The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of 20 To and other, and Miss the outacirta the miles from capital machipery in fall Burking anis, doing a large and profitable trade, capable of cons capital embussing and milla, of Nou- of their own residences, Particulars be and plans are preparing. and in the meantime information may obtajued of John itse, 9. lane and of Edwia Fox and Boustield, No. 24, Bank. the Woodford Line: -An Important Freehold comprising a subatantis! and conmodious Mansion, garden grounds, and meadow land, 24 acres in extent, with a commending frontage to the high rom, and frontage to a leading thoroughfare in the rear, close to the Legionatone Starion, available for profitable and extensive building operations; togetber with commodious ranze of out and farm two tached and two somsi-detached cotta.con.

EDWIN FOX and BOUSPIELD are with instructions to SELL by AUOTION, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Bans of England, on Wednesday, May 1. 1873, the PARK, at in the county of a very rainable and inportant freehold estate, eligildy situate on the high road to London, a walk from the Legionstane ation on the Great Eastern Jail way (with ita terminus in street, and shortly also in prisine a substantial and commodious family mon, of com a anding approached by a carriage drive, with lodge at It contuips family accommodation, available also for the of The grounds the house are ornamentally laid out, standed with magnificent timber and trees, and comprise croquet and loping with parterres and shrubberies, rosary and bowers, fine valled garden, orchard and forcing houser, ke. The within an colored yard, well removed from the realdeuce they include capital stabling for five horses, double piggeries, the the gardens, and estending to the railway and a leadine road, are the brantiful park lands of stout 94 acres, belted by well-grown trees, and adorned by noble averse of finely-matured himes, Also four and producing 063 per anDom. The estate, while offering inane attractions for read lence, cannot but be regarded as particularly for development; its proximity to the railway station, the commanding trontage to the high road, the great tacility for opening up roadways giving alter for numerous cottage and villa rest the demand in the locality for these, conduce to the of well-maturel building operations, and the existing mansion could remain intact for family occupation, or for an aegium or public for which it pre eminently adapted, Particulars may obtained of Oliver, Green, and Ashley Julius, solicitors, No. Fleet-street at the Mart: and of Mears, For And Bousseld, 94, Gresham street, Bank, E.0.

City of London, -The valuabie Lease of the spacious, double-fronted, Brininen P'remises, So. 29, Botoloh-lane, with two spacious groundGoor warehouses, private entrance to the upper stories, on which are of light and commodious well let to EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD will AUCTION, at the Mart, on Wednesday, April 234, cinck precisely, the above LEASEHOLD Particulars their ottos, 24, Gresham street, Hank, Upper Norwood. -Delightful Freehold Residence on the summit of Healab-bill, embracing the full heanty of the view which has rendered this spot so famous, surrounded by weil-wooded gardens and grounds about four with detached and complete out-offices, trance-lodge RDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD will the Mart, Rank of England, ou 14 at o'clock, HOLD PROPERTY, Beulah-hill, Upper Nor compris jug the detached faully residence, distinguished an placed in the midst of finely-tambered lawns, shrubberiel gardens, and grounds of about four including leasehold paddock, by an creDue drive, with Indee trance. bouse contains eight bed well-proportioned dinar room, drawing 977. by 17ft, library, and well entranceball, and removed from the house, within a yard, a three-stalled stable, two carriage houses, farm, and other convenient out-buildings, Possession will given on completion of the purchase, A part of the land might advanbe need for building pa withont materially affecting the enjoyment of the present residence, May be viewed shy special orders.

particular obtained at the Mart: of Elmalie, and Sedgewick, solicitors, 27. C. and of Edwin For and Bourseld, 24, Gresham-street, Bank. Barnet, By order of the Mortgagees. valuable Freehold Estate, comprising capital Family Mansion, beautiful pleasure 1 I gardens, and having about 40 acres of park-like land, available for prottable operations, being ouly few minates walk from the Barbel Station, and having frontage of 2.500 feet to the treat North-road, with considershie frontage to other well-made roads, with the espability of opening upthoroughfares giving a extent or additional dine frontage, as the demand incresars, which it must do, owing to the sabubrity of locality, the beauty of the position, sad the convenient to the EDWIN FOX and BOUSPIELD are to SELL by AUCTION, at the Mart, TokenbouseRank of England.

May 14, 2 one lot, the GROVE ESTATE, in the Parishes of Baruet and Chipping Barnet, in the County of a very property, on the summit of a hill, about 10 walk from Barnet Railway Station, affording direct cotomunication with the city and west end: comprising a capital family mansion, with car. den and paddocks, the residential enjoyment of which will not be milltated agalust by the devotion of the estate to the building purposes for which it is so pre eminently adapted, The extent of trontage it has 40 the high road, and to ntber well inade made, and the facility it enjoys for opening up other thoroughfares, giving a vart extent of exo ileut building renders is especially attractive for fosures large and remunerative return by resale in smaller allotanents ut by the introduction of capital tor the creation of ground rents, the most desirable source of family endowment. May be viewed he orders, obtainable from the Particulars and plans, preparing. may be had, when ready, of Meters, Woodand Woo tall, solicitors, Scarbornugh of Meters. Sharpe and thorns, solicitors, Finid-onurt, London at the Mart, the inne as and of Mover, Edwin and Bounded, 24, Gresham-street, Bank; The Avenur, Bisckheath compact and valuable, long Lessehold Estate, of neat and semi-detaebod viila by a private road, with shrubberiel plantation forming in entirety a very remunerative and attractive property for neut bolting or prostable or equally destrable for the in of swallor amouate of capital, and for buyers for occupe Lion.

tel S. to EDWIN AUOTION, FOX and Mart, BOUSFIRLD are by at the on Walnesias, May at 2 o'clock precisely, in lets accordine to the unless co oder shall he previously made for the whole property in one lot, in which case large proportion of the purchase monry may remein on mortgage. 20 soni-detached reef tenors, formitig the A venue to the railway station, giving 10 Cannonand at frequent intervals in 20 minutes, and of the most con verden! and esteemed tricta around the metropolis. The are built, of nest and elevation, from the road by forecourts with iron approached by fights of stone steps, and each contains sis or eight route, dining and dravine breakfast parlour, and convenient domestie offices: in the rear walled gardens. They are let to respectahle with the exception of three of the which kept in hand for the of desirous of purchasing for occupation, and are of the vaine of £1,400 Ver Held fur a of 80 gears unexpired, at ground-rents apportioned on esob pair of per annum viewed, and of Mesas.

Morris, and On. rolleitors, 6, 014 st the Mart; and of Meters, Edwin For and Bousheld, No, Bank, Chianiharat, the most besutiful and attractive position within reach town, from the city est-end in 90 minutes by a wellregulated train -Charming Country Resinepos, with complete lodge tranon, and grounds of mix cluding he plantation of Shriving timber for occupar with EDWIN FOX and are to SELL by AUCTION, at the Mart, Tot on Mar 25t6, al 1 o'clock. the valuable RENEFICIAL LEASE of convenient and very mujorable and GROUNDs, About one mile from the Chiselhurst Statisa South- being one the houses the Camden and overlooking Scott'seminence embracing view of considerable plantation, forming of beauty, with picturegne lodge al entrance, fo bails in the a south and and contains 12 principal dining rooms (300k. a pecious billiard room and ing with complete detached are stabline for four two disch-houres, Inft and man's over. The grounds EDWIN FOX and BOUSPIELD reannounce that the PROPERTY NUT at the recent Auction, may he treated for privately.

Last a Anation, at the Mart. Notice of Anne-street, Carediah The Residence an 1 Picture of the renowned Turner. Two Leasehold Nos. $1 and 31. Re Darke, Freehold Residences at Forest Cher of Important Firebold Na, 64, Caleman-street, ESSES.

EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD beg to that alt the shove PROPERTIES enbmittel A action at the Mart on Wetnewlay last were SOLD. -24, Greshamstreet, E. C. City of Freehold Properties, close to Barbican. ME Instructed to SELL EDWIN by FOX AUCTION.

and at the BOUSFIELD on are April 3 n'ainck, in two lots a FREEHOLD PROPERTY. containing about 1, 130 with the su'stantial buildings No. 4. to from Barbican, and warsshege in the the ped a rental of CIO can Freebo eurner block of 6, Barta retara frontage an area about feet, together with the lee there 0 20 p. antoin, for the light particulars obtaine! of Raglie, and Praros, court Oil and of Mewra, Farin For and Bousteid, 24, street.

Oity of London, -Eligible Mann facturing Premises, in Red for in EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD will MESSES AUCTION, at the, Mart, Tokenhouse-vani, Bank of on 9th, a valuable FRANHOLD PROPERTY for investment, prisine tor and well lighted the Herr to a escrilent dersh of No. an position for Black house on an rental of annuie. by nation of the tenant, and parficulars obtained of a Tunesali, solieitors, Fen. at 1 Mart, and of Elwin For and Voustield, 24, Gresham Dank. Corybol4 pear fu Poof-atreet, lEs' at rents a manticg to £145 the and clone the Station -Two capital annum, offering secure and 'n EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD will SELL AUCTION.

at the Mart, Rant of Encland. no Wed. April 2 o'clock, in two lot valnahle COPY PROPERTY. pariah of compridne capital Red. No.

9, street, entaining moms and dreceing drawing by dining room, hreakfast room, kitchen, the grounds have a return frontage to kitchen gardens, stabling fut too a pearly opposite railway station, and odor a first-cia site for the of a tavern let to a yearly teuant at £100 per MIDI, Also 14, Pond-strert, a equally bat amalier residence, containa three bed romas, drawing mons ten sitting moms, kitchen, ka; on lease to a respectable tepant at £45 per May he viewed occupanta, aud ucalars obtaine1 at the Mart: Newbold and Falkper, Newark and of Messrs. Elvin Pox and Bonsbeld, 24, Cresham-street, Bank, E.C. on the Mid-Kent Rat was, near the Outford-hridee Station. Preehoid Villa Residenors, for areupation and in vestment. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD are directed to NKLL by AUCTION, at the Mart, on Weinenlar.

