahulul. Manl Kihel.

Maalaea Bay. Maul Lahaina, Manl Mabukona. Hawaii Kealakekua. Hawaii Hllo. Hawaii are folio way cash for used cars.

Futaml Auto, Uliha and Vineyard. Tel. 3223. We boy good used cars. LIBERTY AUTO SHOP.

318 S. King. TeU 65S5. CLASSIFIED) this guide when in need sf quick service I Awnings i Awnings, shades, tents, made to order. Lowest prices In Awnine Shads Shop.

11S7 Beretania. 3941 City Awning Shop Awnlncs and Tents made to order. 671 S. Beretania St. Poons 3365.

Auto Tops M. WATANABE 751 S. King St. Tel. 445S Auto Glass Replacement The Home Auto Supplies t29 S.

King near Alajjat TeL 217 Bicycles Complete stock. Reasonable prices. Eki Cjctery. 693 S. Kins opp.

Alapat, Bookbinding We will bind your magaslnes and periodicals at a price that will please you. Work di-ne quick I ami satis factortly by expvrts. Library limlinj and reblndins. The Star-Bulletin Offers vou ti services of the most modern hinrtory in llswalt Phone 4911. The Star-Bulletin, 125 Merchant Si Cleaners and Dyers ARE YOUR RUGS CLEAN? Sanitation shiUl Hart from the, floor un.

Clepn Wxr AmericiR Sanitary Ltd. Queen and Emily Sta. l'hone 6QU A SINGLE WOEtD TIME SAVED! The name of one city designated by a single word, should mean much to shippers of the islands TILVT NAME IS SEATTLE a great port of the Pacific Northwest the central point for vacationists of a vast scenic wonderland the center of a lucrative trading area a city in its own borders of nearly a half -million. Ship your goods direct to Seattle. Let them make no stops before.

Buyers in Seattle will appreciate such consideration from shippers on the islands. Ship direct to save time and gain friends in the Pacific Northwest. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS WRITE BELL STREET TERMINAL SEATTLE. U. S.

A. BAGGAGE Phone us for prompt and satisfactory handling of all baggage at fair and reasonable rates. We are specialists In this work. II a Phone 4981.

Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.