21, at 3 o'clock, TWO neat, modern, setni-detachel FREEHOLD RE Raven-villa and and conveniently in the parish of a few walk from she Catford-tatage or Station, standing on summit of the nill, having evod gartens, with consertatories, and esotaining three rooms, sitting rooms, kitchen, ke, tine of the vendor, the other let to a responsitle tenant, of the vaine of 290 for anuum, May he viewed, end particulars of J. solicit, High -atrees, Croydon at the Mart: of For sad Blousbeid, 24, Gresham street, Bank, E.C, Dulwich. detached, douhle-fronte1 Freebold Resi-lenor, the Laurels, Underbill-road, close to the church, 40-1 rive minutes' walk from the station on Lounos. Chatham, and Dover Railway. It containa six bed rorms, drewing and box rooms well proportioned drawing and dining rooms, and others tastefully laid out plessure and croquet lawn, and vegetable carden, The occupant of this house la entitled to the privileces of the renowned Dui wich College.

EDWIN FOX and will SELL by AUCTION, PROPERTY. at the Mart, on Particulars April 23, the shove PREKHOLD at their offion, Gresham street, Bank, F.C. Finchley. -Re Mountain, -Furniture and EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD, baving Sold the Freehold, will SELL by AUCTIOS, on the preLinoen-villa, Friern-park, near the Torrington-park station, on the Great Northern on Tuesday, ril Such, at half-past 1 the nest, modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, of the ordinary character, for the bed and sitting rooms, few fine paintings, and catalogues bad on the On premises view the day of prior Mosses, and Edwin morning For of sale, and and and 24, Gresham street, Hank, Chin-thunt, Kent, the roost picturesque, healthy, and creatiy esteemed district around the metropolis, accessible from the city and end in 20 minutes, thus combining which it in imprasible to A choice Freehold Ebuilding batate, an cary walk from the station, close to the beautiful and common, the rural village church, and the now far-famed little Itoman Catholie Chapel, TESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSPIELD are instructed to prepare for SALE on early day, the shore valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, of abous 20 acres, which will be cahmitted in lots to snit gentlemen desirous of aoquiring aten for the comprine, in he lawn and pleasure kitchen ground, da pite and frames, and of al out Enid for of unes pared, a low on will be of the May by the had Ins and solicitors, at the of Vox THE TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1873.

Re asle st a minimum upset price (to be shortly by the The Imperial Hotel, Lover. First-clans Free hal1 odering a very farourahle tr for securing ma at premises at very small proportion of their original c*nt, EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD are by the Morteagees to offer for MALE by AUCTION, the Mart, Bank of Ragland, on Wetnestar. With, as 2 o'clock a a minimum upset price of whic Do higher hitting is it will be an Important and valuahle FREEHOLD comma dingly facing the the an-1 prefe of this marine front, tacise the Clarence Lawn and the Parade at Doer comprising the Imperial Hotel, a noble erected under the cf J. bomi, the vell-knoen architect, upon the most approved plans, an a very manner, ant of upwarus of 000, every suplianc for carrying tensive aud highly profitade equally for al being well-adaptel for private families in the separate mites of which are -o bighiy cisted. 1t contains 190 het chambers, spacious and public includine ratine, coffee, dining, ant withdraw ing rooms, saloons, private sitting tohle talliani and elaborately fitted domestic The projects for tatine com bet and ratice wilt operation ad I creatiy to the raine of prop of this and tris estate presents and for the great ant increasing demand the unret them arise for brat-class it important and seaport.

Ita preition in the town is very agreeshie, 18 mania and from its sD1 participate all the advantages which the and prospects of rising ten ani port are calculated secure at the re en i it obtaina the patronage of the gar sud of private famil en. As an invest for the capitalist, ranity for the formation of a public sumpany, this estate a most el gible It is a for a variety of other a convale-cent or ex of public or private character, may bere accosubudation just suited for their el with para, may he obtained of T. M. solicitor, Frederick Old Jewry of Mess, James Taylor, 4 aton, and Tarior, 10. of Mr.

Notwri P'ayne (l'ayne and Strowni, public accountant, 34, Lathbury at the Mart and of For and bousdeld, 24, Gresham street, Bank, 1,0. The beautiful Freehold Latate of Sp park, neariy 800 acres in extent, with well-4-laced Mansion, the ancient Manor of Northes, Nyn, and Cuftel 3, sod the Donatire to the Laving of Norther, ESSRS. ADWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD are with instructions to for RALE by A00 TIOS. the Mart, on 28th, highly valuable and picturesque RESIDENTIAL special in tractions and entirely of freehold tenure, and of class but seldorn onered to toe well-4 admired property of Nyu-pare If beloncine to the Earl of il, pinsa of Nothin la the of Hertford, contairing 770 acres of undulating land, magnificently surrounded and intersected bug gup with many of existing frontage, oniy two miles from Pouter's Station ou the Great Nortbern Nailway, and though thus within 30 minuted journey of town, enjoying all the attriof first-class nauty property, and couferting great influence There maorion in the ceutre of the estare, from north and cast by the hanging woods and the Well. word, a stately and estensive planta- approached through beautifui park lause by sebue driver, wish loriges at either entrance, And afforuine adequate for A In of Its arrangements are and is nas lately been thoroughly repaired and derorated under the supervision of Sir.

Dion the eminent arcaitect. The position of the barre admits of the ultimate realization of the commercial value of she estate, by utilining the ma niticent frontage, without deteriating the residential character of the remainder. The land is of a sound character, the whole of the open ground is drained, and the rest will be completed this spring. It etubraces fertile arable rich pasture, with plantations, and the Great Northa n- of 330 acres, the spurting capabilities being noted. In the pars la a late, and a running stream intersecta the wot.

The vulace of Northae picturesque, and an avenue walk of unusnal beauty a through the estate to the church, There are piete farm ba-kings, well placed, capital private stabling. and detacbed offices, Possession of the whole property may be had. The donative adrowson to the living of Northaw, of which the owner of Nyu la lay rector, with its ani elebe, in bended in the male, ancient Manor of Nya, and Cuffel-3. granted in 1540 kg Heury VIIT, to Sir Win. Carendish, More descriptare ad vertissinents will appear, and particulars, with plans and views and analysis of the soil, are in the course of prepare ton; in the meantime infirmation may be obtainel of Metark.

Wood, Street, and Hayter, solicitora, 6, dings, W.C., and of Mr. Bigdon, and agent, da isbury and of Menars. Edwin For and Mousseld, 24, Gresham-street, liane, London, Ru. Freeholds and Leaseholds, in the vicinity of Horton, Bezlez, Northfeet, and Erith, in the county of Kent -By diracuon of the and Trustees under the will of Mr. Stephen Cannot, deceased.

DANN and SON will SELL by AUCME TION, on Monday, the 28th April, at the Auction Mart. Lonat 12 for 1 o'clock, Horton Flour Mill, on the river Darenth, with a powerful tall of Water, three floors, four pair stones, foreman's iron brest wheel, tiler's house, shout large three productive of ganton, land. stabling, situate cottages, immediate together ricinits with sotte best acrus curs pasture in the of of the land, the market town of Parninaham, and the station, with ever facility for it conversion into a payer-mill, the wa er peculiarly suitable reybouse, wits stabling, outbuildings, larze walled garden, in the occupation of Mr. Rouser tour tenements artjolnine, and a valuable piece of garden ground, with a frontage of 94 foes to the road, all in the parish of Horton a valuable enclosure of plantation la. in a high state of enitivation, near The Grange, as Darenth, in tbe cupation of Mr.

Hears Waite, hrick-built dwelling-house, near the Vicarage, Bezley, with walled garden, in the occupation of Mr. Cannon a baker's shop and premises, Undershore, Nortudeet, to the occupation of Mr. Alex. Deaken a hater's shop and premises, 41, Bichstreot, Gravesend, ota lease to Mr. Tanhekige, st £40 per annum.

Three suberantialig-built, long leasehold residences on the high Dover-road Northdeet, known as Sutton, and Kent Honses, let to highly rusponsible tenanta at £50 per annum two pair semi-detache1 residences, held upon a long lease, Fier-road, Erith, in the occupation of Captain Morrell, Messes Haines, Reeves, and Tipple, producing £115 per Particulara are preparing, and can be wad seven previous to the day of sale, as the Auction Mart, London the ions in the several and at the offices of the solicator to the exec- tore and trusters, C. R. Gibenn, Dartford aud of the anotioneers and land surveyors, 'k the bank of Rent, within are minutes walk of the a very Station. DANN and SON have received instruc- entry, with tions from the Executors of the late Mine Chapman, deceased, and stabling, tO BELL by AUCTION, on Monday, the 56th day of April, 1873, with cards, for a o'clock, at the Auetion Mart, London, a valuable worth, Abbott, PROPERTY, near the church and the Vadry of the Crags, Particulars substantial, detached, brick-built, charse: residence, standing in its own grounds of nearly la, enclosed from the road with iron the Bell Hotel, fencing, terrace walk leading to ornamental pleasure grounds, which are some fine, stately pine and other trees, large Gah pond, and sloping lawn to the river Cray, which forms part of boundary, wall to Mill-lave, kitchen garden. The resk-ence contains three receptiou rooms and from ante-tuom, entrance-hall, five priveipal two bet rooms, bed water-closet, unique staircase BELL servants' and back large Lank of kitchen and wash-house, room, batier's pantry, excellent casly, in one celiarage and outbuildings alias side entrance to For many rea the residence of the late Chapman, decraned.

May be view private road and partieniars had of Messes, Tali ot and Taekor, miscitors, 47. ford-tow, London, W.C. the Auction Mart, Landon, the inns low rents, in the and of 'the auctioneers and land aud estate agents, very Nexley, 8. E. Mag be Tiewed with prospective Heathside, Dartford-heath, about one and a ball mite from the of Messrs.

tinn. Furniture, 600 oz. value his plate, set plated dishes, pair gilt candelabra, 40 dozen fine old port wipe, of the vintages 1842, 1644, and 1547, dozen old Madeira, three guns. Hovel, dence, are DANN inscructed by and Robs, SON, having let SELL the by ACC- resi- Near on the Pretises, on Tues las, 15th April, 1873, and following rent, and das, at for 12 ook carb das, the APPOIN EMEN OS of CHAMBER FURNITURE, drawing, dinine, and Library, kitchen directed and bedding elegan, planta, 50 china choice and glass terns 11 in lion patent wine and bias lemon arenhouse to SELL by orange trees, of two iron garden rollers, mowing machine, garien engine, water barrels LAS I. and tools, nearly new wargnuette for oue or pair of borer, wieh terrace, ing clothing, head, sad-des and bridles.

Catalogues the botre road, and do with fundern the lune in the of the auctioneers, (at 8.6. ad. each) at tertu, to be bad at £3 localty, sod Besley, tenanta, as near Sudbury. Harrow, Mi 100 loads Has. lease for 77 heiters, and steers, nock of wish latube, cars mission of borses, and the whole of the excellent farm implements, Hugnes and on BAKER Wednes and April SONS 9to, at will 1, on the SELL by of No.

1a, alecara. tern Manor Farm, about mile of the Sudbury of North Gloucester-place, Railway and one of Sudbury Harrow road, by order of Thos. with stabling. quitting the farm, the FARM IMPLEMENTS, term of 31 including seven hag and dung carta, two waggons, iron land rollers, able for haymaking machine, borse-rakes, chain barrowa, three rick cloths, poles, rick scaffold ladders, weighing machines, horse-power chart WILL chines, oil cake crushers, cart a variety of tools, load cloths, at 1 tor 2 had sheep on and the pig troughs, ka. of the May be auctioneers, viewed the day Klibarn, prior.

Catalogues DENOR, premises; and a few minutes Church- Willenden, -A very desirable Freeboid Fro- tion of the perts. comprising a residenos, with offices, gardens, extensive stablicg compietion sud loose boxes, sod shout nine acres of huilding land. chambers ME TIUS, on Friday. BAKER May and 24, 1873, SONS at the will Mart, SELL Tokeuhouse by AUC. yard, two with toner elegant precisely, in one lo, direction of the Trustees of the late is let off to F.

Mattam, a valuahle FREEHOLD ESTATE, elicibly situate, mews, in the having important frontages on both skies of the high road, about tep with particulars, minutes from Wiliesden-junctiou, and near to the pariah church, It la, comprises a detached residenon, with gardens, offices, extensive stabling, Richard and 20 loose boxes, and two enclosures of land. The whole cot- Portiani-place. tainine shout nine acres, and faily ripe for iminoliate derelopment in Reid Auld, building plots or otherwise, 16 in at present let to tenants, whose ter me will expire at Michaelmas nest, when possession can be bad. May of this viewed. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale had of Mesara, Alfred Jones, the Tindale, Mart and and Grove, solicitors, 7, Queen-street, Cheapaide at of Baker sad Sons, Kilburn, Mart, held, foe an Willesden, acres of beautifully situate Building Land, coptaine on forming obe of the highest sites in the county also an closet; on with possession.

water-closet BAKER and SONS will SELL by AUC- rooms, with Eu, at precise one lot, by direction of the large hack TION, on Friday, May 2, 1873, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-zard, entrance highly valuable do FREEHOLD ESTATE, eligibly situate, fronting tremity of Robt, Pinch, midway beseeca very Statior: There is on of North Lon 100 Railway and Wil esden Junction. It comprises an old- secondary fashioned residence, known The Orange, with ottices, are numerves orchard, and four enclo-ures of meadow latni, the whole containing The domestic about 27 acres, prestily timbered, air gradually sloping upeanta requirements of she loftiest elevations in the county, from which thers are muet in the rear one magnificent and extensire views in all direct.ons. The adjoining pro- three stalls party is now being rapidly developed by stie erection of detached rooms and to be wences, sod this land undoubtedly presents unusually attractive Aprils, taros for a class buthline speculation, or as an for ro- and 18, sale fu lots, It about 10 minutes' drive from Junction han. Station, and four miles from Hyde-park-owner. May he viewed.

l'ar- No, 1, ticulars, plans, and conditions had of Moser, K. Taylor and Son, solicitors, 4, Feld-court, Gray at the Mart; and of Mesara, drawings, Baker and Sons, Kilburn, Middlesez. ware, valuable R. W. Milford, BANKS Hants, about wIll four SELL miles from Laminston.

ESSR8. by AUCTION, at the Angel Hotel, Lguingson, on Tuesday, 6th Mag, at 3 o'clock p.m., on RESIDENCE, previously Shown of Bank private treaty, that most desirable and 27th, disposed Ivy (with possession, cutsisting of tire vertisem*nt sitting room, seven bed rooms, tRo dressing rooms, water-closet, housekeeper's room, dairy, pantry, kitchen, servant's bail, scullers, ke. Notting-bill, The house stands on own grounds, containing tive acres more or less, cominanda delight a views of the of Wight, the Solent, the sea, and the Needles, beautifully by inland scepery, ntuate SELL about a quarter of a mite from the village, at an easy distance from the sea shore, Greenhouse and del guttul shrubbery walks. SHOP and The property la held ages under respectively lease, determinable upon the lives of two No, 114, man ted tarties, And 01 years, at a rent of El per double-fronted The turn bare may be taken at a rajuation. Farther particu- fire bed lars he had of the or uf Mesars, Beckett private and Son, solicitors, 60 London, W.0.

also con- rent, and of ditions of sale of the shore one week prior to the sale. particulars Margate, Kent, -A Block of Three substantialls-erecred Dwelling- Richarison houses, containing 20 roetns, which may be inexpensively converted decorator, into a private hoarding-houss, tavern, sod two shops, Tithe free, and Premises W. land tar re street, MESS AUCTION, at MELLER the London are Tavern, instructed Bishopagate-street, to SELL K. 0., by on City of Taunday, April 24th, at 2 o'cloct precisely, unless previously lavoured private contraot, compact BLOCK -THREE neatis-orreted HOUSEX, consonieatly situate at the junction of the Victoria and cienly, A Margate, orcapsing position, suitable for 215, per tavern and estimateu to produce 285 per annum. a comprising Piece of Freeboid Building Laud, situate facing So.

Peter a-road, having eDare a frontage 44 feet, by a depth of feer, suitable for villa residences. hill, Great of 80 May be and particulars had of Meara, Reep, Lane, and Co. shout solicitors, 9, Bish-lane, Cannon street, city as the White Hart Hotel, and let to Margate; the Albion Hotel, Loudon Tavern: and aggregate of the auctioneers, 2, Broad E. C. tenants, and East Lodge Suffolk, near Woodbridge and Wickbam ntuate in market.

the -The parishes of Pettiatree- Pet- of Mr. C. Patiison, Wickham-marcel, Udord, Afromeswell, and Hollesley. anctioneers' R. B.

MOULTON is directed I by the Trustecs for under the Will of Richard Brook, deceased, to SELL tion of by AUOTION, on Tuesday, the 6th day of May, st the Great White in consequence Horse Tavern, Ipswich, at 3 for 4 o'clock in the afternoon: bold Lot 1. The capital FAMILY MANSION, known an Pettistree-lodge, on the the residence of the late Mra. Brook, with its extensive gardens, piessure ground park-like and well-timbered meadow land, situate a abort will distance from the church, containing the gardener's cottage and two other on Tuesday, detached cottages, 1z. 13p. valuable Late 21 1 4.

A Villa Residence, a Menuage in two tenements, and so tages to Inclosure of Arabie Label, 8a. 1r. 9p. wick, situate Lot 5. The Home Farm, near the mansion, 35a.

2r. 37p. stations ou Lower Farm, Dear 30p. Freehold Pieces of Land and several Cottage No, 41, Tenements, 10a. 14p.

conditions Lots 10, 11, 12. A Small Farm in piece of arable, of ani Sadler, pasture, and three pieces of pastaro in the North Meadow, 21a. survesor, 7. Lot 13. Two Inclosures of Arable Land in Pettiatree, by the side of Jape, the turnpike-road, opposite 14a.

3r. Lots 14, 15, 16 Five detached of Land in Wickhammarket. 20 p. 17, 18 House and Premises, occupied by Mr. David R.

Tower Windmill, both in trust Wick FELL Lot 19. land The sad Valley (20 acres In of containing 213e. Or. 14p. das.

1 30th enelosed Lord One landowners, sporting adand other the game free ESTATE, preserved, together Los Mr. 20, House and Shop 00 the Woodbridge, oscupied known an John. Goodwin, and is I 21, 22, Freehold Cottages to Stowmarket and Peltborpe, about Norfolk, in the Tot 17 Shares la the Suffolk Alliance Company, in lots of Are tree sud charre Manor of Printed particulars and conditions of sale, with may be had in nearls equal due tine of Moor, Voodbridge; Abbott, The estate Jenkins and A Ne-inn, Strand, London: the Great White sale apnese, Horse, Ipswich, and the priucipal inns in and of tained of Woodh ear-sonate, Adair house, Lady A lair, ESSRS. HOLD distinguished James' a Palace one of to wet looking and DL. rounded by and Dot ing 15 bed and Best story looking a right a principal ground door hall are ottices in the done of the orationa with all the valuable pro, hich rape, las ance ntboe, or wishine sold with urchare trade an important can be viewed Aubott, and ontainel of strand of Selda K.

C. So. 64, Ur sLantial and session; ale in one lease ESSRS. directe: Kwan, 22, creely, the KEa. DESCE, municatingi, with water-closet to be sold an house 5 with car 14, Rush worth, Change alles, Nicholi and Broad Sanctuary, Une of toe 18 bighiy pital and sites 10 De remainder hill-street, age to ESSRS.

are wag to a others, 22, Hatopshire. ESSRS. are Important redien: of superior verate rent of worth, Aubutt, Union Bank SELL 00 UNDERGROUND rooms also return Dragon-Jard Mours, alley, Solicitor, -5, No. if. Queenfect repair, with ESSES.

ME SELL Baus of previonaly quietude of for a religious, large sun has ready for on a flour, garden in the may be had and 15, Spencer, Mars, Hertfordabire.Bushes, MESSES Pall-mall and AL The very valuahle and Porcelain, Enamels, Bronzes, Lacqr and other reebold Mansion, late in the of the Dow recently daces with MESSRS, CHRISTIE, MANSON, sad RUSHWORTH, ABBOTT, and Co, ally give that they will SELL by received instru to SELL by AUCTION, on the Pre- the great Route, M. James 1 for in one lot the important as 1 clock precisely, a valuabie consigament of PROPERTY, well known an openpying age of the Japan, comprising Satsumas porcelain, positions the end of Lou loo, near to ME. bandanme enamel dishes, also a few ani. It three frontages ('hinete enamels and handsomely embroidered Pall-ma adjoining the Junk Carlton May be viewed, an! catalogue the with frontage of 340t. 6 from to Jam Joshua Reynoida.

ther frontage of Arms to the Nary approach Clut-house, Pall-mall and ESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON, and of opposite the magnidout 1a give notice they nil SELL the most unetropolia by residences or th- and gentry. The man three of boi chambers, compris- of 150 foe 1 Jushna having dressing the principal moms being of large diet- fine pronts of Mrs. water-coret uh each The rootus the Mira. Palmer, Girl, a tee reception ball moin with plate newel arrangel, a grant 1010 and smaller reception The Collection of Pictures of the late C.

into Japes a square, 00e having an euhaged end CHRISTIE, MANSON, and and corri onanacting the whole Te Frapectfally give not en that they will SELL ly stairrase from the entrance hail to the Gret their Rooms, King James' comprises a Bobie ronin 25 ft. by PICTURF8 the pmperty of Christopher hbrary morning on, aid late of goos ep frutu the hasem*nt to the The 1 collection of in oment, together with very extensive cellaring, langeitach, Van de Vekte, Ever ungen, reception moss of Spaniels borE, Mignon, Vermealen, R. good taste, and the mansion ottel tra to of by 44. Romper, E.A.: D. Garrick requiretuenta suited for the of a nobleman.

arautla, by T. Gainsborouch, K.A. a View in Buffoik, by not only mutable for the residence of person a enliection of old Duren 4 is partieslarly eigibie for a joint stoca bans, insur from Irelaor, and a good copies from celebrated other club bail tine, while to sentlemen 0'd breaden sort serres Porcelain. the praision unequalled, and, fil Miniatures, ADd nivjecta, revival frota Immediate po-arsion, the larze nataliy Decemar and other int-tratt, in or let to procuro in CHRISTIE, MANSON, and thoroughfare as P'ali-mell, will be saved. The respectfully give nose that they will SELL by ty cart.

obtaine 1 of M-sra Rash worth, their great King-trees, Jamies' Co. l'articulara, with conditions of male, mar shortly he April 1h, 1 precisely colle dirt of PORCELAIN Mesara, Nichnil atri Newman, Howard street, MENTAL ON3 received from Rasta, comprising carra, Bell am. solicitors, Lincoln's and deutes, Berlin, sol Vieona of the auctioneers, 22, Barie row, and 19, Change: V. clock, parquet tie miniatures, bronzes, Jair, siAo solDer chuice specimen of 014 Worcester, Town Reddener, in English porceiain, May be and An elegant decorative repair, With Cation in the rear, Ancient and Modern Pictures good ie to a tenant the whole bald MESS CHRISTIE, MANSON, and from the Marquis of Westminster, at a ground- cive notice Shat they will BELL by ABBOTT, and Co. are crest Ronin, King-atreet, St, James asquare, on by Executors to HELL by A theu great 14, ac 1 o'clock a raluahje: afterbiage as ancient on W.

nest, April at 1 for 1 PICTURES from dietent valuatie LEASK of the compact and well-plannel ing May be viewed engravings, two days and due enpy and of Liber Bing nine tiro arawing moods (cum- preceding, estalogans had. bing and mot usue Colie-tion of Ancient and Modern Pictures. a ani giarl The Furniture PHILLIPS and SON are by valuation. su-reby suording the of purchaser of the AUCTION, at their great Rooms, MESSES, opportunity alter of entering into ad furnisbal 10 tall street, To-morrow. sth April, As 1 o'clock proceely, which, the taster 14054 May be be view tr Mea-ta ancient and modern PICTURE, of the Italian, Spanish, Abbott, with and On, particulars, 24, Pavile may tow, Regent- obtuned treet, of and la, French and schools, including reveral interesting Particulars be Sir Goifrer by Urine, Etty, Cooper, Corabill.

may also of Me-sTa, others be viewed, and solvatora, 8, Howard-atreet, Strand. catalogues bar, Newman, Freehold Un View. Furniture, Pianofortes, Glasses, sites, Westminster. valuatie ahout 33,000 feet. removed from several private Highly Land.

finportant which occupies plot, an area of the Westminster PHILLIPS and SON are West.minster corner Palace opposite Hotal, to of the hailding by AUCTION, at the one their great Rooms, 73, New obtained, and will be sold as a bode or The on Wetnesday, 9th April, and uning das, of toe land frontage of about 240 feet to Tut- blage of wod-ra FURNITURE, including draw at 1 precisely with depth of occupres are ut a 240 fort. amt a recurn corner front- richly sh*t and in walnut wool covered in sik, marqueterie Dartmouth and will he sold as a whole or in cincas, chimney and and china, glasses, in picuures suites in and mahogany drawings, and BUSHWORTH, ABBOTT, and Co. hall 10 oak, Rrus-els ani other carpets, lustructel by the Trirectors of the PROPERTY Metropolitan fOr Distriet pianoforte, a sue of ave Indian jars, framed encravings, offer the above FREEHOLD SALE, opon imo bedsteals, walnut wood, term. Particulars may be itan; octed as moles, chests of drasers, wast ani dress ng tables, oedding, biren, Regent-street, dressers, coppers, china and class. May be viewed the Engible Landed pruducing au income of the sale and catalogues thee had.

2140 per annum. Ancient ani modern Pictures, RUSHWORTH. ABBOTT, and Co. ESSRS. PHILLIPS and SON are KUCOn to HELL, oDe about lot, FREEHOLD frute AUCTION.

at the great Rooms, desirable as Charison Farm, a mile an 1 1 1 1 1 a haif the street, 00 Tuesday, April, at 1 precisely, market-town of An -oF-t, comprisine a with of ANCIENT PICTURES, includinz works ten costages, and abont 534, 1r. 38p. Corezgia, by arabie land, let upon -ease ant part -eptember, lo75, alesara, at the wor Tea et4 alas paintings ug Paxi, K.A.. Hart, Domenichino, Guardi, Gueruino, £140 per annuin. Prion and outars R.

IR.A.., and ofuers, Mag be viewed and catalogues bad of and 24, carile-ow, E. C. Coding the sale. Wine Merchant's Collars, with gronad door odices, Old Engli China, Tapenry, and Decorative opposite the Rezcut-strees branch the PHILLIPS and SON are of Loudou. and Co.

will BELL by 24tn AUCTION, April, as and their great Rooms, WORTH, Slart, near ABBOTT, the Bank of England, surest, day, on of OLD foiinwing ENGLINA das, as 1 by AUCTION. a coilectius April CELLA for with of and extensive Chelsea igures soil groups, Wurcenter cups and 2. very sampling, washing, hosting in transter, Derby vases, Wedgwood and Ground-door (Alices, sampies of she Kindlish factories collection of frontage King-stront, cask entrance from treen and Oriental vases, jars, ipsan-t ngures and to la the rear. The whole hall at a very low reut, with evilection of Oriental ArIA, chi Italian and French Particulars, Abbott, with carde 22, 10 view, Harte-row, may be obtained of fine pieces of Gobelina tapestry, way and M. 14, Change- or-toula cous table, and other decorative Particulars also be had of H.

w. Jackson, bel, the day preceding sue sale, and catalogues thou had. property. W.0. A in Valuable Jewels, Plata, Platoi Ware, and Ant que Laos, pergarden, head for 847 years at 4.10 per PHILLIPS of a lady and decease.

SON vita oll. RUSHWORTH, ABBOTT, and Co. will MESSRS, are AUCTION, at their great Rooms, by on AUCTION, at the Mart, Tozenhou e-fard, pear the a diunood head ornament, a brunch ass a street, on Thursiar, Lat way, at o'clock precisely Enslaal, April an be bracelets, locke-4, set with azade by private creatyi, sue above LEASEHULD emeruda, gobi watches and chains, alver aishes, rabios, from ita open, airy, and central positinn, ant the tea and cotton services, waiters, bread which the spot, te reil adaptel fur a professional or plated and small of valuable honkers, acientide, or melical instit the day ware, a the sale quantity catalogues then oil had. been expendet in repairs and improvementa, aud oceupation witsout further outlas: i6 contains Shree roofs Valuable French and English Furniture, the property four servants bed routs above, good domestic otices, PHILLIPS and SON are rear. May be level with caris, which, with particulars, AUCTION, their great Rooms, 73, New of Mesara, Ituahworth, Abbott, aDd 22.

Savile-row. ou 7th May, a 1 d'elock precisely, valuable Change-alies, E.U, Particulars may also be had of George and ENGLISH PURSITURE, conelating of bual solicitor, Verulani-buil-lings, and as the cabinets and tables, carved ask bookcases, satinwood tables, Japan chests, china chandeliers old Italian A modern Freehold Residence, situate as perty of May be riewed, and catalogues ferta, with lawn, dower, fruit, aud vegetable gardens, preceding the wvela possession. Col'eetion of framed engraving, the property of a RUSHWORTH, ABBOTT, and Co. PHILLIPS and SON are by AUCTION, as the Mart, Tokeubouse-gard, bear LAELL by AUCTION. at their great Rooma, 13, England, on at 1 for 3 o' clack on Friday.

94h May, at 1 o'clock precisely, a onlioction genteel HEEHOLD RESIDENCE, desirably stual ENGRAVINGS, including old French and Anglish commanding deliantfui views over great ex papi lug after Stulba, political pr ats and lawn, flower, fruit, and vegrianio ganiens, enacn-house, Canaletti, Herg, Landsect, Van Mortimer, the whole nt for immediate May be viewed, Strange, Willa, lyck, May be viewed which, with part culara, may be obtained of Means, Bush- the sale, sud catalogues then and 22, 19, Changeralley, K.0. The Theological ani Miscellaneous Library of late may also he had of G. F. a peticer, solicitor, Vert- rison, B.D, Gray's-inn, and at the King's Clareudon lead Hotel, Hotel, Watford PUTTICK and SIMPSON as the Freehold Win with readence, ganien, orchard. Apr 8, and two in sowing daga, House, as lu minutes part 1 AUUFIOS, as their outbuildings, and three Cottages, with gardens, desirably of including the the ingical and library of the late Her.

Mienael Harrison, Rector by Mart, near the Veritatis, 3 -Chronicles of Logland, orland, RUSHWORTH, ABBOTT, and Co. will ford, comprising (logarta's Works, hf on Weinonias, April 2nd, at fur 2 clues ore- Aroid, Hall, Holin-bed, lot, a FREEHOLD with miller's residence, edited by Dudin, Donce, R. lis, garden, sad orchani, from by a 4.03 al 3 rola, History also Three Freshe Cottages, with of Antiquities, 10 freigoii on the The whole let ou loam to Mr. Hills till Lang 1888, at a Origins. 9 amountine to 2A8 per sonu abun Parker Pub ications, voia.

advantages at the termination of she present matical 4 -Hehrew Llierature- Works relating with of the tenant, and particulars obtained babi's Acts of tae Governor of Kush worth, Abbott, and Co. 22. auu La, Dud's History of the Sanrattas, 3 voia. H. H.

W. d. Spencer, 3, Verniam-build- Watson and Kaye's Photographic of -inn, W.0.; at the Clarendon Hotel, Watford al she Bell India, 4 vols a small Medical Library, be. Catalogues Bushes-heatb, and the King's Heal Hotel, two stamps, Kennington-park. -Four genteel Residences io Anensta-terrace, Autograph Letters, all well teuanted, belt for 77 at grounD PUTTICK and SIMPSON prosenting a RUSHWORTH, desirable fu vestment.

by AUCTION, at their Horse, 47, Laterster-aguare, ABBOTT, and Co. are April a collection of ty the Trustees under the will os Mra, boss, deccared, Dent personages, including several searce and interesting AUCTION, at the Mart, near the Hank Catalogues on recaps of twi stamps, op We me doz, April Bird, at I for 2, in one lot, PROCERTY, compr sine 3, 4, 5, ann 6, Augusta- Works on PUTTICK Architerture, and Art, and Decoration. poar Caruherweil New. SIMPSON near No. 3 is for the whole at their 47, Letooster-aquarr, Cd.

per Nos. 4, 5, and 6 are les to April 22, aud tollewing day, en optuous Wok KS rents amounting to 276 per the whole held fearis TURK, Art, and in han-taome one bindings, at £13 jus. per aonom. 4y be rietred with Arts 4 three copies tho teuants and particulars bad at the Mart: of Messes. thodique da du iVe au XiXe Art cops, 12, W.

U. croperlie de L'art Industrielle et LA coratif, 11 vola, three Kuabworth, Abbot, and 22, cavile row, and bouts rogues 'Architectur, 2 vola, 1007 Change-alley, C. parise d' Arch. testure, 13 Pula, three copies--Forster, capital Remience, Architecture, de Monuments Sculpture et Anciena de et Modernes, 4 held direct from Lord Portinan, for an unes pied Gaithabsud, Tula, gears from 24th June, 1673 at a peppercorn de par an Gouther, Biers, drillon J. et Tartien, occupation or in vestment, teuture Architecture Midi de par la RUSHWORTH, Komaine du 3 ABBOTT, and Co.

et 8 3 Histotre de by as the commalious Mart, on Weinnsdas, A prit 30, Xe an Vle 2 7 comes -Coste, BELL AUCTION, situate No, 40, a Gloucester-place, at the corner of desirable -street, REal- la 8 a Perve, pies 2 copies -Labarte, Habach, Histore des Moonmenta Arses de Industries I' cluck, fu one lot, and very de walk Metropolitan from Railway Regent'-park and and near to Baker-street Sta- 6 2 copies- de Penture et de Sculpture, tienne, of the purchase. the house contains two flours of hed Palais 2 2 posesion may Narjaouz, Arch tecure Communale, 11 copiessod dres-ing rooms, with a stone staircase to the stors, d'Anet, 4 copies-Sie', Put Faita des copies -Monographie reception rooms, dining room, Ibrary To yehrome-Pignet, Ornemeniatton doors, sud ent venient doruestic The stating, which Tina den Quartres Footer, 5 a yearly tenant at 220 per situate in spring- d'Architecture el dos Travaus Publica, 28 vola. rear of he obtained Gloucester-place. of the Mar be auctioneers, viewed by carde, which. W.

tectural France, 2 5 copies- canvageot, may K.C. 22, Hotels 440 Maisons de 4 9 copies- Vie W. alley. Smith, may likewi-e be bard of tonpaire de on Xle Particulars B. solicitors, 1, equare, par R.

Viollet-le-Due, in 12 -The spacious and elegant Town Mansion of de Notre Daine de Paris, 5 deceased, with cavital stabling, and other beers tula, 9 cupies besjardin's Monographie ue niquirements for a family of po-ition, being ad the northern end de Lyon, 5 Eavres, 3 copierattracure the rough fate, and close to Regent's-park. par 40 5 de Napes, KUSHWORTH, ABBOTT, and Co. are el Fontaine, Maisons de Plaisance de instructed by the Krecutors to SELL by AUUTION, the de Par 4, 3 rois, 5 copies. Cadoria, D. Tokeuhouse-yard, ear in May, the abore elegant MANsION, Ornato in Terra Outta, copies- Costumes, unexpired term of 32 years, at a very low ground-ront.

16 Modernes, 2 vol4, 5 copies; and numerous other tine the upper story six bed rooms, bath room, and water- subjecta. on receipt of two stamps, the second story two large bed rooms, a ruom, and The Musical Library of the late Thomas on sculptured the drst marble story too elugant and spacious drawing the Madrigal Society. Oliphant, hall and vestibule, with chimney toner pieces doors, a on front the PUTTICK and SIMPSON dining FOO.D, and water-cloat, and abrary, as the and a AUCTION, at their House, 41, the corridor is a hilitari room, w4b over. I April 24, an I solioning das. the principal stone staircase to the recond sturs, and of the late Thomas Oliphans, Hon.

Sec. of the staircase trom the basem*nt to the and there Anthot of La Muss enmpricing neeful cupbnar a and closets throuthous the house. antiquarian and miscellaneous, raze aud bees are convenietly posers of the 16th and 17th censures remainder of establishment. The stabling, adequare to the Madrigalesca, 494 copies, in cloth, of a gentleman's of the residence, and communicates therewith, consiste of Bal, contemporary tranccripta, so. on loft over.

May he viewed by canta only (alter the 15th Music Plates and Copyrights, the property of the and two hot double carriage-bouse, wi'h dwelling obtainel or the auctioneers, 22, Harpie-ron, Regent-street, Change-alley, also F.C., be of whom printed partieniar may PUTTICK and SIMPSON Particulars may had of Robert Skeet, solicitor, MESS AUCTION, as their House, 47, Leicester Sousn-square, Gray'e-inn, W.0. Saturdas, April 25, an of about 2,000 James bequare. -The excellent Purniture, pictures, the proporty of the late Thomas Keq, St. old china, clocks and ornaments, plate and plated valuable coprright works by J. la Hation, cellar of cuoice wines, baruch, brougham apd other known emineus composers, Catalogues of recepe of etrecta of the Dowager Lady Adair, derease.

RUSHWORTH, ABBOTT, and Co. are Miscellaneous Books, faciading deceased, the Libraries of directe! by the 10 NELL in AUCTION, at toe ManMay 74 and Monday and Turedas, the 26ta ESSKS. HODGSON will SELL by the abuse valuate AF Pr.OTS, of which a more detailed ad- their Rooms, 115, W.0. will appear. -22, d4 rile-row, Abd 19, Change-alley, k.C, Tucslas.

April 6, ani following das, at 1 o'clock, MIs including the libraries of tiro Capital Lesarhold Business Premises, odering an ex- prising Anch at sod molern the sermons, discourses cellent opportunity fur investment ur occupation, of eminent divines, standard works in history, the RICHARDSON and Co. will poetry, the drama, and fiction, classics an-1 ty at the Mart, Tokenhouse-gard, R. onaries, lexicons, and To be viewed, April at 2 o'clock precisels, a valuable LEASEHOLD bad. Sorting-bill, (with sitnate and being Modern Books sod Stationers, Stereo and Copper hoy, Clarendon-ros4, with plate-grass front, shop comuna. ng drawing handsome HODGSON will SELL rooms kitchen, scui.

ers. large store collars, sod yard their Room, 115, Chancery-lane, parlour, by It entrance. Held on lease for long term, at a moderate ground- April 144, 1 o'clock, thousand several the estimated value of £65 per annum. May I be viewed, BOOKA including 460 The Inquisition in and conditions of sale obtained of Frank Sv0. -335 Bro History of the Tractarian and Sadler.

25, of Mr. Lora Asherstone's Nineteh, 1 vola. 350 Photo, me 3, Union-terrace, Notting-hill, W. the Mart; on the Robert Blake, 3 volt -156 in the Struggle, 3 sod at the auctioneers' 28, Golden square, Regeut- sober of Liam, port bra -The Remainders of Smart's ani other The an woodblocks tozoa, 2 volA, nugai 8m, the and London. Lease of extenetve Business Premises.

-Carter's Medals of the Iritiso Army. 3 WALTER RICHARDSON and Co. are Botanical Dictjonary, top. -the with instructions to SAL.L by AUOTION, at the Mart, Church, Views ani Plans of Ed Lonion, se. D.C., on Tuesdas.

Artil 221, 1873, 2 o'clock pre compatara note paper and envelopes, scenaut books, BENEFICIAL LEASE, producing 4 prodt reutal of about bags and and a varicty of usclul aou and ampis secured 10 in ling businas preunises, be riesed, and catalogues ce situate warehouses, rooms, ME. ample Dunssao's Suffolz and Norfolk. Pretiminary Notice of spacions Hals larage, Tower-street, E. C. sod Held en veinz lease 17 ant for term of which ENNY Farms, part of she ball years arb unexpired, at the low reut of £235 104, and SMITH and GEORGE per responsible tenants at inadequate amounting in the vino are jointly concerned, to £534 per annum.

Mag he viewed by permission of the with instructions from Sir I. A. Shatter particalars and conditions of obtained of Meters. mis to Public AUCTIoN, in lots, the Rampant Wiga, Gurnes, and King, solicitors, 50, Lombard street, F.C.: Norwich, eariz in July nest, 13 exceedinely dearable Keros. 4, Mars-at-Hill, the and at the prisinz in the eboie krem, aud varying in size ottoes, 28, square, Regent street, W.

downwards, principally freehold, with god situate fur marker and rajiway apd small villas Eligible Building Land, anitable for the Michaelmas Dest. The above are well deserving Freehold or cottages, much required in this neighbourhond, persona desiring to eister for investment of the number of works, Abo a Free- Parther with pisas will be of perarpum, secured on a cottage situate and may he obtained of Harteup and £: sin land. Bell and steward, ES8RS. WALTER RICHARDSON and Co Nichoil and Newman, Howard street, Strand, SELL by AUCTION, at the Suffolk FREEHOLD at precisely, in PLOTS Hale worth, and of Mr. Durrast, Harlestoo, Wallis road and having important fron- Falushie long Leasehold BUILDISG LAND, aureet, White Post-lane, Hackney- pation.

Estate, for the within North a few London minuted and walk Great of Eastern and Also railway ROBERT has been Ground-rept of £4 10a, per annum, amply on instructiona the Proprietor, who la leaving Pelstead-street aforesaid, May be viewed, And particulars and BELL by AUCTION, on Thursday, April 10, 1873, at of sale, with plans, obtalnd of Frank Richardson Auction Tokenhouse-jard (unless solicitors, 25, Golden square, of Henry Barton, riously at the Morpeth Castle, RESIDENCE, with larse garden, known Victoria-part: and as the offices, 28, Goiden-equare, part-road, South Hackney. bed The precises are of the first door Are capital chambers, bath and water closes; on the ground door a poble drawing Stanwick and Raunda ABBOTT is to library, large dining room, F. S. instructed by the Devisees in entrance ball apprusched by atone under the will of the late George Eland, decos to Inner basem*nt AUCTION, at the White Hart Hotel, in Thrapston, on Tues Adjoining a capital with May. 5 6 o'cluck in the evening, io one lot, a two in the turret.

In the desirable FREEHOLD and in smala part OOFYHOLD with la sod large dated with ng comprising highly productive farm ot 192 kitchen the with high with farm-house, yarda, and residence suitable stanwick Farm, which in intersected br a parish fatalis. The property is well drainei and in within three miles of Higham Railway for 80 gears from 1560, at the miles trom Raunda Atation os the Midland and of 413 The above worthy the oscujation of Mr. Nichole pearly tenant, The whole tithe Iquicine a detached famaty resileuce, freehold, except about 13 acres, which are of the with fu every supply to tuar but the flue being small and certain value within the station to freehold, The land-44x on part has been bee, and ten Atarion, North may be viewed, and particulars, with plan and conditions of ompibuses also ten minutes to the aty, in of preparation, and, when ready, mar be ob- aug day to the by only. ParticniarA, Messrs. Palmer, Eland, and solicitors, 4, of N.

Steinters, London, W.0., or of the auctioneer. ThranatoD Mart: and 94. Curiosities from Remit of Sale. TR MARSH begs to notify to the numernas appliWOODS canta for the particulars of his sales at the Gaithall AUCTION, at on Thursday last, April 1 that out of the 20 Inta offered by bin DAY, Apni 7 only following PROPERTIES UNSOLD, may now he treatei for lacquer wort, FREEHOLD HOUSE 50, Brith LRASEHOLD TWO LEASEHOLD HOUSER Particulars of which may be obtained at 54. WOODS Ground-reata.

AUCTION. R. MARSH begs to announce that the FREE. HOLD GROUND to annum, apon' in beina portion of some odernd to NOT SOLD, crested for Privately. after Apply at Mr.

Marsh's auction, catato, and surveying 54, bot-street. 4.C. Periodical Sale of Be vermora Annuities, WOODS May AUCTION, at MARSH will include in his Monthly Periodical appointed place as the Guibihail Code and May 1, 12, LIFE INTEREST of a seatleman, Agr 30. it £342 per annum, arsing from £4,860 13, 21, India Five V.n Dales Cert, Block, standing in the names of alan a Poliez Grena of Assurance for in the University Life Society, also of the gentleman, Particulars may he obtained and Gentleman Maddos mabcitors, J. Constable, Mario's 54, Pictures, Periotical Pale of Policies, for pictures MARSH will inctude in his next Monthly Ornamental Periortical appointed to take Gafidhall boner, ou lat, the AR-OLUTE REVERSION WOODS about being a of the of AUCTION, Highgate, of three residences 14, and of in the of Katian4, and £1,34 Three Dralen Part of the sum 21,600 receivable a life porcelain, Lords ot 54, and she on of a life of 65 carvinas in may ne obtained Grabs Marsh, and other No.

and March's bad. No. 54, Cannoo-street, Kind a ani WOODS on the Brandon in and abous and AUCTION, of to the Cattle and to the Goods Stations Thursday, April the Great London ad sunders of she with prearasing eliginis water-colour draw- fur the erectiva of Studioram. mode: dwellings for the sing clanens, which in great a this R. MARSH will SELL by Aprf: 17th, AUCTION, 14 for 1, the instructed to fouo a on VIA at a valuabie 73 New onijectiua Bood- of 1.

The of PREMISEN, a too horses, stabling, an area of 16,500 feet, of as Low a Cattle Du ch, and portraits al 2453 per annum. by 2. (Wish eliginie BUILDING SITE of Moriant, and 500 fees with of 100 10 and brier bandings thereon, recently usel as a soap tactory and wheelCarpets, and wright's METAL SMELTER'S WORKS In Pie instructed to per annet. font-street, 4. A INCOME of 250 per annum, by esch on maintantial castle she is and stable in ine-room Los S.

A of £13 14, per annum, on Nos. 1, 2, and cabineta, and varnish factory in the rear. curtains, A RENT of £10 on four cottages sod stabling os thrary sod In 13ft. Los A GROUND-RENT of £15 annum, on two brass cottages, in Brandon and pine sard- Los 8. A GROUND RENT of pet annum on Nos.

1 to kitenen Aibert-tetrace, Yort-read. day preceding May be by permission of the tenants, and particalars of asle obtained of Richard 8. Taylor and Son, rolleitors, Fieldcourt, and at Me. Marsh' a offices, 54, Cal 2. instructed to desirable detached Rest producing 13, New Bond- together Elis per annum, R.

MARSH will SELL by AUCTION, the Andres del Harto, Gaiuthall Coder 00 Thurstar, April 46 14, in Jan Stern, the TWO Cetacbei REST tuate on the Moss, distinguished Lack lands and Marios-bone, within the day pre- Blackheata And let respectively Elle sod £105 per held fut lone Furniture. May be viewed by arda only, to be had of the an and instructed to outainet of Meters, Hooker, sud 73, New 28. Bu EC. and at Mr. Marab's offices.

precisely Old Kent-taul, are minutes' walk from the Grand CHINA, including Freehold Steam flour Mill, for occupation or ssacers painted onler of the Esecutor. and other MARSH will SELL by AUOTION, Serren, Dresden, Gulltuall on Thursias, April 24, at 12, the croups, 4 valuable BOLD PROP the 84 James Milla, 84. James furniture, several street, liatcha near the Old Kent-road, brick-built mill tables. a steel and of four doors, fitted with three pairs French atones, dressing machine, Nay be viewed shafting, and gear, and steam engine of power, also manager's bouse adjotaing, and granary. in the of most the property tenants ou lesso st Uhriatmas pest, be viewed by permission, and particulars of sale obtained of Mason and instructed to hall, solicitors, 14, W.

U. of Mr, A. H. English, collettor, 73, New on4- No. 4, Bath and ad Mr.

Marsh's valuable JEW KIA, W. Jons Leasehold Re produebracelet, ins per snout, sapphires and TR MARSH will SELL by AUCTION, at the caps, Guildhall house, on Thursday, April 24, at 12, the capital RESIDENCE Useleg-agnare, occupying a most cenMay be riewed tral pontion, and conveniently staste for ea with all parts of Louden sow let as 266 per annum, and bold for long term at a low of a gentleman. grouni-rent, may shortly be obtained of Bailey, instructed to star, and Bailer, Berners-street, and Sir. Marsh's odious, 54, Cannon street OLD FRENCIL corner of Air-street, -Very commanding, extenaire, and and marqueterie Important Leasehold Business Premises (wish tables work, and the side- R. will SELL by AUCTION, at the Galkdhall on Thursday, April 34, at 12 for 1, the had two very substantial LEASEHOLD BUSINESS in the occupation of Mr.

being No, Piccadilly, vita gentleman. frontage of de ft, and 4 return frontage of 51 ft. 6 inches to instructed to Air- within few foot of and 88. The New Bond-street, premises are in most substantial repair, and enmprise 13 rooms on tne of FRAMED upper doors, for the moss part of gout size proportioned, portraits, sport- baring a capital, private entrance fruin and very others after ariapted for a bank, insurance office, or publie and on she Opie, Rubens, dilay ground and a spacious shop with position la front to two days pro- Airstreet, occupying a prominent thoroughfare: the basem*nt con suets of the ottiors and estenMichael Har- ceilarage. Held on lease for su of about 18 years, as a rentai of 8660 per May be viewed by cards only, ticulars of sale outained of James Warner, solicitor, 4, Northwill SELL by ba: Fingburz-arcus, and as Mr.

Marsh's offices, 54, CanW.C., To U. o'clock miscellaneous The valuable Adrosson of St. of the valve of steeple Lang £400 and per aunum, with prospect of a Liber fucream ani Ireland, by R. MARSH will SELL by AUCTION, at the and Rastell, Gafidhall on Thurvaj, April 24, at 12, the Britaonia, 2 of the of Of. La Tue ot Surrey, churen was bails about 50 rears ago, under a Act of Parilament, steam Angie, the income from wipeD he on average of the last few fears at between £400 and 5500, which may -Scarce Mathe- the church in onute rateri, and enjoys the privito India-1 bar loge of war ying from all parta of the town there a India, attac el, and the of shoroughly secured.

Worka 13 rois, Parsiculars tale may be obtained or Meters, Hughes, Hooker, the P'eople or solicitors and at Mr. Marsu's 0o receips of others, 54, Cabana street. Book, neat in the county of Surrey. Property, cotuprising capital family residence, and will SELL of land. wit LEITEEN of etui- poise thas the above PROPERTY has beg NUT been DISPOSED W.C.

on VILKINSON and HORNE to inform the examples, 07, and st il for dale by Prato Treaty Pull particulars may be hai at sheir uttces, 7, Poultry, and 37, 31, Capital Town Residence. will SELL and HORNY will SELL by AUC W. 0., on Tues. TION. at the Mart, on Friday, April 18h, st 1a for 1 on A IT tie capital Du.

94, comprising Les with possession in nest. 18 contains seten bed touts Iconographie ed Mi- and dressing ronal, romas, dining tour, Excy. and good dun estic Heid direct thebuke os Portland for -ba an ques piro terms of 32 pears, the low group of 410 pet anDum, Part. of 19 and Harries, soliMonuments Nicholarlane, and of the auctioneers, l'Alletuague, 8 No. 7, Choir d' 3 Archi- Lower Lesseboki 4 vols, Revort, ment, producing a nets prods rental of 2.

17 per annuta. 6 copies -Her- and HORNS are instructed to puss* by at the Mart, on Friday, April 49th, Monument Modernes for 1, the LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, 2, Loser Brood-street, GroeArchitecture venor-square, cumprising the capital business with private an Mosen Age, reudence, vita the estenaive the 10 10 copies frontage to Haunch of No. 24 Lower Mon- graphie hend upon lease fut a of 30 year, and the in llaunch af du Chatean Venison for 53 sears, and the ebole as a teasal Racinet, of £317 per Particulars of Wild, Barter, and Moderne, 2 cupics- stroese, anticitors, Fronmonger-lane, Cheapside; and of the sue. Ponitry, 37, L'Art ArchiPalais, Kew. -A Pair of elegant semi-detached Villas, knosa an 3 and 4, des delighstully situate close and sho su le Station, from enich numero is trains Murales den Cha.

all parts of the The bowing contain Egitses es hourgs datiou tor mo tong terma, families, low and have good Ther Hotel de Vtile are beld on lease tor as ground rents, are les to dratGenie Industriel, clans tenants very mo rentais, to £130 per an3 copies- Perciet num, and preset a capital leasehold my des TILKINSOS and HORNE will SELL the above Architetturs di destanle PROPERTY by AUCTION, at the Mart. Tokenhoute Anciennes et on April at 1 for 3 o'clock. may be wurks on kindred had as their offices, 7. Poultry, an I 37, Bucklersbury. Soreco1 a The very valuable and beautiful Freehold Residential Ron.

Sec, Estate, knows as Lodes, most charmingly situate to Crownlane on the summit of a fee minutes walk will SELL from the Norwood 1 ou she Crystal Palace Lise, and within co, bear's by road of the city sod 16 comprises a comfortable tesidence, agreeable distance fruth Madrigal Sue.ety, and surrounded by disposed and printe! muss pleasure grounds, and every tut a moterte, by 00g- position I stabling and farmery, good garden, La ani meadow land, the whor* ny shrubbury waiss and pianpt musis, Mtiona, and comp ring nearly eight acres, of Lout and HORNE are instructed to offer fut as Mart, in May, the above late Thomas Oli- escoelingly valuable and PROPERTY, wItS the advantage or immediate A Getalled will SELL will appear week. -7, Poultry, and 37, Buckersinry. W.C, Sorord, en the summit of Stress ham-common, Very Free. MUsic hold Karates, with bichig important Reversions, sod foseveral Vestments of the anadest sod other wail- and are instructed to offer two stamps MALE, as the Mart, in May, in severa: loss, a very clergymen, FRERHOLD PROPERTY, comprising ate here pleasure situate in Crowt-laneun toe F. Leaf, others.

exceeuiasly beautitai resides AUCTION, grounds road, sanan and end), on acres of boudine land in the in the ELLAS LOUS A quiter, Tue elates are now merely decease. vat the e3 of the losses in 1910 Sue parand lectures chasers will he entitled to the rack rentals, which are estiarta and die- mated at over anonta. A more advertisem*nt, and setting out she male of lotting this very important property, ape catalogues pear si 1000 a the surrey has beeu cos pieted. -1, Poultry, and 37, Bucktersburs. Plates Ac.

Nor important Piet of Bailing Land AUCTION, the corner of Cross-lane, and Knight I baring ices-stree ent), ou frontages thereto, and forming one os the huess sites in toe neighbourof 4.004 for the of -100 and HORSE are instructed to offer vola. 810. for the in Mag, the Moterarul, 3 290 valuable FREEHOLD BUILDINGILAND. particulars above vola 300 The Pre 4pyear shortly. --1, Poultry, and 37, Bucklersbury.

of The London -To Connoisseurs, CoP Coppers of Baller's of Ansqutien, and vola, Britte's H. C. COOPER, AUCTION, being favoured with instructions, Kedcitne vi in the sarge Moom of London The stationery Taters, on Wednestay, the 7th of April, at 1 o'clock, exact sima, Intels without resette, W. FURTION of the and laucy 10 ated A. Gaie, of Kennir gion-park, together with a 23 valuable out- a etiy property Paris of li.

A. 16,, art as to ture Eataia. Majoir0o, ute-on, grand work DURRANT, of at ctly ransfor a ditto by Bull Life, from formerly the of to Dr, Gob Frederick She that they Great, by of she Duke of by Adair, to sub- Pastural Subjuct, by and valuable productions Horse Hotel, masters a collection of water by from 200 1001- proof selectiona of Leaden, FARMS abd acre Oriental caina, Florentine and pietra dura rate and bomesteads, and well brute groups and dre-dogs, or-moala, marble, and bronse costly with the attention cincka, bronze carved ivory a quaosity of or occupation. of and effecta. On vies, the by 8th, cards, on Moorlag (tala day), isened 11 ciock and 10-g anti time of in due time, the solicitors, London Bangay: or post on applicasion to the auctioneer, as the toteitor, London Central Auction Mari, 14 Upper St.

W.0. Captain Lenny and Smite, To Private Gentlemen, Builders, Ironmongers, and Important Norfolk. Sale of the varied and extensive Lundon stock the investment of tr afounders, Morgan, Macaules, ant Walde, of Bother. ham, sho hare decided to relloquiah the of stock iu favoured with stock addition includes many general handsome items, and will articies of domestic from to noblemen the and gentlemen be fount sell worthy 1 for England, mantelpieces, of some of the stover, marble coal mantel clocks, oder and being most anique ta desigo and strikingly beantiful in detached FAMILY and fisted, Turret-lodge, containing Victoria- to 888RS. SELL by HARMAN of the and KERR are instructed room, store closet, 11 in 13 the city of London, Apeli and followias premises, 61, Cheapattchen, opening for o'clock day, stole of Mess.

Morgan and STUCK (of with lobby Bouge Black, Vert de statuary, and cellars, other handsome Bianepierre, man's stoves of chimney large and of some of valuable clocks and low crani of city stoves ranges, chose ire re tables, iron of the coll May Loodes by the on the from and promises the 19th of of Detailed All A On Vies. -135 Pictures by the of the Ker. R. C. Kerrich, of which shese pictures at father the in the of AUCTION, FUSTER on Wedneslag respectfully announce by direction of the nest, the the April, as 1 for SALE precisely, by of PICTURE, consistinz of remaining portina of a large and and Pieres Tapestry of the 16th Century.

Un view, and choice the some Books, Lustrated Works, siso Library of a FOSTER as the Gallery, respectfully announce by Pall-mail, on for De the 10th Lio elock mostig in hambome he of of 5 5 am's Birds, London's 5 vola. in's on: Histoire and the d'Heures de la de Turner de Florence Piet, on vellum Repoolis's by 8. is and Fable Worts, Monastics 8 and Cum Sash's H. 8. 9 Political modern a FOSTER respectfully sanounce for by AUCTION, at the Gallery, 84 Pail-mail, on Zid April, o'clock ENGLISH PICTURES COLOUR popular artiste including, the drawings Barrett Dunes Gaido Bach G.

O. R. Beans Birket W. William Hunt Cavid Cos Unpleg Meldine 1. Cattermole J.D.

Joan 1 Davidson P. de Wins 8. J. D. 1 vorts by a of the engraved of E.

Barnes; and works Muller George Smith Len Brideil P. F. Pools, J. 804 R.A C. J.

4. O. Blandeld, On vi a 1. the anetion. forwarded on to Poster, 54, of a lady of Sigh FOSTER the respectfully announce for SALE by AUCTION, at Gail 54, on Apr and following at 1 of an which, for a collection, la one of the most has by publie suction for (procured from time Loados on the continent) are of 1 ship, taste, quality.

They consist of a full Court mit, brunch, and pair of earrings of cabochon formatia sud large a brilliant on les necklace (very entirely of Swo emeralda, Another in and in fine pink coral, a pair of al pearl and diamond ine stars, graduated and either hair pins, or brooches, a brilliant pearl of brill with an im of very Hunt and a double scent-bottle pearl necklace. marquise ad other diamond and enamel pocket mirror, and other with a Aiso old point, poins sad Brussels onetly parasols, three beantital The place on the cation to Foster, 54, Pall-mail. Jewels, a portion the of a lady: superb Pierre clock ad pair of candelabra, raluable high, the property of Prince Bonaparte, and other by A POSTER 44 the Gallery, respectfully 84 Pall-mall, announce on for the 24n and after the of laces, mentioned to the NECKLACE sod of very large Sue and diamond a roues of five beautiful stars, a ruby and tartly of esquiste a of diam emeralda, sod sapphires, bronch of fine, satal pearls, sod diamonds, diamond necklace vita 2 diamond cross, aigrette, Oriental a bracelet with large diamonda and diamood pendant with splendid biack pearl drop, very doe opal Also 4 gold minute chronomet must perfect by Charles a valuable by of Paris, splenuid clocks sad and other mail, Anetion of cholos Vintage Clareta, 3,000 and 70 dos. the property of the mainent 1 of Boord and Son, who are cisaring out one of their dutypaid collars, on to more convenient E85RS. POSTER respectfully announce for SALE by AUCTION, at the Gallery.

54, Pull-mall, on the 1 o'ciuek precisely, upwarda of 3,000 dos of choice doz. Chatean 1564 540 dos. Chatean Margant, vintage, bottled the 1868 and 153 dos. of the intage laid, and 55 dos. pinta of the same 750 das, Citran, natase 20 doz.

Panilins, pretuter Bourgeois, vintage 20 doz Chateau Coutes, 1054 hottied as desus, and 47 dos. Sauterne, Latour vintage 1861, nottiei ad the Chatean. Poster place these vibes the poblia vita the greate con duence, Boord's name being a that of the vines, dates of bottling, Sample snag be prine she sale, Catalogues ou to Me Poster, Pall-mail. el Silver Jo sellers, choice MESS AUCTION, FOSTER at the respectfully 54, announce on for SALE In at 1 o'clock precisels, direction of Administrator de and direction of a TWo or SPUONS, Forks, and otber anall Plate, also cream castors, boats, alares jug dan and otiver sidenoard and table piste; some and beautiful and antique ison, sad other too prior, when catalogues may be had. important of Modern Pictures and Water-colour Drawings, FOSTER announce for SALE lg AUCTION, the Gallery, Pall-mall, 00 7th of at 1 WATER important ENGLISH PICTURES abl DRAWING i from the estels of too respectire and from that hate been of late years dispersed, including choice works bf and ilving Royal A and esteeined palaters, and Sne exaropics of many at the members of see Water-colour Societies.

A more- descriptive abortig appear, -14, Pall-mail, Sevres Porcelain, richly with of-moula in the old French taste. An consignment direct froio Paria, for absinte sale. FOSTER respectfully announce for SALS by AUCTION, as the Gallery, 51, Pati-mail, on Fridas, the 160 at I ock, au estetaire importation of elegAnt DECIRA TIVE CHINA are bien, turnoiss, Rose du Barr, Ver: 4'Ean, and oti er oint coloursi, painted after Watteau, Butcher, dc, in the old. French taste, rioniy mounted la or mouin, consisting of a e'egaas aloe and vases, bowla, plates, coupes, sad other bighly ornamental object in taste un nea she day previous to the sale, when catalogues may be bed. -54, Besuilful Carpets, Rags, and osher tapestry art manufactures troin the Looms as Anhumson, FOSTER respectfully announce for SALE by AUCTION, the No.

31, Old on the 14th and swo following days, by direction of the an eatensive of the TAPESTRIES including carpets of all dimensions, ruga, and table covers, and anta coverings, screen other chores for ebich the looms of Aubusson date 50 long keen These tapestains, emulating the famed vorta of Gobo llos, are designed with by Wattest, Boucher and they are extensively used by the elite of and protoce a mute elegant edect in she of a rest come than can be aug other productions, On view Sataniag and dooday the Catalogues for warded o0 apP carion to Foster, 54, Pall-mall, Pall-mall. -The collection of azoendingly ine Pictures by the old masters, and some charming worts of the oders remoted from $1, property of P. L. Keerard, FOSTER respectfully announce for SALE by AUCTION, the Gallery, 54, Pall-mail, early in May, the collection of hy the old martens chased as various anctions in England and on the Contiares during past by Mr. Bretard, who has determined on edeet ng an iminaliate and sale of the whole.

in the will be several spirorid portrait, grand some gallery worts cress importanor, Interiors, 1 prenes, and other by the most celebrated musters of Flemish, Isalian, French, and English also beautiful porks, of Sue farther Jars and day of ale will to immediately give -54, Pali-aall Preliminary Freehold Gronnd Rents, abandantly mercantile premises, in that splendid thoroughfare, bouth wart-street, producing net income of 19 FOSTER respoctfully annoance for SALS by AUUTION. at the Mart, Tokenbonse-gani, Lothbery, ant the Bank of in Mar, by direction of the Metropoitian of the remaining valuable PRESHOLD GROUND modern, mercantile prem in The attention of trustee and capitalian in especially thia mily the of boi 1 other of property for permanent for, whEe Security is by any ductussione in they eugee the excitive of increwing in value by 100g a paling 00 the term of the existing leases in she rack reuta a of Further parsicuiars, vita the day of sals, mi shorsig be -M, Preliminary Notice. -To Builders, Manufacturers, and other Building Plots in South wark-street, vita Daliate E65RS. FOSTER respectfully announce for BALE by A UUTION, the Mart bury, Bank of Keg and, Mag, by direction the litan Koani of toe remaining vacant PLOT BOUND in douth presenting to builders and most opportunity erecting Den premises on own in conveniently for the wholesale trades, populanty this netropolitan are and the into clove by the on either side of fries highest standing, being the only ins urtber with the day of sale, will be of To-morrow, at 1 o' TEWSON, FARMERS ORDERS of SALE, as the Mart, To-morrow a faines L. GLAD TONE-BOT'SE, Kitham-rowd, Kent -An Rest tesica, eith of about half felt long term as a With For absolute arder of 2 CITY of 91, hoid offering a atte for the of or otherwise.

Auction and land agency offions, On view This Day. 32 Upper modern fumiture, almost new, two cottage by Allison and Allison, buhi and iniaid tables and cabineta, walnut suite covered in crimson card, and other 1 sad mats fenders, curtains, Ar and faruitore in manogans sides with in patent tahles. collection palatines, gun, a metal ed THOMPSON and WALKER viL SELL be AUCTION. on above, Agril at 13 o'clock ail the handsome FURNITURE and of a larse viewed sh*t day and morning of and as the Freebnid ESSRS. J.

J. ORGILL and SWANN that, by order will of the Tr Pabile under the With of the Mr. John Roberta, they at the London on the day of April, at 12 for 1 in four ESTATE, an of £345 by substantial from 252, tact Plot Ground, 284, and 96, The Station of amaily of capitalia by cania frona printer pa Stacey, the Hart and published FRANCIS Printer, Of in the of April 1. 1805.

The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.